The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1021 Deworming

Under everyone's nervousness, Ye Rongrong took out the silver needle, looked solemnly at the unconscious Princess Anna, took out a 20 cm long silver needle from the silver needle bag, and thrust it into Princess Anna's chest.

As the long silver needle was inserted into the center of Princess Anna's chest, Ye Rongrong's hand did not stop, and continued to inject needles on her chest.

Soon there were more than a dozen long silver needles on Princess Anna's chest. From the position of the silver needles, it can be seen that this is to protect Princess Anna's heart, preventing the Gu worms in Princess Anna's body from breaking into here and directly killing her. life.

After placing the silver needles on Princess Anna's heart, Ye Rongrong took out a handful of silver needles from the silver needle bag and quickly inserted them into Princess Anna's body. The Gu worm was directly forced to scurry on Princess Anna's body.

"That is……"

"No way, Princess Anna really has bugs in her body!"

"It's terrible, there is a bug hidden in the body!"

"Strange, why didn't the previous inspection detect this bug?"


As Ye Rongrong continued to inject needles on Princess Anna's body, the Gu worm was forced to move in Princess Anna's body along the route Ye Rongrong left for it.

Everyone could vaguely see that there seemed to be something wriggling on Princess Anna's body, which made the surrounding experts and professors stare in shock.

If it weren't for the fear of affecting Ye Rongrong's injection, these experts and professors would all be exclaiming.

Ye Rongrong concentrated on applying needles continuously, forcing the Gu worm to the arm of Princess Anna, after all, this position would cause the least damage to the human body.

At this time, Princess Anna, who was in a coma, felt the pain, and she couldn't help uttering several moaning sounds, and there was a look of pain between her brows.

Everyone watched Ye Rongrong apply the needle nervously, not even daring to breathe loudly.

At this time, Ye Rongrong had basically blocked the blood of Princess Anna, and the Gu worm could only follow the route left by Ye Rongrong to escape to Princess Anna's right arm. At this time, the Gu worm had gone crazy up.

"It depends on how you escape this time."

Ye Rongrong showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth, waved his hands, and pierced Princess Anna's right arm one by one with silver needles.

Now Princess Anna's blood was basically sealed by Ye Rongrong, and the space for the Gu worms to move was getting smaller and smaller. It was impossible to avoid Ye Rongrong's quick insertion of the silver needle in a small area.

In order to escape for his life, this cornered Gu worm completely went all out.

A blood hole appeared on Princess Anna's arm, and a bloody beetle-like monster suddenly rushed out. The experts and professors who were watching were so frightened that they couldn't help but take a step back, with a look of fear in their eyes.

"What kind of monster is this, it's too scary!"

Seeing the bloody beetle-like monster, everyone was terrified.

"It's not that easy to run away."

Seeing this Gu worm go through a hole in Princess Anna's body, and wanted to escape, Ye Rongrong naturally wouldn't let it succeed.

This Gu worm feeds on human blood, if it escapes, it will definitely parasitize other people soon, unless that person is sucked to death by it, or is taken away by the "Head Master", otherwise this one Gu worms will not leave.

Especially the Gu worms that are out of the control of the "head-down master" are very scary.

Ye Rongrong snorted coldly, and waved the silver needle in his hand, a silver needle shot towards the Gu worm, directly penetrated the Gu worm who was trying to escape, and nailed it to the floor , this less than one centimeter long Gu worm trembled a few times, and then lost its breath.

At this moment, in a dim place thousands of miles away, an old man wrapped in a black robe opened his eyes suddenly, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

"Who, who killed my Gu worm!"

"Whoever dares to touch my Gu worm, I will make his life worse than death."

The old man in black robe roared angrily.

Crazy voices rang out in the gloomy room.

You must know that every Gu worm is the painstaking effort of the "head descending master". It is not easy to cultivate a Gu worm, and you have to feed it with your own blood every day. Every Gu worm can be connected with the "head descending master" by flesh and blood .

Each Gu worm represents the blood essence of the "head descending master", and the death of one will undoubtedly be a serious injury to the "head descending master".

For the person who killed his own Gu worm, the "head descending master" and he would not share the same death.


In the advanced ward.

Ye Rongrong looked at the dead Gu worm, heaved a sigh of relief, and then took all the silver needles inserted into Princess Anna's body. The Gu worms were all dead, and the silver needles inserted into Princess Anna's body were gone. What's the point.

"Professor Ye, I... How is my daughter doing now?"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong had collected all the silver needles, Princess Mishan looked at Ye Rongrong nervously and asked.

"There is basically no problem now, but this Gu worm sucked a lot of Queen Anna's blood essence. She is very weak and needs to eat more blood-enriching food. Huaxia's donkey-hide gelatin is very good, you can take some donkey-hide gelatin."

Ye Rongrong said.

All of Princess Anna's symptoms were caused by this Gu worm. Now that the Gu worm is dead, everything will gradually get better.

This Gu worm is very smart, and it hides very deeply. Ye Rongrong didn't find it last time when he used Xuansi to check his pulse.

But this time, he put his hand directly on Princess Anna's body to signal the veins, and the Gu worm naturally couldn't escape Ye Rongrong's veins.

This is also the bad luck of this Gu worm. If it were other doctors who met Ye Rongrong, it would be impossible for them to find such a terrible Gu worm hidden in Princess Anna's body.

"do not touch!"

Seeing that someone was going to touch the Gu worm that was crucified by him, Ye Guangrong shouted hastily.

You must know that these Gu insects are ominous things, basically poisonous, and it is very dangerous to touch them directly with your hands.

The chief doctor who wanted to touch the Gu worm was scolded by Ye Rongrong, and hurriedly withdrew his hand, looking at Ye Rongrong suspiciously.

"This Gu worm is highly poisonous, touching it will poison you."

Ye Rongrong explained.

"Glory, this is a Gu worm. It looks like a beetle, but it's scarier than a beetle."

Xu Keming said to Ye Rongrong.

"There are many types of Gu insects, this is just one of them, find a broom to sweep it up, and immediately burn the place where you found it with fire."

Ye Rongrong confessed.

"Okay, I'll arrange someone to deal with it."

Xu Keming nodded and said.

"Ye...Professor Ye, look quickly, look at my daughter."

Suddenly, Princess Mishan shouted excitedly to Ye Rongrong.


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