The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1686 Which side has more people?

The group of rich second generations looked proudly at the onlookers in the alley, and then looked at their super sports cars. ☆\u0026`


"Come on, what's going on?"

"Damn it!"

"Damn it, who would dare!"

When this group of rich second generations saw their beloved car, they were instantly furious. The doors, front, rear, and eight cars were all kicked out with deep big feet!

"Who... who did it!"

A young man about twenty-five or six years old in black short-sleeves looked at the people angrily and said angrily.

That look could kill!

After all, the body of the Bugatti Veyron that I bought for more than 50 million Huaxia coins was kicked with such a big foot mark, just like my bride was kissed deeply on the neck by another man.

This is a man's, I can't stand it!

"You are blind, don't you see that I am here?"

Ye Rongrong said coldly.

"you wanna die!"

The young man in black short sleeves glared at Ye Rongrong and shouted angrily.

"Hehe, I'm not looking for death, I'm looking for you, you are willing to come out, I thought you would stay inside and be ten thousand years old turtles!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Who are you calling a million-year-old tortoise?"

A young man with red hair looked at Ye Rongrong angrily and cursed.

The red-haired young man couldn't stand the anger that his car was kicked like this, and he was called a "ten thousand-year-old turtle".

"It's just you guys! It's okay to park indiscriminately. If you are asked to move the car, you are better off. You stay in the house and dare not come out. It's not a ten thousand-year-old tortoise!"

"Let me tell you, it's easier to call you a turtle. According to my previous temper, I would have beaten you a long time ago!"

Ye Rongrong scolded.

Ye Rongrong was not one of the "five good youths" in the past, and he had done a lot of fighting. He knew that he couldn't be polite to such bad youths, otherwise, they would push forward and become more and more rampant.

"Boy, do you know what car you smashed? Can you accompany me?"

A middle-aged man in a white shirt stared at Ye Rongrong and said.

"You deserve to park indiscriminately, why should I pay compensation! I'll tell you, in the future, give me as far as you can go. If you dare to park indiscriminately here again, I will smash one car when I see it."

Ye Rongrong said coldly.

I had a good nap at first, but I was woken up by these super sports cars. That’s not enough. These super sports cars even parked indiscriminately, blocking the road, making the sirens of the cars in the whole alley keep ringing, and even throwing myself The baby girl woke up with fright.

With this tone, Ye Rongrong naturally wouldn't let it go, giving these super sports cars a kick is considered polite.

According to Ye Rongrong's original intention, he was going to smash all these super sports cars with a stick.

After all, with Ye Rongrong's current status and status, Ye Rongrong really dared to do such a thing.

There are too few things that can make Ye Rongrong scruples now.

What's more, this matter, in Ye Rongrong's view, he is still reasonable.

"well said!"

"That's how it should be. If you dare to park indiscriminately, you should see one smashed!"

"Xiaoye is right, we all support you!"

"What a job!"

Those who watch the excitement will never be too busy, no, just as Ye Rongrong finished speaking, a large group of people immediately shouted hello.

Shoot out the early bird, anyway, I am not the early bird!

Although I dare not be the first bird, but the morale is always daring.


The owners of this group of super sports cars were immediately pissed off by Ye Rongrong!

As soon as he heard his words, he knew that the kid in front of him was obviously a jerk.

But for mixed people, these people have a way, and that is to fight!

The beating made him unable to take care of himself, and the beating made him afraid!

No matter how messed up people are, they can turn him into a good cat.

"What's the point of talking to him, beat him to the point of paralysis first!"

The red-haired youth said.

"Why, you still dare to hit people with your hands, what are you guys! Look at how you parked the car! How many times have you done it? You can count how many times you have done!"

Aunt Zhang became angry when she saw that these unscrupulous youths wanted to beat Ye Rongrong.

"It's unreasonable to dare to hit someone, it's too much to deceive!"

An old man in his nineties shouted angrily while holding on to his crutches.

"A group of bastards who have motherhood but no motherhood, kicking your car is easy! If you want to beat someone, give it a try!"

Sister Jiang shouted.

"Yes, if you dare to do something today, you don't even think about getting out of this alley in one piece."

"It's great to have money. If you have money, you can bully ordinary people like us. If you want to fight, you can fight. There is no law!"

"The Son of Heaven dares to beat people in broad daylight, it's too abominable!"

"Today we are going to teach them a good lesson."

Someone took the lead, and the old residents in this alley and the drivers who were besieged here also shouted loudly.

This person has a mentality of following the crowd. Seeing that someone is taking the lead, and there are so many people, naturally more and more people join in and denounce these unscrupulous youths.

"What? Let's do it, come on, come on..."

Ye Rongrong became excited when he heard that this group of unscrupulous youths were going to do something to him.

For these people, Ye Rongrong wanted to beat them up a long time ago, but with his own strength, it would be too bullying to strike first.

But if they do it, Ye Rongrong will reluctantly help their parents to educate them on the principles of life.


"court death!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong dared to provoke himself and others like this, several unscrupulous young people were immediately angry, and wanted to rush forward to teach Ye Rongrong a lesson.

However, they were still held back by the people on the side.

"Li Yuan, why are you dragging me!"

The red-haired young man glared at the young man who held him back and said dissatisfiedly.

"Have you ever beaten him?"

Li Yuan pointed to Ye Rongrong, and said to the red-haired young man who was held by him.

"With so many of us, are we afraid that we won't be able to beat him?"

The red-haired young man glanced at Ye Rongrong, and immediately felt that he was too impulsive. According to his physique, he could not be the opponent of the opponent at all.

But when I think about it, there are about twenty people on my side, not counting those fragile and beautiful girls, there are also about ten big men on my side.

The red-haired youth couldn't believe that so many people couldn't beat one person.

What's the use of being long and strong, two fists can't beat four hands, there are so many people on my side!

"You have no brains, don't you see the current situation clearly?"

The man in black short-sleeved scolded the red-haired youth in dissatisfaction.

Didn't you see that the people surrounding you here are all staring at you and these people?

If there were only one person on his side, he would immediately be submerged under the fists of these angry crowds.

There are so many people, which one is more serious, and they beat themselves to death, but they can't find the murderer, then they really died too unjustly.

So even though their car was kicked like that, everyone held back their anger and didn't dare to act rashly. They didn't expect this red-haired kid to be so impulsive and almost killed everyone.


At this time, Hongmao also noticed the angry eyes of the onlookers, and suddenly felt a little cold.

This is really more than the number of people, it seems that the other party is many times more than your own!

No wonder that kid is so arrogant!

Nima's almost fell into his big trick.

"Brother Ma, what do you think about this matter? You can't just be cowardly like this. We can't afford to lose this person."

The red-haired youth looked at the man in black short sleeves and asked.

"Call the police, our car has been smashed like this, let the police deal with it!"

The man in black short sleeves was silent for a while, then said.

"Call the police?"

Li Yuan was stunned for a moment, and soon his eyes lit up, and he gave a thumbs up to the black short-sleeved man and said, "Brother Ma is a good move, I'm going to call the police."

"What are you talking about? I...why can't I understand!"

The red-haired young man looked at "Brother Ma" and Li Yuan suspiciously and asked.

"You are stupid. If we call the police, this man will be taken away by the police. When we arrive at the police station, we can bully him as we want!"

Li Yuan glared at the red-haired youth and said.

"The key is whether he can afford the compensation, or he can't afford the maintenance cost of our sports car, he will sit in prison! This is the consequence of offending us."

"Brother Ma" said coldly.

"Brother Ma, you are amazing!"

The red-haired young man came to his senses and immediately flattered "Brother Ma".

It can be seen that this "Ma Ge" in black short sleeves has a very high status in this group of people.


Because these people didn't move their cars, many cars backed out of the alley, and there were only a dozen or so cars stuck in the front of the alley that hadn't left.

The neighbors in the alley headed by Ye Rongrong confronted a group of delinquent youths headed by "Ma Ge" for four or five minutes, and then two police vehicles drove into the alley.

As soon as the car stopped, six or seven policemen got off, the leader being a middle-aged policeman.

The leading middle-aged policeman looked at the people on both sides. Seeing the group of delinquent youths, the middle-aged policeman frowned involuntarily, and asked the group of delinquent youths, "What's going on?".

Damn it, I'm sure these boys and buddies are causing trouble again!

To be honest, if it weren't for the strong background of these sons and brothers, they would have been put in prison and reformed through labor.

"Director Xu, you came at the right time. This man smashed all our cars. You see, he destroyed all the good cars. These are super sports cars with tens of millions! Hurry up Get him caught!"

The red-haired youth immediately said to Director Xu.

"The car... the car was smashed?"

Director Xu was taken aback by the words of the red-haired youth.

All along, it was these unscrupulous young people who bullied others. When they were bullied, they even smashed their cars.

This is truly unprecedented!

Director Xu felt so unreal no matter how he looked at it.

But when Director Xu saw the big foot prints on those super luxury cars, he finally believed the words of the red-haired young man.

Director Xu looked at Ye Rongrong with some admiration.

How dare this big-footed girl go down?

Wouldn't he be ignorant of the value of these supercars?


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