The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1066 Liu Qingqing's Fear

"Good job!"

Ye Rongrong praised "Little Jin".

These days, fools actually drugged their wives and the others, in Ye Guangrong's view, they deserved to die.


Hearing his master's praise, "Little Jin" cried out excitedly.

Ye Rongrong looked at the large group of policemen around him, as well as many firefighters, medical personnel, and some government officials, and couldn't help frowning.

Although Ye Rongrong had a way to get Liu Qingqing and the others away under the noses of these people, but with so many people watching, and there must be a lot of monitoring systems in the Ginza Commercial City, Liu Qingqing was suddenly taken away under the noses of these people. If they take it away, it will definitely attract the attention of the Japanese stupid police.

After all, Liu Qingqing and the others have been wandering around this Ginza Commercial City for so long, there must be many people who have seen them, and there must be many surveillance systems that have recorded them. Ye Rongrong has no way to quickly clear them all.

Of course, Liu Qingqing and the others couldn't be allowed to lie on the ground like this.

Ye Rongrong couldn't help having a headache.

Now Ye Rongrong regretted attending the banquet and didn't go shopping with Liu Qingqing and the others.


At this moment, several helicopters landed nearby. Ye Rongrong saw that it was Yoshida Masaichi who brought a group of people over.

Ye Rongrong knew most of this group of people, and they were basically top doctors from various countries who attended the banquet at night.

Seeing them, Ye Rongrong thought for a while, and then stepped out of the security area blocked by a large group of policemen.

"Director Yoshida, are you here?"

A senior police officer said to Yoshida Masaichi who got off the plane.

"What's going on, Sheriff Wilderness?"

Yoshida asked Haruno Shiro.

"When we came here, everyone in the warning area had already fallen to the ground. From what we know now, as long as people approach this warning area, they will fall to the ground inexplicably. As for the specific reason, we still have no idea." Know."

Yuan Yeshilang said depressingly.

Such a bizarre incident happened in Dongjing Ginza Commercial City, which had a great impact. It alarmed the mayor of Dongjing, as well as many senior officials who were stupid in Japan.

"Is it poisoned?"

Yoshida frowned and thought for a while before asking.

"At the beginning, several experts thought so, but we couldn't measure the toxicity of this area with our own instruments, and even arranged for firefighters to wear gas masks into the cordon, but they fell to the ground inexplicably. We even used high-power cameras to No abnormality was found in the equipment."

Yuanye servant shook his head and said.

After all, if we can find out the reason, it will be easy to handle. The key is that now everyone is not sure what is going on in this cordon area, and why this person will faint to the ground as long as he enters this area.

"Is that weird?"

Yoshida also had a headache all of a sudden.

You can't get close to this, it's useless to bring so many medical experts here!

To know,

The people who came to participate in the exchange meeting this time are all young leaders in the medical field from various countries, as well as some top medical experts from various countries. They must not be allowed to take risks.

If there is any good or bad, it will be difficult for me, the director of the Dongjing City Health Department.

"Have the identities of these people who fell on the ground been confirmed?"

Yoshida asked.

"The identities have basically been determined. The identities of those young women should be Chinese. The specific identities are still being verified. The others are basically members of the Yamamoto group. Of course, some of them are our police officers and medical personnel."

Yuan Ye Shiro said.

The efficiency of these Japanese police is very fast, and soon basically found out the identity information of these people who fell on the ground in this cordon.

"This is a restricted area, you cannot enter!"

"Stop, you can't go in!

"Tell you to stop, don't you hear me?"

The sudden noise attracted the attention of Haruno Shirou and Yoshida Masaichi.

"Professor Ye?"

Yuan Ye's servant was a little surprised, he didn't expect Ye Rongrong to appear here.

"You can't go in!"

A few policemen hurriedly grabbed Ye Rongrong, but to their surprise, they used all their strength, and they didn't hold Ye Rongrong, but were dragged away by Ye Rongrong instead.

Not only these policemen were depressed by this scene, but everyone else was also very surprised.

Some officials even frowned, secretly scolding these policemen for shame, this performance was too fake.

How could it be possible that several grown men couldn't hold a single person and were dragged away.

In the eyes of these officials, it was the police deliberately releasing water.

"Professor Ye, why are you here?"

Yoshida came over in a hurry and asked Ye Rongrong.

"You let them go!"

Ye Rongrong pointed to the policemen who were pulling his clothes, and said to Masaichi Yoshida.

"This is Professor Ye, let go!"

Yoshida Zhengyi hurriedly said to the policemen who were pulling Ye Rongrong's clothes.

However, it is obvious that these policemen are not very willing to give Yoshida a face, but look at Yuan Ye.

"Let go!"

Yuanye Shilang spoke to the policemen, and the policemen released Ye Rongrong.

"Professor Ye, why are you here? Aren't you in a hurry?"

Yoshida looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

In fact, Yoshida Masaichi was most curious about how Ye Rongrong came here.

You must know that people like myself arrived at Ginza Commercial City in such a short time by helicopter, but what did Mr. Ye come here by? Could it be that he also came here by helicopter?

But where did the helicopter come from?

"My wife and children have fainted here. Do you think I am in a hurry?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Yoshida Masaichi unhappily and said.

Today's stupid people are too shameless to use such indecent means. Fortunately, there is "Xiao Jin", otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.


Yoshida called out in surprise.

Yoshida Masaichi didn't pay close attention to those people who fell on the ground just now, but now that Ye Rongrong said so, he turned his head and saw that those women were the ones brought by Professor Ye this time?

Ye Rongrong ignored Yoshida Masaichi's surprise and walked towards the warning area.

"Professor Ye, you can't go in, it's dangerous inside!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was about to enter the security zone, Yuan Ye's assistant hurriedly stopped Ye Rongrong and said.

"That's right, Professor Ye, we understand your anxiety, but it's really dangerous inside. Anyone who enters will fall down for no reason, so we still don't want to go in and take risks before we figure out the situation."

Yoshida Masaichi also hurried over and persuaded Ye Rongrong.

"Don't worry, I'll be fine."

Ye Rongrong said, and walked into the cordon.

"Professor Ye..."

Yoshida Masaichi still wanted to call Ye Rongrong to stop, but Ye Rongrong had already entered the cordon, and Yoshida Masaichi did not dare to chase after him.

"It's over!"

Yoshida was suddenly uneasy in his heart.

"Well, he seems to be all right?"

Yuan Ye Shilang looked at Ye Rongrong who walked into the cordon in surprise, and said to Yoshida Masaichi.

You must know that as long as someone walks into this cordon, he will immediately faint to the ground, but this Professor Ye in front of him has not fallen to the ground until now.

"It's really fine, are you waiting and watching?"

Yoshida Masaichi was also stunned by the scene in front of him.

Didn't it mean that this cordon is very dangerous?

Didn't it mean that as long as you entered this warning line, you would immediately faint on the ground for no reason?

Then what's going on with Professor Ye, he doesn't seem to have a problem at all?


Regardless of the surprise of the others, Ye Rongrong quickly walked to Liu Qingqing, took out a small porcelain bottle from his pocket, poured out a few pills, and fed one to Liu Qingqing.

This is the cool detoxification pill that Ye Rongrong made when he was free at home. It can detoxify many poisons, and the poison of smoke can be easily detoxified.

After feeding Liu Qingqing the pills, Ye Rongrong quickly fed the pills to Liu Xixi and the others.

"I... I... Where is this?"

Liu Qingqing slowly opened her eyes and said doubtfully.

"Honey, you're awake!"

Liu Qingqing was the first to be fed the detoxification pill, so she was also the first to wake up.

"Honey, woo woo woo..."

When Liu Qingqing heard Ye Rongrong's voice, she burst into tears immediately.

"Honey, don't cry, it's okay, you're okay, my husband is here."

Ye Rongrong hugged Liu Qingqing and said comfortingly.

"Wuuuuuu, husband, I thought I would never see you again, I was really scared..."

Liu Qingqing hugged Ye Rongrong tightly and said.

Now Liu Qingqing remembered the scene before she fainted, her group was fascinated by cigarettes, Liu Qingqing was really scared, at that moment Liu Qingqing was really scared.

I was afraid that after I fell into a coma, I would suffer what I couldn't imagine.

Even because of coma, he didn't even have the ability to commit suicide.

All of this made Liu Qingqing very frightened.

"It's okay, it's okay, isn't it good now? With Xiaojin and husband here, no one can hurt you."

Ye Rongrong hugged Liu Qingqing and comforted her.

"Honey, I'm so scared!"

Liu Qingqing still hugged Ye Rongrong tightly in fear.

This experience reminded Liu Qingqing of another encounter with bad guys that she had encountered before. She was trembling with fright, and her face was extremely pale.

"It's okay, my husband is here."

Ye Rongrong hugged Liu Qingqing tightly.



Soon, Nangong Ziyan and Liu Xixi all woke up.


Dudu opened his eyes, saw his mother crying while hugging his father, and couldn't help calling for his mother.


As soon as she heard her daughter Dudu's voice, Liu Qingqing immediately let go of Ye Rongrong and hugged Dudu tightly.

The two most important people in Liu Qingqing's heart now are her husband and her daughter.

"Boss, we..."

Nangong Ziyan lowered her head uneasily and said to Ye Rongrong.

This time, people like myself relaxed their vigilance too much, and they were all brought down so easily, which made Nangong Ziyan and the others feel like dying.

Fortunately, things didn't turn into a bad situation, otherwise life would be worse than death!


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