"Xu Mingxia, thanks to the fact that I consider you a friend, you actually hurt me like this. Let me tell you that starting today, I will break up with you."

Captain Zhao said angrily to Director Xu.

This Xu Ming and Xia Ming knew that Li Yuan was the son of his immediate boss, so he even asked him to tow his car. He wanted to throw himself away!

This intention is vicious!

Now Captain Zhao hates Director Xu.

"Captain Zhao, I just hope that you will enforce the law impartially and remove these illegal vehicles."

Xu Mingxia frowned and said.

"Binggong, your sister, surnamed Xu, I have recognized you, Mr. Li and Mr. Ma, don't worry, we will leave now."

Captain Zhao glared at Xu Mingxia fiercely, said something to the rich second generation, and left with the law enforcement team.

"Why? Didn't we ask someone to tow our car away? What about people?"

The red-haired young man looked at Director Xu with contempt and said.

"Director Xu, I think you don't want to be the director?"

"Hmph, I want to see who dares to remove our car!"

None of these rich second generations had the intention of moving their cars, they just stood there watching the excitement, as if the matter had nothing to do with them, they just didn't move their cars, they just blocked the alleys, and they were very arrogant.

"Director Xu, I think you should arrest that criminal first, otherwise we won't move this car."

The "Brother Ma" in black short sleeves looked at Director Xu indifferently and said.

"Yes, first arrest the criminal who smashed our car!"

"If you want us to move the car, we can handcuff that criminal first."

"Director Xu, you wouldn't cover up that criminal, could he be a relative of your family?"

"It's no wonder Director Xu didn't arrest him. It turns out that he is related. This is obviously partiality. This law enforcement is unfair!"

These rich second generations said sarcastically to Director Xu.


Director Xu was furious, but he didn't dare to speak harshly to these people.

If these people's families are only rich, there is nothing to be afraid of. The key is that these people still have power in their families. This is what Director Xu is most worried about.

If you offend them too much, you may not even be able to do the police.


Seeing Director Xu arguing with these unscrupulous young people for a long time without any substantive results, Ye Rongrong became a little impatient. In such a hot day, Ye Rongrong didn't want to stay outside the yard like this all the time!

Ye Rongrong walked over and asked the group of bad young people coldly, "I just want to ask, are you going to move the car or not?"

"Don't move, what can you do!"

"Who are you? If you want us to move the car, I will move it!"

"Boy, if you dare to make such a big mark on our car, you can just sit in jail!"

Naturally, this group of unscrupulous young people will not take Ye Rongrong seriously.

"Okay, you don't want to move, right? I'll move it for you!"

Ye Rongrong said coldly.

"Hmph, scare us, move if you have the ability!"

"Move, we let you move!"

These unscrupulous young people didn't take Ye Rongrong's words seriously at all.


Ye Rongrong gave these people a cold look, then took out his mobile phone from his pocket, and dialed a number as he walked away.

Ye Rongrong, as the eldest son-in-law of the Liu family, Mr. Huang's savior, and the director of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital, naturally has his own network in the capital.

The number that Ye Rongrong is calling now is an infertility patient that Ye Rongrong once cured in the PLA General Hospital. This patient is Tang Yuanhai, political commissar of the Beijing Police Department.

It just so happened that this matter was under the jurisdiction of the Beijing Police Department. Ye Rongrong called him, believing that he would definitely be able to handle this matter well.

Soon, the phone was connected.

"Dean Ye, hello!"

As soon as the phone call was made, Tang Yuanhai said respectfully with a little excitement.

In China, there are three kinds of unfilial piety, the biggest is having no offspring. Tang Yuanhai, who is nearly fifty years old, has never had a child of his own. In order to have a child, Tang Yuanhai and his wife went to countless hospitals.

I have seen many doctors, but my wife's belly has not been enlarged.

Even later, the two couples were desperate. After all, they were almost fifty, and it was basically impossible to conceive another child.

Although he adopted a daughter, as a man, Tang Yuanhai always wanted to have his own flesh and blood.

Later, Tang Yuanhai heard from his old comrade-in-arms that a very powerful young director came to the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army.

Tang Yuanhai and his wife went to the doctor with the mentality of trying it out. They were given acupuncture once by Dean Ye, and after taking Chinese medicine for a month, their wife was really pregnant.

Thinking that in two months, the son in his wife's womb will be born, Tang Yuanhai is very excited.

The gratitude to Ye Rongrong came from the bottom of his heart.

I kept thinking about how my family would be grateful to Dean Ye for coming after my son was born, and then I received a call from Dean Ye, which made Tang Yuanhai very excited.

"Old Tang, did you disturb your work?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"No, no, I'm glad you can call me before it's too late."

Tang Yuanhai said hurriedly.

"That's good. You are a busy person. I'm really afraid of disturbing your work."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Dean Ye, you are polite, um, can you tell me something?"

Tang Yuanhai said.

Tang Yuanhai naturally understood that Ye Rongrong would not call him for no reason, there must be something he needed to deal with.

As long as he can help, Tang Yuanhai is very happy to help.

"It's like this. I'm now in Hounanluoguxianghai. There are several illegal cars blocking the alley. It has been blocked for a long time, and the problem has not been solved."

"Now this alley is still blocked, and the common people have great opinions, but these people who park illegally occupy themselves have something to do with it, and they don't care about the common people and the people from the local police station."

"By the way, the traffic police also came, but they left soon. These people still occupy the road and don't move their cars. If the director of the local police station doesn't pay attention to these people!"

"Judging from the tone of these illegal parking people, the traffic police brigade in Xicheng District is like their home. You can stop as you want on this road."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Is there such a thing?"

Tang Yuanhai said with a dark face.


Ye Rongrong nodded in response.

"I'll send someone to solve it right away! It seems that the traffic police department in Xicheng needs to be rectified."

Tang Yuanhai said with a sullen face.

Fortunately, Dean Ye called him for this matter. If he directly poked it up, the entire senior management of the Beijing Police Department would be recorded.

So Tang Yuanhai will definitely handle this matter well and give Dean Ye a satisfactory answer.

"It's time to rectify and rectify!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"By the way, you can just arrange for a trailer to come over from my side. You don't need to make too much effort. I will live here often in the future. Everyone knows that I don't want to do it."

Ye Rongrong thought of something and immediately said to Tang Yuanhai.

After all, Ye Rongrong's current identity and status are not ordinary people. If some officials know that he lives here, visiting him every few days will make Ye Rongrong die.

"I understand that. I'll arrange for the city traffic people to go. By the way, how many trailers are needed? Is ten enough?"

Tang Yuanhai asked.

"It doesn't need that many, eight trailers are enough."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Okay, I'll call and arrange a tow!"

Tang Yuanhai nodded and said.

"Then I will trouble you!"

Ye Rongrong said politely.

"Dean Ye, please don't say that. It's because our work is not in place that this kind of thing happened."

Tang Yuanhai said.

"Then let's do this first!"

Ye Rongrong said.

"Okay, my son will be born in a few months, and you must come to the banquet, Dean Ye!"

Tang Yuanhai said.

"Okay! If I'm in the capital, I must go."

Ye Rongrong said.

After a few polite words with Tang Yuanhai, Ye Rongrong hung up the phone.

After turning off the phone, Tang Yuanhai immediately arranged for a tow truck to go to Nanluoguxianghai. At the same time, he called the director and asked to convene a standing committee to discuss the matter of the traffic police brigade in Xicheng District.

This matter has come to Dean Ye Rongrong's head, and must be dealt with seriously.

Give Dean Ye a satisfactory answer.

Who is Ye Rongrong?

The grandson-in-law of the old man of the Liu family!

Commander Liu's son-in-law!

Mr. Huang's savior!

Nobel Laureate in Medicine!

Major General Dean of the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of PLA General Hospital!

He is still the benefactor of his own family!

Naturally, Tang Yuanhai also devoted himself to Ye Rongrong's affairs, and there was absolutely no ambiguity!


in the alley.

Ye Rongrong hung up the phone and walked over.

At this time, many cars had exited the alley, and the entire alley was not as congested as before.

However, there are still ten cars stuck in the alley, and the owners of these cars are the residents in the alley.

These super sports cars are stuck here, making it impossible for these car owners to drive their cars into their homes.

"It's as if it's true. I want to see how you let people move my car."

Everyone heard what Ye Rongrong said just now, and saw him go to make a phone call, but these unscrupulous young people didn't take it seriously at all.

I want to move the car!

Let's see how you move!

Li Yuan's father is the captain of the district traffic police brigade, who dares to move everyone's car?

Didn't you see that those traffic police officers just came and didn't care?

You must know that this is the road under their jurisdiction, even they dare not control it.

Are you looking for someone?

It's useless for you to find anyone!

Who dares to offend the captain of the traffic police brigade in Xicheng District?

What's more, the parents of several of them are the leaders of the district.

Whoever wants to move this car, he has to weigh whether they are enough!

I have to say that there are too many young people who are "chewing their fathers".

What kind of place is the capital? This is a place where even department-level cadres dare not call themselves leaders.

You may meet a department-level cadre on the road at any time, even if you are a member of a family, they are very low-key here.

But in this capital city where the rich and powerful are everywhere, the children of some small and big officials are particularly arrogant.

So much so that he finally put his father in jail.

To be honest, there are quite a few people like this in other places, not to mention the capital.

The most famous one is the former "My dad is Li Gang!"

But he gnawed his father to death!

Hitting someone with a car and killing someone is a big deal. If you keep a low profile and don't expose your father, he may be able to work it out for you. After a while, you can come out and have a good time.

But there are some people who are brain-dead, and disaster is imminent, and they are very arrogant, exposing their backers to the public's sight.

In the end, not only did he go to jail, but he also sent his father to jail.

But on the other hand, these second-generation idiots have made a lot of contributions to China's anti-corruption.


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