The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1037 Let's go to my office to talk

After Ye Rongrong finished eating the second bowl of noodles brought by Liu Qingqing, Liu Xiaofeng put the iPhone in his hand, looked at Ye Rongrong and asked, "Is Jiang Xiuxin really suffering from this stone girl's disease?"

Just now Liu Xiaofeng asked "Du Niang" on the mobile phone, after understanding what a "stone girl" is, for some reason, Liu Xiaofeng suddenly felt sorry for her best friend.

How could she be so unlucky to have this disease.

"Do you think I'm mistaken?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Xiaofeng and asked.

When shaking hands with Jiang Xiuxin, Ye Rongrong felt that her hands were extremely cold, so he took her pulse on purpose.

Because cold hands and feet are often a disease.

Although it is said that cold hands and feet occur throughout the year, and fear of cold is a symptom of yang deficiency, which mainly belongs to kidney yang deficiency, but it is not absolute.

Just like Jiang Xiuxin, because she is a "stone girl", she doesn't even have the function of "menstruation". Women's irregular menstruation is a very serious disease.

Not to mention that young women don't have "menstruation".

Without menstruation, the yin and damp air in this woman's body cannot be excreted well. Over the years, the yin air in her body is particularly heavy, making her body extremely cold.

In professional terms, this is the entry of ice-cold air into the body.

With the accumulation of time and years, her body will become extremely cold in the end. Summer is fine, but if it is winter, no one who is uncomfortable is willing to hold a "humanoid" popsicle.

"Then... will she be in danger then?"

Liu Xiaofeng asked nervously.

Although I said that I was unhappy with Jiang Xiuxin and the others last night, we are still good friends and Liu Xiaofeng still cares about Jiang Xiuxin very much.

"The solitary yin does not grow, and the solitary yang does not grow. You say it is not serious. According to the current situation, if she does not go to the doctor, she can live for three years at most."

Ye Rongrong said.

Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine has arguments such as "the body is rooted in yin, and the root of yin is in yang," "a solitary yin does not grow, and a single yang does not grow" and "without yang, there is no way for yin to grow, and without yin, there is no way for yang to transform".

It means that yang is attached to yin, and yin is attached to yang. There is a relationship of mutual support and interdependence between them-that is, any side of yang or yin cannot exist without the other side.

In nature, outside is yang, inside is yin; above is yang, below is yin, during the day it is yang, and at night it is yin. If there is no up, outside, and day, there is no way to explain down, inside, and night.

In terms of human physiology, functional activities belong to yang, and nutrients (blood, essence, blood, etc.) belong to yin.

Various nutrients are the material basis of functional activities. With enough nutrients, functional activities will be vigorous.

On the other hand, the source of nutrients is absorbed by the functional activities of internal organs.

Yin and yang depend on each other and share life and death. If there is no yin, there can be no yang.

If there is yin and no yang alone, or if there is yang but no yin, then it is bound to be like the "Nei Jing" said: "A single yang does not grow, and a single yin does not grow", and everything will return to stillness.

This means that once the yin and yang in the human body are out of balance, various symptoms will appear in the human body, and in severe cases, it will be life-threatening.

"so serious!"

Liu Xiaofeng was shocked.

You know, Jiang Xiuxin is only twenty-seven years old this year, and a young person will not live for three years, which means that she will die at the age of thirty.

"Can it be cured?"

Liu Xiaofeng looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"It can be cured!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

In ancient times, this "stone girl" was an incurable disease, but up to now, this "stone girl" can still be cured.

However, for Jiang Xiuxin's serious and almost completely closed situation, it is very troublesome to treat, and it is also very difficult.

"Great, that..."

Liu Xiaofeng looked at Ye Rongrong with watery eyes.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

Ye Rongrong couldn't stand Liu Xiaofeng's watery eyes.

Originally, Liu Xiaofeng was beautiful, mature and attractive, but looking at her watery,

Ye Rongrong really couldn't take it anymore.

"Glory, save Jiang Xiuxin, she is so pitiful."

Liu Xiaofeng looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"No time!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"How can you say that Jiang Xiuxin is my best friend, you won't give aunt this bit of face?"

Liu Xiaofeng shut his mouth, looked at Ye Rongrong unhappily and said.

"No, you said that I'm a big man treating her for this disease. I can accept it, but she won't accept it. Besides, if it doesn't work out, she will say that I'm playing a fool and trying to take advantage of him."

Ye Rongrong said.

"That's quite possible."

Liu Xiaofeng agrees with Ye Rongrong's words very much, based on her understanding of Jiang Xiuxin, this matter is very possible.

"But you can't just ignore death!"

Liu Xiaofeng said.

"Auntie, why don't you save yourself!"

Liu Qingqing took the dinner plate back to the kitchen and returned to the living room, just when she heard this sentence, she asked suspiciously.

"It's not your husband. My best friend is seriously ill, and your husband just refuses to help."

Liu Xiaofeng said.

"Auntie, if Glory doesn't save her, there is naturally a reason for not saving her."

Liu Qingqing said.

In the past, Liu Qingqing would definitely have begged her husband to save others, but after having put her husband in danger many times, Liu Qingqing would no longer put her husband in danger for the sake of outsiders. .

Since my husband is unwilling to save my aunt's best friend, there must be a reason, all I have to do is support him.

"It's really not a family, don't enter a family!"

Liu Xiaofeng looked at Liu Qingqing speechlessly and said.

A woman is really a fool for three years, and I already know what to say about her.

"It's not that I don't want to save her. Her illness is not that serious. In fact, I don't need to treat Shinu's disease. It's enough for her to go to the Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital of the People's Liberation Army General Hospital to seek treatment from Dr. Xue Kaiqi."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Doctor Xue Kaiqi?"

Liu Xiaofeng was stunned for a while.

"Xue Kaiqi is a student of Glory. She is good at treating some difficult and miscellaneous diseases. Auntie, there is definitely nothing wrong with asking your best friend to go to her for treatment."

Liu Qingqing explained to Liu Xiaofeng.

"Is she okay?"

Liu Xiaofeng still asked worriedly.

"If she can't do it, wouldn't I still be here?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"That's right, I'm looking for Jiang Xiuxin right now."

Liu Xiaofeng thought about it, and felt that what Ye Rongrong said was right, if it was not good enough, he would just ask Ye Rongrong for treatment.

After Liu Xiaofeng walked away, Ye Rongrong said to Liu Qingqing: "Honey, I have something to discuss with you."

"What's the matter, you are the head of the family, you just make up your mind."

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and said.

"Next week, I will take a team to Japan to participate in the exchange meeting. I can bring my family. I think our family will go to Japan, which is considered a trip."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Will it affect you badly?"

Liu Qingqing asked with some worry.

Liu Qingqing is still looking forward to traveling abroad.

After all, growing up so big, Liu Qingqing has never traveled abroad.

"Hehe, my wife, the director of a traditional Chinese medicine hospital like me who fished for three days and posted on the net for two days, I'm afraid of some bad influence. Besides, I didn't bring up my family to Japan this time, it was Xu Keming. The dean himself mentioned it, and the top leaders of the courtyard have spoken, who dares to talk nonsense, the key is that we are not afraid, are we?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Then take Dudu?"

Liu Qingqing asked.

"Of course, the three of us must go."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Okay, I heard that the weather is already very cold in this season, I need to prepare some clothes in advance."

Liu Qingqing thought for a while and said.


"Xiaofeng, you are here, it was my fault last night, don't be angry."

Seeing Liu Xiaofeng walk into her shop, Jiang Xiuxin hastily greeted her and apologized to Liu Xiaofeng.

It was the first time that Jiang Xiuxin and the others had seen Liu Xiaofeng so angry that they ignored everyone for so many years. That's it.

This made Jiang Xiuxin and the others a little regretful. It was okay to be touched by that Ye Rongrong. It didn't cause any loss to themselves. Isn't it worth ruining everyone's relationship with girlfriends for so many years for such a stinky man?

"For the sake of you being a patient, I don't care about you, but there is one thing I must clarify for Ye Rongrong."

Liu Xiaofeng said.

"Speak, speak, and I'll listen."

Jiang Xiuxin said.

"Yesterday, it wasn't our Ye Rongrong who wanted to take advantage of you. He was taking your pulse and seeing a doctor for you."

Liu Xiaofeng said.

"Pulse? I'm not sick. What kind of pulse did he give me?"

Jiang Xiuxin looked at Liu Xiaofeng and asked suspiciously.

It seems that this Liu Xiaofeng really likes that Ye Rongrong, no, everyone has become stupid.

"Are you sure you're not sick?"

Liu Xiaofeng stared at Jiang Xiuxin and asked.

Since Ye Rongrong said that Jiang Xiuxin was sick, with Ye Rongrong's medical skills and his status in international medicine, Liu Xiaofeng naturally would not doubt Ye Rongrong's words.


Jiang Xiuxin was a little speechless.

After all, this matter involves Jiang Xiuxin's most private place. Apart from the doctor and her parents, Jiang Xiuxin has never mentioned it to anyone, for fear of being made fun of.

It's a pity that in order to cure this disease, Jiang Xiuxin saw many doctors and took many central medicines, but none of them showed any effect. After a long time, Jiang Xiuxin even forgot about it.

Even Jiang Xiuxin is ready to be a girl who will never marry for the rest of her life.

"What about me? Are you suffering from stone girl disease?"

Liu Xiaofeng asked straight to the point.


Jiang Xiuxin was startled, she realized that she hastily covered Liu Xiaofeng's mouth with her hands.


Suddenly Jiang Xiuxin gagged her mouth with both hands, Liu Xiaofeng struggled immediately,

"Xiaofeng, I... let's go to my office to talk."

Seeing that the people in the store didn't pay much attention to her side, they were all far away and couldn't hear the conversation between herself and Liu Xiaofeng, Jiang Xiuxin was relieved, and she was relieved that Liu Xiaofeng's hand on her mouth was pulling Liu Xiaofeng to the door. her office.


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