The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1773 The Quiet Swamp

"Master, I can't move anymore!"

It was not too far to enter the depths of the grassland, "Little Hui" said to Ye Rongrong pitifully.

This early in the morning, he was woken up from his sleep by his master, and followed him to the depths of the grassland.

At the beginning, "Little Hui" didn't take it seriously, and just left.

But this walk made "Little Hui" exhausted.

The master walked too fast, and this foot was more than ten meters away. "Little Hui" used all his strength to keep up, so he didn't lose track.

If it gets out, I used to be a wolf king who ran behind people and would be exhausted from running. How could I have the face to hang around on this grassland.

After only half an hour of walking, "Xiao Hui" had already lost all his strength and couldn't move anymore.

"You've only been walking for a while, and you can't move anymore?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and looked at "Little Hui" and said.

Now I have been walking in the depths of this grassland for an hour, but I still haven't seen the shadow of this "Pegasus".

"Master, I really can't move anymore!"

"Little Hui" said weakly directly lying on the grass.

Going on like this, "Little Hui" felt that he would die of exhaustion.

How could I be so unlucky to meet such a powerful master!

It was so strong that "Little Hui" despaired.

"Then you will be active in this area. When I come back, I will come here to find you again."

Ye Rongrong looked at "Little Hui", thought for a while and said.

This "little gray" was indeed exhausted, and at its own speed, it probably couldn't keep up.

Ye Rongrong thinks it's better to leave it here, and come here to look for it after he finds "Tianma".

"Okay, okay, I will definitely wait for the master here."

When he heard that he didn't need to follow, "Little Hui" immediately said excitedly.

"Little Hui" has already thought about it, and will definitely go as far as possible, and will definitely not let this perverted master come back to find himself.

The sky is high for birds to fly, and the dream of "Little Hui" is to regain the position of the wolf king of the wolf pack, but he does not want to be a pet of humans. Wolves live like dogs.

Of course, "Xiao Hui" dared not say what was in his heart, lest he be roasted by all wolves.

"Don't you think I don't know you want to run?"

Ye Rongrong stared at "Little Hui" and said.

"How could it be? How could I be such a wolf! I am a principled and upright prairie wolf king. How could I do such a thing that betrayed my master?"

"Little Hui" hastily said reassuringly.

"hope so!"

Ye Rongrong looked at "Little Hui" and said.

I don't know why looking at the master's eyes, "Xiao Hui" has no bottom in his heart, and has a feeling of being seen through by the master.

"Okay, let's leave it alone."

Ye Rongrong said, and the whole person disappeared.

"Where are people?"

"Xiao Hui" was taken aback.

The master just disappeared under his nose.

Is this a human, or a ghost?

"Little Hui" shivered involuntarily.


Ye Rongrong walked briskly all the way to the depths of the grassland, and soon entered the very dangerous swamp area on the grassland.

The swamp is a fine-grained soil with a very high water content, so it is very soft, and because the water content is 30%, once a person steps on the swamp, he will quickly sink into the soil, suffocating, and struggling is like drilling a well. They all sank, and finally got stuck in the mire and drowned.

But this is not difficult for Ye Rongrong. Ye Rongrong, who has "water attribute" and "earth attribute", steps on this swamp like flat ground, and there is no danger of sinking.

It's just that he didn't walk very far, and Ye Rongrong smelled a bad smell, which made Ye Rongrong feel dizzy and bored.

Ye Rongrong took out a small porcelain bottle from Qiankun Ring, poured a black pill into his mouth, and immediately a cool smell rose from his mouth and entered his mind, immediately dispelling the dizzy smell bored feeling.

This is the antidote pill that Ye Rongrong made before.

It is obvious that the smell of the swamp where Ye Rongrong is now contains poisonous gas.

Ye Rongrong used his mobile phone to read the information about the depths of the grassland last night. He knew that this swamp was a forest millions of years ago. Later, due to geological activities, the forest disappeared, and a large number of trees gradually fell down here. On this piece of land, a large number of animals died on this piece of land. Over the years, the groundwater level has risen, and this piece of grassland has gradually formed this large piece of swamp.

The smell produced by a large number of trees, grass roots, and dead animals caused a lot of poisonous gas to emanate from the swamp. Many people who passed through the swamp either fell into the swamp and died, or were poisoned by the poisonous gas. poison.

Ye Rongrong walked quickly along the swamp.


Alison kept sticking a long bamboo pole on the grass in front of her. Suddenly, Alison stopped, took out a one-meter-long bamboo pole from the basket on her back, and put it on the grass in front of her. fling.


With the sound, the one-meter-long bamboo pole began to sink slowly joint by joint.

In less than a minute, the one-meter-long bamboo pole completely sank into the meadow just now.

It was obvious that there was a deep swamp beneath that patch of grass.

Aliti and Nisangus took a deep breath. If they hadn't followed Alison and stepped on the grass, they would have fallen into the swamp.

Although as adventure explorers, everyone has prepared corresponding rescue tools before entering the prairie.

But if you really fall into the swamp, whether you can escape from the swamp, in fact, everyone has no idea.

There are definitely not a few explorers who come to the prairie for adventure every year, and people who fall into the swamp and die.

Although as an explorer of nature, life and death have long been taken lightly, but people are always afraid when facing death.

Alison and her group are adventurers from the Eagle Country, who have lived their lives exploring the mysteries of nature.

There are many dangerous places in nature that are inaccessible, and many scientists dare not set foot, but these adventurers dare.

As an adventurer exploring the mysterious and dangerous areas of nature, he showed people many photos and videos of mysterious and dangerous places in nature.

Although being an adventurer is very dangerous, the rewards that can be obtained are also very generous.

This makes more and more foreigners choose this adventurer's profession.

This time Alison and his group chose to explore the mysterious area deep in the ancient Mongolian prairie, which has not yet been developed by humans. I believe many people want to know the scene deep in the ancient Mongolian prairie.

Aliti stared wide-eyed at the bamboo pole inserted deep into the mud, frowned and said: "This soil is too soft, a bamboo pole can sink in."

"The soil and rotten things on this grassland have been soaked by accumulated water for thousands of years. This piece of underground has long formed a bottomless silt. It is very dangerous for everyone to walk in this area. If you don't pay attention It will be swallowed by the silt below."

Alison frowned and looked at the grass in front of her, and said to the two young partners behind her.

If you want to enter the depths of the ancient Mongolian prairie, this swamp is the only way to go.

This is Alison's third adventure in the depths of the Gumeng Prairie. The first two failed, and even a few teammates died in the swamp, so that Alison couldn't find any experienced adventurers willing to follow her. Come here to take risks by yourself, and you can only bring two newcomers to take risks.

This Ai Liti and Nishan Gusi are the young adventurers of the Eagle Kingdom. Although the young people are somewhat inexperienced, they also have their advantages, which are boldness, quick response, and good physical strength.

Having had two adventures in the depths of the Gumeng prairie, Alison is very confident in her experience, so she dared to take two newcomers to this dangerous prairie for adventure.

"How do we get there?"

Nisangus frowned and looked ahead, not far from the place where the bamboo pole sank just now was an endless swamp.

There are puddles of different sizes in this swamp, clusters of weeds are all over the puddles, and there are patches of dark brown soil with a rancid smell between the grass.

The water in the puddle is dark brown, like a black hole, which is frightening.

Wisps of dark gray mist floated in the puddles in the distance. On some weedy meadows, crooked trees stood alone, and there was not a single leaf on the twisted branches.

Twisted tree trunks and messy dead branches are particularly hideous and terrifying in this silent swamp of black water.

The whole swamp is like a black and green dead sea. There are no birds or animals on the swamp. At first, he didn’t pay attention to it. Now seeing everything in front of him, Nisangus felt chills all over his body.

The lack of life in the endless swamp made Nisangus feel uneasy.

This is a land of death.

Nishangus has been to many terrible places, but this is the first time that he can't see any life in this dead swamp.

As a woman, Ai Liti is not as good as Nishangus psychologically. Her small face turned pale, and her eyes were full of fear.

This is the first time Aliti has seen the land of death, which is also the "Jedi" in the mouth of adventurers.

The "Jedi" has seldom seen people and animals for many years, birds do not come to shit, and no living things are seen all year round. This kind of place seems to be very peaceful, but it contains great danger.

"If you want to enter the depths of this grassland, you have to pass through this swamp. Not only is this place smelly, dangerous, but also the climate is unpredictable. If it catches up with spring, autumn and summer, there will be blue sky and white sun, wind and rain for a while, and lightning and thunder for a while. , so we have to find a way to quickly pass through this swamp."

Alison frowned and said, this swamp is a Jedi, this place must not stay for long, no one knows if there are other terrible and unknown dangers hidden in this quiet swamp.

"Alison, look, there's someone there!"

Aliti pointed to a figure in the swamp not far away and said to everyone.


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