The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1023 Shake hands

"Glory, I didn't mean that. The main reason is that the status of the Japanese National Hospital in Japan is the same as that of our People's Liberation Army General Hospital. It has always been at odds with our hospital. The annual exchange meeting held every three years is actually a fight. face."

Xu Keming said with a sigh.

"What do you mean, we are a huge country in China, and our medical skills are not as good as that of an island country like Japan."

Ye Rongrong said a little unhappy.

"Although I don't want to admit it in my heart, I have to admit that in terms of western medicine, Huaxia's Western medicine started later than Japan's stupid, and it is not as stupid as Japan's in terms of Western medicine, while Chinese medicine has declined in China for many years, so every time the exchange meeting ends. The People's Liberation Army General Hospital is not as skilled as others, and it's not easy for someone like you to turn the tide, so you can't do nothing."

Xu Keming said.

"You let some of my students go, their level should be fine."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

"Although Nalan Hai's medical skills are among the best in our hospital, his knowledge is still a bit lacking. What's more, this time the home court is in Japan. The hospital's leadership held a meeting to study and felt that it is better for Nalan Hai to lead the team. Some are not safe, and it is safe to lead the team with you.”

Xu Keming shook his head and said.

"You've got me determined."

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

"Glory, even if you help our hospital, if you always let the Japanese stupid National Hospital be on our heads, then you and I will lose face."

Xu Keming said.

"Forget it, who made me a part of the hospital, but let's talk about it, I am stupid to bring my family to Japan, but you have to reimburse all expenses."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

As a cynic, Ye Guangrong really can't wait to see the day's stupid win.

"Aren't you short of that money?"

Xu Keming was stunned for a moment, looked at Ye Rongrong with a strange face and asked.

"At this time and at that time, are you going to reimburse me or not?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Xu Keming and asked.

"Reimbursement, absolutely and completely reimbursement."

Xu Keming said immediately.

With Ye Rongrong leading the team to Japan to participate in this exchange meeting, Xu Keming believes that it will definitely hit the ground running.

The management of the entire People's Liberation Army General Hospital is very confident in Ye Rongrong's medical skills.

"Well, you can get me a visa and something like that. When you're leaving, just tell me and you can go."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

Anyway, I was bored, so I just took the opportunity to take my family on a trip abroad.

"Leave in about a week, and I will notify you when the visa is completed."

Xu Keming said.

Things like visas are difficult for ordinary people, but for people like Xu Keming, it is a breeze.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded.


After chatting for a while in the dean's office, Ye Rongrong came to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine to have a look. Although Ye Rongrong was the director of the hospital, he hadn't been to the hospital for a long time.

The operation and management of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital is basically handed over to several managers of the traditional Chinese medicine hospital in Nalanhai. Ye Rongrong only needs to hold regular conference calls with them.

Ye Rongrong did it very chicly when he shook hands with the shopkeeper.

"Ye... Dean Ye!"

Xiao Xiaoxiao, who was diverting the patients in the outpatient hall of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, said excitedly to Ye Rongrong who walked into the hall.

"Hello, Nurse Xiao Xiaoxiao."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

This Xiao Xiaoxiao is a trainee nurse recruited from a medical school in Beijing this year, but looking at Xiao Xiaoxiao's nurse uniform, Ye Rongrong understands that Xiao Xiaoxiao has become a regular.

The trainee nurses in the General Hospital uniformly wear pink nurse uniforms, and if they are formally admitted after passing the traineeship, they will change into white nurse uniforms.

"Dean Ye, do you know my name?"

Xiao Xiao asked excitedly.

After all, I have never told Dean Ye his name, and Dean Ye has never asked his name, but now he called his name so accurately,

How could Xiao Xiaoxiao not be excited.

You must know that Dean Ye is everyone's idol, especially the last time he stood up for these trainee nurses, making Dean Ye a hero in the hearts of these trainee nurses, a real man.

If Dean Ye hadn't already had a beautiful wife, everyone would have taken the initiative to pursue him.

"Your name is written on your breastplate."

Ye Rongrong smiled and pointed to the work card on Xiao Xiaoxiao's chest.


Xiao Xiao smiled blushing involuntarily.

It seems that I think too much.

"Welcome to officially join the big family of the Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine."

Ye Rongrong stretched out his right hand and said to Xiao Xiaoxiao.


Xiao Xiaoxiao stretched out his hand excitedly, tightly clenched Ye Rongrong's right hand, and his heart was bouncing excitedly.

"Work hard!"

Ye Rongrong patted Xiao Xiaoxiao's hand, let go of her hand without moving, said a word, and walked towards the stairs.

The Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital is not as poor as the ones in the past. The patients who come to the Chinese Medicine Hospital every day are all lined up, and many of them are from other places.

Now the Chinese Medicine Hospital of PLA General Hospital is not only well-known in China, but also has a very good reputation, even in foreign countries.

There are not a few foreigners who come to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital.

The development of the Chinese Medicine Hospital of the PLA General Hospital in this year is obvious to all. In addition, the hospital's finances are completely independent. In the entire PLA General Hospital, this hospital's treatment is the best.

In the past, no one wanted to come to the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine, but now there are fragrant momos in the general hospital of the People's Liberation Army. Many medical staff want to work in the hospital of traditional Chinese medicine.

"Smile, you actually shook hands with Dean Ye!"

"Smile, how are you so lucky!"

"Tell us about how it feels to shake hands with Dean Ye."

When Ye Rongrong walked away, Wang Xiaoyue, Li Man and other young female nurses in the outpatient hall immediately surrounded Xiao Xiaoxiao, chattering non-stop.

"I won't tell you."

Xiao Xiao smiled and said happily.

I knew they would envy me shaking hands with Dean Ye.

Now Xiao Xiaoxiao has made up her mind, and she won't wash her hands all day today.

"Smile, don't be so cruel, please tell us how it feels?"

"Smile, you can't be so mean, you agreed to share the blessings and share the hardships, you won't forget, right?"

The female nurses Wang Xiaoyue and Li Man immediately said dissatisfied.

"Dean Ye's palm is very big and warm. Being held by him gives me a special sense of security."

Xiao Xiao smiled and said intoxicatedly.

"Did Dean Ye shake your hand just now?"

Wang Xiaoyue looked at Xiao Xiao and asked with a smile.

"You... what do you want?"

Xiao Xiaoxiao was a little terrified by Wang Xiaoyue's gaze.


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