The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1035 Small Belly Chicken Intestines

"Something happened, so I came back late. It's so late, and you haven't slept yet?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"We don't worry if you don't go home."

Liu Xixi said.

"Husband, have you changed your clothes?"

Liu Qingqing noticed that the clothes Ye Rongrong was wearing now were not the ones he wore when he went out at night.

"Well, the clothes were very dirty, so I changed in the hospital."

Ye Rongrong said.

"What happened, did you go to the hospital?"

Liu Qingqing asked nervously.

"It's nothing. When passing by the Century Garden area, there was a collapse there, and I participated in the rescue."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Collapsed, what collapsed?"

Liu Xixi asked curiously.

"An office building collapsed and many people died."

Ye Rongrong said.

Although Ye Rongrong tried his best to participate in the rescue, many people still died in the ruins.

Most of these people were crushed to death when the office building collapsed, and some were trapped in the ruins and suffocated to death.

After all, Ye Rongrong was alone, and he didn't have many clones, so he couldn't save so many people.

Of course, Ye Rongrong didn't feel sad or blamed himself, he had done his best, and he didn't care about other things.

"Write...the office building collapsed?"

"No way?"

"how could it be possible?"

Ye Rongrong's words frightened Liu Qingqing and the others.

You must know that in a densely populated place like the capital, the office buildings are very crowded. This collapse is a terrible thing, and many people will die.

"This matter should be on the news. You can just watch it online. I'm too tired today. I need to sleep for a while."

Ye Rongrong said, and walked weakly to the bedroom upstairs.

Now Ye Rongrong just wants to have a good sleep.

This is the first time that Ye Rongrong has been in such a tired state since his body reached the elite level. This is not an act, it is really tired.

Ye Rongrong's physical strength was overdrawn by constantly turning over boulders in the ruins and treating the wounded.

Fortunately, this is Ye Rongrong, if it was replaced by someone, he would have been exhausted long ago

But even with Ye Rongrong's super-strong physique, he was exhausted enough to keep spinning like this.

Now Ye Rongrong suspects that even if his stunning wife is lying naked on the bed waiting for him, he will be powerless.

"Sister, brother-in-law looks really tired."

Liu Xixi looked at Ye Rongrong's figure going upstairs and said.

"Yes, he looks really tired. After following him for so many years, it's the first time I've seen him look so tired."

Liu Qingqing said distressedly.

Ever since her husband became better, Liu Qingqing has always felt that her man is the most powerful man in the world, the best man, and a man without flaws.

In fact, I was wrong.

My husband is also human, as long as he is human, he will be tired.

Liu Qingqing blamed herself fiercely in her heart.

There are still too few men who care about themselves.

"Let's watch the news quickly. I don't know how many people will die when the office building collapses. It's best not to die alone."

As Liu Xixi said, she took out her mobile phone to search for the major news that happened in the capital today.

After all, if an office building collapse really happened in Beijing, it would be very sensational news.

"Look, I'm going to see Glory."

After Liu Qingqing said something, she went upstairs.

In Liu Qingqing's heart, the most important thing now is to serve her man.

As a woman, as a wife, when my husband is physically and mentally exhausted, I will always be with him and let him feel the warmth of my next home.

"It's too late, I have to go to work tomorrow, and I went upstairs to sleep."

Liu Xiaofeng glanced at Liu Qingqing's back enviously, turned her head and talked to Liu Xixi, and then went upstairs to her room.


Seeing that everyone had left, Liu Xixi said dejectedly, and went upstairs to the room.

As for news,

It can also be seen in the bed.


in the bedroom.

"Honey, are you tired?"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was lying straight on the bed without taking off his clothes, Liu Qingqing asked distressedly.


Ye Rongrong replied lying on the bed.

Now Ye Rongrong really has no strength in his body. In the ruins just now, in order to maintain his strength, Ye Rongrong did not know how many "energy pills" he made by himself.

This "energy pill" is made by Ye Rongrong using precious Chinese herbal medicine according to ancient prescriptions. Its effect is to quickly restore one's physical strength.

It is a three-point drug. Although the side effects of this "Energy Pill" are very small, taking so much like Ye Rongrong does have side effects, that is, physical exhaustion.

Ye Rongrong's physical strength is severely overdrawn now, and his whole body is weak. Apart from relying on rest to recover his physical strength, no pills he takes will have any effect.

Ye Rongrong never thought that one day he would be so physically exhausted.

"Husband, can I help you undress?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong so tired, Liu Qingqing felt very distressed.

I have never seen my man so tired.


Ye Rongrong responded.

After all, Ye Rongrong was used to taking off his clothes and going to bed, so it was really uncomfortable to sleep on the bed with his clothes on.

Under Liu Qingqing's service, Ye Rongrong took off his coat and got into bed.

"Honey, I'll give you a massage."

Liu Qingqing said.

As a full-time housewife, Liu Qingqing is very clear that her duty is to manage a beautiful and warm home for her husband.

"Teaching husband and children" is not just these four simple words, and it is not an easy task to do a good job of "teaching husband and children".

Not to mention piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, washing, cooking, and warming the bed are all necessary, and you must be proficient in all of them, otherwise, your husband will easily be hooked and run away.

The more outstanding Ye Rongrong was, the more Liu Qingqing felt that she had to study and work hard to make a padded jacket that her husband would feel very considerate.

This massage, Liu Qingqing spent money to hire a senior female massage therapist in the capital to teach her, just to give Ye Glory massage.

Of course, in this life, Liu Qingqing only massaged for Ye Rongrong alone.

Even for her future son, Liu Qingqing would not give him a massage.

He wants others to give him massage, just like his old man is capable, let his daughter-in-law learn massage willingly, and give him massage for the rest of her life.

"it is good."

Ye Rongrong said weakly.

Now Ye Rongrong is so exhausted that he almost doesn't even have the energy to speak.

If there were assassins, they would come to assassinate Ye Rongrong at this time, and the success rate would be very high.

Of course, the premise of this is to break through Ye Rongrong's defense.

Ye Glory of the "Iron Shirt" Dacheng is invulnerable.

"Honey, just close your eyes and enjoy."

Saying that, Liu Qingqing put her slender hands on Ye Rongrong's shoulders, and gently pushed and held them.

Although Liu Qingqing's strength is not as strong as those of professional masseurs, this soft massage is also a very wonderful enjoyment.


Ye Rongrong couldn't help but whispered.

Being massaged by his wife like this, Ye Rongrong felt very comfortable.


Soon, very rhythmic, the sound became louder and louder, like the waves of the sea, the waves were higher than the waves, and the snoring sounded.

"Fell asleep."

Liu Qingqing stopped what she was doing, looked at the sleeping Ye Rongrong, kissed him tenderly on the forehead, took off her pajamas, and Liu Qingqing slept with her whole body against Ye Rongrong.

"Husband I love you!"

"Goodnight husband!"

Although Ye Rongrong was asleep, Liu Qingqing still said to Ye Rongrong sweetly, closed her eyes and went to sleep happily.

In Liu Qingqing's view, the happiest moment of the day is lying peacefully beside her husband and sleeping.

So at ease, so happy.


Ye Rongrong didn't get up until half past nine in the morning.

"When you sleep, you feel refreshed."

When Ye Rongrong got up from the bed, he felt very relaxed, and the fatigue from yesterday disappeared.

Sleep is the best way for human beings to rest, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with it.

"Honey, you're up."

Liu Qingqing pushed open the bedroom door, saw Ye Rongrong woke up, and said happily.

"Well, after sleeping, the whole person will feel relaxed."

Ye Rongrong said happily.

"Husband, last night, you scared me to death."

Liu Qingqing said.

"sorry that I had you worried."

Ye Rongrong said apologetically.

Last night, he didn't come back until early in the morning, and he didn't call Liu Qingqing to report his safety. Ye Rongrong felt very sorry for worrying his wife.

Of course, I am still very happy in my heart, at least there is a woman who cares about you at home.

This is a home.

A home that a man is willing to guard for a lifetime.

"Husband, I'm your wife... um... Husband, I'll prepare breakfast for you."

After Liu Qingqing said something, she turned around and went down to prepare breakfast for Ye Glory.


"Glory, you're up!"

Seeing Ye Rongrong coming down the stairs, Liu Xiaofeng stood up from the sofa and said nervously.

"Well, Auntie, you didn't go to work today."

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

One must know that Liu Xiaofeng is a strong woman, at this point in time, she should go to work in the company.

"There is nothing wrong this morning, and it will be fine if it is later."

Liu Xiaofeng shook his head and said.

"That's right. You are the second boss of such a company. If you don't go to work, no one will say anything. It's good to be the boss."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Liu Xiaofeng's company, Ye Glory, has been to it. Although the scale is small, the environment is good, and the office is basically full of young and beautiful women.

"Glory, I'm really sorry about what happened yesterday, Jiang Xiuxin and the others..."

Liu Xiaofeng said to Ye Rongrong apologetically.

"Auntie, I'm a big man, am I the kind of man with a small belly? I forgot what happened yesterday."

Ye Rongrong interrupted Liu Xiaofeng's words.

Look at what my aunt said, what did she say about this imposing man.

A woman who can care about every detail and spread it makes people laugh.

"Then you left me there by myself yesterday?"

Liu Xiaofeng looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and said.


Sorry, I have something to do in the evening, and the second one will be very late.

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