"Okay, my wife, don't be scared."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Ye Rongrong didn't have the idea of ​​marrying a younger wife or a new wife. His wife is so good, Ye Rongrong has long since lost that kindness.

When I was still a girl, because no girls liked me, and I had no money and no status. At that time, my dream was to have a lot of money, and then raise several beautiful women, and take turns to sleep without repetition every week.

But since marrying such a beautiful and good wife as Liu Qingqing, Ye Rongrong has long since extinguished his heart.

People have to learn to be satisfied.

People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants. After this man has money, power and status, he is moved to change his wife. This kind of man will definitely regret it in the end.

Because everything, in fact, is the original good.

"Doo, don't you want to change your mother?"

Liu Qingqing picked up Dudu and asked.

"In no mood!"

Dudu hurriedly shook his head and said.

"Will Dudu protect mother?"

Liu Qingqing asked.

"Yes, Dudu will protect mother, and Dudu will not let the beautiful sisters and the others snatch father away."

Dudu nodded immediately and said.

Don't look at the fact that the children are young now, but they know a lot more than the children in the past, and they are also much smarter. They know many things.

"Ahem, Qingqing, I'll go to the hospital first, there is a patient waiting for me to see."

Ye Rongrong coughed a few times in embarrassment and said.

"Well, come back soon."

Liu Qingqing nodded and said.


Senior ward area of ​​PLA General Hospital.

"Glory, you are here."

Seeing Ye Rongrong walk into the advanced ward area, Xu Keming, who was already waiting in the advanced ward area, greeted him hurriedly and said.

"The situation is serious?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

After all, besides being the director of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital, Xu Keming is also a well-known doctor all over the world, which made him so anxious. It seems that Princess Anna's condition is already very serious.

"It's very serious. I vomited blood and passed out just now. The current situation is very dangerous. The key is that we still haven't understood the reason for the hematemesis."

Xu Keming said seriously.

Ever since this Princess Anna was admitted to the PLA General Hospital, as the dean, I have had a terrible headache.

It's not entirely because of the pressure from above, the key is that if Princess Anna dies here, it will be very bad for the PLA General Hospital's international reputation.

You may even be laughed at by your international counterparts.

"Let's go in and have a look."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Regardless of whether it is serious or not, it is better to see the patient's condition first.

Walking into the advanced ward, there are already many senior doctors at the expert level of the PLA General Hospital gathered here, but how many female doctors account for, and the male doctors are all gray-haired old doctors.

Of course, there are also several Middle Easterners dressed in strange clothes.

"Dean Ye is here!"

"Professor Ye is here!"

"Professor Ye, look here is her test sheet!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong walk into this advanced ward, these expert doctors in the ward all said hello to Ye Rongrong.

For Ye Rongrong's medical skills, these expert-level doctors in this ward all admire Ye Rongrong's medical skills from the bottom of their hearts.

For professionals, what they admire most is someone with superior medical skills than themselves.


Ye Rongrong nodded and didn't say anything, but looked at the woman lying on the bed.

good quality evil little

On this tidy bed, lay a young woman with red spots all over her face. At this time, the young woman's face was sickly white, her lips were dry and cracked, her eyes were closed tightly, her breathing was weak, and she didn't seem to have any energy. It gives people a feeling that they may die at any time.

There were two people standing beside the bed. One was a middle-aged man with a round face and a little stubble. His face was deep and there was a power between his brows, giving him a strong demeanor.

The woman next to her was dressed in black,

Wearing a veil and covering her whole body tightly, she couldn't see her face, only her eyes. At this time, her eyes were filled with tears, and she looked at the woman on the bed with a worried and anxious expression.

"Professor Ye, this is Princess Anna."

Xu Keming pointed to Princess Anna who was lying on the hospital bed and said.

After all, the last time Ye Rongrong saw Princess Anna, the whole body of Princess Anna was tightly wrapped, only her eyes were exposed.


Ye Rongrong nodded and looked at Princess Anna with a frown. Compared with last time, Princess Anna's spirit was much worse.

"These two are Princess Anna's parents, Prince Akik and Princess Missan."

Xu Keming pointed to the middle-aged man and the woman beside him and said to Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong nodded to Prince Aiqike and Princess Mishan.

"Professor Ye, you have to save my daughter!"

Princess Mishan said anxiously to Ye Rongrong.

"Don't worry, I'll do my best."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Now that Princess Anna didn't wrap herself tightly, Ye Rongrong could easily check the symptoms of Princess Anna.

Huaxia Chinese medicine pays attention to observation, hearing and questioning, and observation is ranked first. Without this first step of observation, for Chinese medicine, any diagnosis is imprecise.


Prince Ai Qike looked at Ye Rongrong and said.


Ye Rongrong nodded, and sat beside Princess Anna's bed, took Princess Anna's hand, gave her a good pulse, and touched the red spots on Princess Anna's face with her hand.

Princess Mishan was startled when she saw Ye Rongrong's action, and subconsciously wanted to stop it, but was pulled back by Prince Aiqike.

Prince Ekik shook his head at Princess Missan.

Soon, Ye Rongrong stopped his movements.

"Professor Ye, how is the situation? How is my daughter now?"

Prince Ai Qike looked at Ye Rongrong nervously and asked.

"The situation is very serious. The vitality in her body is constantly decreasing, which has caused her body function and immune system to decline continuously. Now all organs are in a state of failure. In the words of Chinese medicine, she is a sick person."

Ye Rongrong said with a serious face.

"Professor Ye, does that mean my daughter can't be saved?"

Princess Mishan trembled, and asked with tears in her eyes. She almost fell down and was supported by the female bodyguard on the other side.

"No, it can still be cured!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Can it be cured?"

Princess Mishan, who was about to be overwhelmed by grief, came back full of energy, looked at Ye Rongrong excitedly and asked.

"Yes, it can be cured!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"That's great, Professor Ye, please treat my daughter quickly!"

Princess Missan said happily.

It is said that Professor Ye is the top doctor in the world. It seems that there is nothing wrong with it. There are so many gray-haired old doctors and old professors who are helpless. rule.

When this level is compared, it comes out.

This medical skill is amazing! Secret Marriage: A Customized Plan Made by a Male God

The doctor hired for one billion dollars is different.

Although the cost is a bit high, it is really nothing to the royal family.

You must know that some prodigal sons in the royal family spend this amount in a year.

"However, what I want to tell you clearly is that Princess Anna is not sick, but poisoned."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Poisoned... poisoned..."

Princess Missan was taken aback.

You know, for a long time, everyone thought that their daughter was sick. Almost all the doctors in the hospital thought that their daughter was sick. No one ever thought that their daughter was poisoned.

What kind of poison is this, even the hospital can't find it out.

"Professor Ye, are you sure my daughter was poisoned, not sick?"

Prince Ai Qike stared at Ye Rongrong with a very ugly face and asked.

After all, if his daughter was poisoned instead of sick, then there would be something tricky about it.

So big that Prince Aiqike had to pay attention.

"I'm sure Princess Anna was poisoned."

Ye Rongrong said with certainty.

There are many kinds of poisoning, and this is the first time Ye Rongrong has encountered poison like Princess Anna.

It seems that the interior of the royal family abroad is also very complicated, and even this kind of method has come out.

"Professor Ye, that's not right. We have checked all the indicators of Princess Anna, and there is no sign of poisoning!"

An old expert asked suspiciously.

After all, if this Princess Anna was poisoned, it would have been detected long ago, but the current inspections have shown that Princess Anna has no signs of poisoning.

"There are many kinds of poisoning, some can be detected, like poison poisoning, but some can't be detected, such as voodoo, or head-down technique."

Ye Rongrong explained.

"Head drop technique?"

Ye Rongrong's words stunned everyone in the room.

I don't know why, but when Ye Rongrong said this "head drop technique", everyone felt that the air in the room instantly became gloomy and cold.

"Isn't the head drop technique witchcraft?"

Xu Keming frowned and looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

There are many things in this world that current science cannot explain, such as the "head lowering technique" in Southeast Asia and the "Gu" in Miaojiang.

"Head drop technique" is a kind of witchcraft spread in Southeast Asia. According to legend, after Miaojiang's voodoo spread to Southeast Asia, it evolved from the combination of local witchcraft.

It can save people from life and death, but it can also harm people invisible. Nanyang "head-down technique" and Xiangxi's "voodoo technique" are known as the two major magic arts in Southeast Asia.

The so-called head lowering technique, from the perspective of steps, lies in "lowering" and "head".

"Jiang" refers to the method used to cast the spell or the method of medicinal Gu; "head" refers to the individual being cast, and contains the individual connection to the individual being cast, such as the caster's birth date, five elements, name, location, Commonly used items, body part associations such as hair and nails.

The essence of head lowering technique is to use specially-made silverfish or Gu medicine as an introduction to make people take it unintentionally, which will produce special medicinal properties or toxicity to the human body so as to achieve the purpose of harming or controlling a person.

Or use the power of the spirit world, such as ghosts, to construct information about the individual caster's name and related items, and then "simulate the individual", and finally achieve the purpose of subduing or killing the caster.

It's just that Princess Anna was really subjected to a head drop technique?

Xu Keming felt a little uneasy.

After all, modern medicine is really helpless when it encounters these strange things.


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