The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1705 Urine escape

"Hehe, it seems that my Sissy has grown up, so I can't take this joke anymore."

Sister Jiang said with a smile.

"Mom, how can you joke like this."

Jiang Qianqian said depressedly.

This Uncle Ye is ten years older than him at first glance, and his mother still wants him to marry this Uncle Ye.

It just doesn't make sense!

How can I be treated like my own daughter!

Could it be that she is my stepmother?

Jiang Qianqian is going to ask her father at night.

"With your girl's appearance, if you want to marry your Uncle Ye, your Uncle Ye may not be able to take a fancy to you."

Sister Jiang rolled her eyes at her daughter and said.

"Uncle Ye, is it?"

Jiang Qianqian didn't believe that she was such a young and invincible girl, this Uncle Ye would look down on her.

"That my house lacks a maid who brings tea and water, if you want, you can barely accept it."

Ye Rongrong said jokingly.

"I hate it, I won't tell you, Mom, I'm going to play."

After Jiang Qianqian rolled her eyes at Ye Rongrong, she said to her mother.


Sister Jiang nodded and said.

It's the National Day holiday now, and many people are either traveling abroad or staying at home to sleep in. The breakfast stand doesn't have much business, and they don't need their daughter to help here.

"Raising a daughter is less worrying than raising a son. This morning's one can come to help, but this son can't. It's really frustrating."

Sister Jiang said to Ye Rongrong with emotion.

"It's different. This daughter is going to be married off, and she belongs to someone else's family. This son is different. Marry a daughter-in-law and go home, and he will be able to flourish."

Uncle Zhao said.

"What era is this? You old man is still patriarchal!"

When Aunt Zhang heard this, she immediately said unhappily.

"Where did I say wrong, how can you spread your branches and leaves without a son."

"That's right, the son is more important."

"Fart, without our women, can you men flourish?"

"That's right, what era is it now, and you actually look down on us women."

"Don't you know that women hold up half the sky now?"


It was fine at first, but when it came to patriarchy, these bored old men and women at the stall started to quarrel.

Seeing that something was wrong, Ye Rongrong hurriedly finished eating the steamed buns on the table, and was about to leave the place immediately.

However, Ye Rongrong still took a step too late, Aunt Zhang didn't hold her back and asked him to comment.

"Xiaoye, you are the most capable person in our alley,

Tell me, the man is more important than the woman. "

Aunt Zhang asked Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong looked at Aunt Zhang and the others, and at Uncle Zhao and the others.

Neither side can be offended.

"Oh, it's convenient for me to go, everyone wait for me."

As Ye Rongrong said, he quickly ran into the courtyard. These old men and old ladies couldn't afford to offend them, so the best plan was to walk 36 times.

Ye Rongrong naturally hurried away.


"Husband, what's the matter?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong running into the yard in a panic, Liu Qingqing asked suspiciously.

"It's nothing, I have encountered one of the most difficult questions in the world."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"What's the problem?"

Liu Qingqing asked curiously.

Ye Rongrong told Liu Qingqing about the matter.

"Hehehe, husband, I really made things difficult for you."

Liu Qingqing couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Doo, what are you looking at?"

Ye Rongrong took a chair and sat beside Dudu and asked.

"Dad, Dudu is reading the story of Snow White."

Dudu took the book and said to Ye Rongrong.

This Dudu is really fascinated by the story of Snow White.

This made Ye Rongrong a little worried, whether she would have to find a prince to be her husband in the future.

It's still a bit difficult!

"Dudu, can you tell Dad the story of Snow White, Dad has never heard the story of Snow White."

Ye Rongrong said with a cheeky face.

Ye Rongrong, who often told Dudu the story of Snow White, actually said that he had never heard the story of Snow White, which made Liu Qingqing roll her eyes involuntarily.

"Well, poor father, he has never heard the story of Snow White."

Dudu nodded, looked at Ye Rongrong pitifully and said.

"So Dudu told Dad the story of Snow White!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

With children, Ye Rongrong likes to treat himself as a child.

"Okay! Dudu will tell Dad the story of Snow White. In winter, there is a lot of snow in the sky. A beautiful queen is sitting by a window in the palace..."


Ye Rongrong spent the morning with his daughter and children in the yard.

"Brother-in-law, I'm back."

Just finished lunch, Ye Rongrong sat on the armchair and squinted his eyes to take a nap, when a sweet girl's voice came.

Ye Rongrong didn't even need to open his eyes to know that it was his sister-in-law Liu Xixi's voice.

This girl went out to meet her friends very early in the morning, and now she finally came back.

"Qing'er, let me tell you, he is my incomparably powerful brother-in-law, he is handsome!"

Liu Xixi pointed to Ye Rongrong, who was leaning on the chair and squinting his eyes, and said to a fifteen or six-year-old girl beside her.


Li Qinger nodded and said.

For a girl her age, there is a lot of hero worship.

Especially Liu Xixi told Li Qinger a lot of stories about Ye Rongrong.

In the boundless sea, how my brother-in-law bravely fights sharks, subdues a big blue whale, kills all directions on a gambling boat... and so on.

In addition, Liu Xixi's eloquence is particularly good, which makes Li Qing'er especially admire Ye Rongrong, and is also particularly curious about Ye Rongrong.

So when Liu Xixi said that his brother-in-law was in the capital, Li Qing'er clamored to come and meet her idol.

So Liu Xixi brought Li Qing'er here.

"Let me tell you, he is my brother-in-law. You can't have thoughts about my brother-in-law. Even if you have thoughts, you can only hide them in your heart."

Liu Xixi said solemnly to Li Qinger.

"Why can I only hide it in my heart?"

Li Qinger asked a little puzzled.

"Because he is my brother-in-law!"

Liu Xixi said it as a matter of course.

"Xixi, your brother-in-law's sleeping posture is also so handsome."

"Of course, my brother-in-law is handsome at all times, even if he urinates, he urinates against the wind, how handsome he is."

"so smart!"

"Of course, I saw it with my own eyes, and I'm still wrong!"

" have seen it with your own eyes..."

Li Qing'er looked at Liu Xixi in surprise and asked in shock.

"Of course, I tell you..."


Ye Rongrong couldn't stand listening anymore, coughed a few times hastily, and reminded Liu Xixi and her classmates that she was about to wake up.

Ye Rongrong couldn't pretend to sleep anymore, otherwise, who knew what kind of shocking words would come out of Liu Xixi's mouth!

Ye Rongrong has a bad heart, so he dare not take that risk!

"Brother-in-law, you are awake. Let me introduce you. This is my classmate Li Qing'er. She admires you. I will bring her to see you."

Liu Xixi pointed to the girl beside her and introduced Ye Rongrong.

"Ah hello!"

Ye Rongrong nodded to Li Qinger and said.

This Li Qing'er was wearing a pure white off-the-shoulder long dress, her beautiful collarbone looming, the skirt's material was so white that it seemed to be transparent, slightly reflective, like angel's wings, but it was not exposed at all.

The hem of the skirt curves from low to high, and is gracefully puffed up, revealing the girl's pair of jade-like white and slender legs. The diamonds dotted at the corners of the skirt are like countless beautiful morning dew.

With thick long hair like seaweed, slightly curly, eyes like sea water, and white ivory skin, the whole person looks like a beautiful elf.

Standing with Liu Xixi is like two little fairies descending to the mortal world.

Ye Rongrong couldn't help but stare blankly.

"Brother-in-law, pay attention to image, image."

Seeing her brother-in-law staring at Li Qing'er, Liu Xixi immediately said dissatisfied.

If I had known that bringing Li Qing'er to my brother-in-law's house would steal my brother-in-law's attention, Liu Xixi would not have brought her to my brother-in-law's house.

Ye Rongrong is so depressed, he looks at Li Qing'er with admiration, seeing that his sister-in-law's words make him look like Brother Pig.

Now I was afraid to stay in the courtyard, so I told Liu Xixi and Li Qing'er, and left the courtyard quickly.

"Your brother-in-law was scared away by you!"

Li Qing'er said to Liu Xixi.

"I don't. I'm sure he doesn't like you, so he doesn't want to talk to you more."

Liu Xixi said immediately.

"How is it possible, I am so beautiful!"

Li Qinger said.

"Are you as beautiful as me?"

Liu Xixi suddenly said dissatisfied.

"I'm prettier than you."

Li Qing'er immediately said affirmatively.

I have to say that today's girls come from humility without understanding at all.

Girls in the past were ashamed to call themselves beautiful even if they were beautiful.

Even if others praised her for being beautiful, she would humbly say, "Where, where!"

Of course, you have to say this to the Chinese, and to those foreigners who don't understand the essence of Chinese language, he would think you asked him which position looks good.

Ye Rongrong walked out of the courtyard and wandered aimlessly in the alleys.

"Xiaoye, take a walk!"

"Well, walk a hundred steps after a meal, and live to ninety-nine!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Xiaoye, you are old Huangli. Now the health care master has said that walking a hundred steps after a meal is harmful and not beneficial. It is best to rest for half an hour after a meal and walk."

An old neighbor said to Ye Rongrong.

"I've been resting for more than half an hour before I came out for a walk."

Ye Rongrong said.

If it wasn't for the quarrel between his sister-in-law and Li Qing'er, Ye Rongrong wouldn't bother to go out for a walk.

The people in this alley were very enthusiastic. People kept saying hello to Ye Rongrong along the way, and when they walked out of this alley, it would be considered a stop.

Walking along the way, Ye Rongrong saw a chess club not far away, which looked antique.

Ye Rongrong, who was a little bored, walked to this chess club.

First of all, there are such specialized chess clubs in the metropolises. How can there be such specialized chess clubs in the countryside? There are quite a few chess and card rooms, but they basically don't play chess.


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