The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1721 Ye Rongrong's Guess

Where Ye Rongrong looked, there was a flickering light floating from far to near, up and down, like a lantern in a person's hand, bouncing back and forth.

Anyone who has watched ancient costume TV dramas will know this situation. In ancient times, people did not have flashlights and street lamps. When walking at night, they carried such lanterns on their way at night.

Today's people basically use flashlights or the flashlight function of their mobile phones to illuminate when walking at night, which is different from this kind of swaying light.

Ye Rongrong can be sure that he is being walked with a lantern in front of him.

"Is it the night watchman of the Forbidden City, or..."

Ye Rongrong couldn't help but stare wide-eyed and looked ahead.

After all, if it was a night watchman in the Forbidden City, they would definitely not use the kind of lanterns that people used to walk at night at the beginning of the last century.

Soon, the lantern was getting closer and closer, and Ye Rongrong could see clearly the people who came over. These were a few court ladies dressed in court ladies' costumes from the Qing Dynasty. They were not very old, in their teens or twenties.

They are basically dressed in the same way, wearing loose Qing Dynasty summer dresses and light green court ladies' clothes, thick Qing Dynasty palace maid headdresses on their heads, and blue shoes embroidered with light floral patterns on their feet.

Since women in the Qing Dynasty had to bind their feet, they walked slowly and gracefully towards Ye Guangrong.

It is obvious that this is a group of young court ladies. The leading court lady is holding a lantern, and the following five palace ladies follow the front ladies at a very unhurried pace.

Ye Rongrong looked at these court ladies, but no matter what Ye Rongrong looked at, he couldn't see the faces of these court ladies clearly, it was very blurry, and he could only roughly see that these court ladies were very young.

Ye Rongrong followed the dim light of the lantern to look under the group of court ladies, and found that there were no shadows of these court ladies.

If an ordinary person sees such a scene, he will definitely be scared to death, and even fainted.

Because in people's ancient legends, ghosts have no shadows.

This point has been moved to the silver screen by the current film and television works. People now know that no matter it is day or night, as long as people are exposed to light, there is only one possibility. It's not a person, it's a ghost.

Because ghosts have no shadows.

"Is this a ghost?"

But Ye Rongrong looked at these court ladies walking towards him with great interest.

Because Ye Rongrong couldn't see anything unusual except that he could feel the strong yin energy on these maids.

Soon, the pair of court ladies walked straight towards Ye Rongrong, getting closer and closer to Ye Rongrong.

For some unknown reason, Ye Rongrong suddenly released his invisibility, and just appeared in front of these maids.

The maids who were walking peacefully also found Ye Rongrong in front of them. Their eyes seemed to be looking at Ye Rongrong in unison, and even Ye Rongrong had a feeling that he was looking at these court ladies.

The pace of these court ladies did not stop, nor did they stop because of Ye Rongrong's appearance, and continued to walk forward.

When she was about to get close to Ye Rongrong, the leading lady with a lantern suddenly turned her body and walked in another position. Glory passed by.

"Hey, what the hell are you guys? Are you ghosts?"

Seeing that these maids ignored him and moved forward sideways, Ye Rongrong stepped in front of these maids again and asked them suspiciously.

That is to say, after getting the "lazy system", Ye Rongrong is very capable, otherwise he would not dare to ask these weird court ladies so provocatively.

Now that the distance is getting closer, Ye Rongrong can see all the details of these court ladies clearly. Both the clothes and faces of these court ladies are somewhat blurred. The closer they are, the more blurred they are.

To Ye Rongrong's feeling, these people are all made up of some kind of light.

These maids didn't seem to hear Ye Rongrong's voice, they avoided Ye Rongrong again and continued to walk forward.

"How is this going?"

Ye Rongrong frowned involuntarily and looked at the backs of these Qing court ladies walking past him.

After thinking for a while, Ye Rongrong made another dodge, and in a blink of an eye, he arrived at the side of these court ladies. Ye Rongrong didn't wait for these court ladies' bodies to avoid him, and directly reached out to touch the bodies of these court ladies.


Ye Rongrong suddenly felt a little depressed, because his hand just passed through the air, and the bodies of these court ladies were like air, as if there was no entity.

"What's happening here?"

Immediately Ye Rongrong was puzzled.

Is it really just an image, just a mirage, as explained by scientists?

Then what kind of power is so powerful that it can make the scene hundreds of years ago appear in the state of a mirage in the Forbidden City.

While Ye Rongrong was still thinking about these issues, the maids avoided Ye Rongrong again and continued to walk forward.

Ye Rongrong thought for a while, and decided to follow these court ladies to see where they were going.

Although Ye Rongrong has been to the Forbidden City, he is not clear about the overall layout of the Forbidden City, but Ye Rongrong understands a little bit, just follow these strange maids.

Worried that his figure would be seen by the monitoring equipment installed on the walls of the Forbidden City, Ye Rongrong followed the palace lady in an invisible state.

Walking through one courtyard after another, Ye Rongrong found a very strange phenomenon, that is, the backs of the maids walking in front of him became fainter and fainter.

Ye Rongrong came to the side of these maids in a flash, and when he looked closely, he found that these maids looked even more blurred, with a feeling that they might disappear at any time.

Just like those immortals and demons that Ye Rongrong watched in the mythological TV series, they turned into shining star points after death, and slowly dissipated in the sky and the earth.

"Could it be that these maids are energy bodies?"

A possibility suddenly appeared in Ye Rongrong's mind.

In order to verify his own thoughts, Ye Rongrong continued to follow these court ladies and walked forward step by step.

It didn't take long, just about ten minutes, the body of the maid in front of Ye Rongrong was so pale that she couldn't see clearly, and it could even be said to have completely disappeared in the night.

"Is it really an energy body?"

"Could it be that the legendary ghost is actually a kind of energy body?"

Ye Rongrong's brain couldn't help but his heart twitched.

The situation of these court ladies just now reminded Ye Rongrong of magnesium physicist Amit Goswami in his book "Physics of the Soul" using quantum mechanics to explain spirit bodies including ghosts. A ghost is an energy body.

There is indeed a kind of substance or energy in the human body that people don't understand. People can't see it with naked eyes, and the existing scientific instruments can't measure it.

When a person's body dies, this substance or energy leaves the body in an instant, but this "matter group" or "energy group" continues the original main structure of the human body

According to the "structure-function" principle, as long as the structure exists, the function will exist.

Therefore, after leaving the body, the "matter group" or "energy group" that maintains the original main structure of the body will also maintain some original functions, such as memory, thinking and so on.

In this way, this "matter group" or "energy group" is still alive, which is what people call ghosts.

What constitutes this "substance group" or "energy group", in Ye Rongrong's opinion, this may be the "Qi" in Chinese medicine.

In more scientific terms, it comes from the "dark matter" or "dark energy" that physicists have been exploring.

As for why there are so many such substances in the Forbidden City?

Ye Rongrong suspects that this has something to do with the Feng Shui formation in the Forbidden City.

The feng shui formation of the Forbidden City can bring "anger" into the Forbidden City in an endless stream. This "anger" is actually a special kind of energy.

After the average person dies, this "matter cluster" or "energy cluster" loses the energy it needs to absorb from the human body, and cannot actively absorb the energy it needs from nature, so it will dissipate soon.

But the feng shui formation of the Forbidden City can continuously replenish the "matter group" or "energy group", that's why those palace ladies appear.

When the energy is exhausted, these court ladies will dissipate, and because of the Feng Shui formation of the Forbidden City, it is difficult for these dissipated "matter clusters" or "energy clusters" to disperse from the Forbidden City, and a large amount of "life" will be replenished. , This brought together the dissipated "ladies of the court".

The reunited "ladies of the palace" walked again according to the memory, along the place they had walked, until the energy disappeared.

If the feng shui formation of the Forbidden City does not change, all of this will go on in circles.

Ye Rongrong guessed a possibility of the formation of this court lady.

And this possibility can also explain the reason why these court ladies will actively avoid themselves. From a scientific point of view, a living person is a kind of "bright energy" or "bright matter", and this "dark matter" or "dark energy" encounters "Bright energy" or "bright matter" will naturally be avoided.

After all, if the "dark energy" and "bright energy" meet in a balanced situation, it may be beneficial to both parties. This is also the yin and yang in Chinese yin and yang theory.

But when they meet in an unbalanced situation, the weak side will be eliminated by the strong side.

This is the same as two people fighting, no matter how weak the opponent is, if he fights you desperately, he will always hurt you slightly or severely.

This is why the health of the people guarding the Forbidden City will become worse and worse, and they will still get sick. The main reason is that the "bright energy" in the body is consumed by the "dark energy" little by little, and the yang energy is insufficient.

In Ye Rongrong's view, the yin and yang in Feng Shui theory are actually the light and dark energies that scientists are exploring now.

And all of this can well explain why there are so many weird things happening in the Forbidden City.

Looking at the time, it was already past one o'clock in the morning, and Ye Rongrong stopped wasting time, and flew directly above the Forbidden City, towards the well next to the imperial garden.


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