The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1068 Punishment

Nangong Ziyan sat down on the sofa, lowered her head anxiously and looked at the ground.

This time it almost caused a catastrophe, Nangong Ziyan and the others didn't have the courage to look at Ye Rongrong.

"Tell me, how did you faint with smoke."

Ye Rongrong looked at Nangong Ziyan and the others and asked.

"We were careless. We were resting at the corner of Ginza. A very gentle and stupid man came over with a cigarette in his mouth. He came over and told us that he was a college student of Japan Dongjing University and wanted to go to Let's travel in China, ask us where is fun in China, we..."

As the captain of this team of guards, it was natural for Nangong Ziyan to report the incident.

"Then you just fainted and passed out, didn't you?"

Ye Rongrong stared at Nangong Ziyan and asked.


Nangong Ziyan lowered her head, a little afraid to look into Ye Rongrong's eyes.

"Do you know where the problem is?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"I know, it's about the cigarette. There must be something like smeared smoke on that cigarette."

Nangong Ziyan said with a red face.

If people like myself hadn't lost their vigilance, how could a man with a cigarette in his mouth approach him? You must know that the smoke from a lit cigarette is likely to be smoke.

"Very well, it seems that you are not stupid at all, we think you must have been trained in this area before, why did you let a person with a cigarette in his mouth approach you like this, and let him serve it all. "

Ye Rongrong looked at Nangong Ziyan and the others coldly and said.

"Boss, we were careless, we knew we were wrong, please punish us!"

Ma Yu looked at Ye Rongrong with red eyes and said.

This time, my group of people really lost all face. As the elite of the guards, they were actually released by a gangster on the street with smoke.

This time it was really embarrassing and lost at home!

"Wrong, one sentence is wrong and it's over, if it's not..."

Ye Rongrong paused here, and continued: "If it wasn't for some abnormal situation, these gangsters would have stunned themselves, have you ever thought about the consequences?"

The King Kong God Ant "Xiaojin" is Liu Qingqing's ultimate bodyguard. Except for Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing who know how powerful it is, no one else knows about it. Even Liu Qingqing has such a humble ant with him all the time. Few people know.

Ye Rongrong Ye is not going to tell "Xiao Jin". The reason why the secret is a secret is because too few people know it. If too many people know it, it will not be a secret.

Once the secret of "Xiao Jin" is known, Liu Qingqing's safety factor will be greatly reduced.

If others really want to deal with Liu Qingqing, they will definitely take "Xiao Jin" into consideration.

"Boss, it's all our fault, you can punish us, no matter how you punish us, we will accept it, just please don't drive us away."

Ma Yu said to Ye Rongrong with red eyes.


Tell me, where did you go wrong? "

Ye Rongrong looked at Ma Yu and asked.

"We were wrong. We were wrong to let our guard down and let strangers approach, especially those with smoky items."

May Yu said.

"Wrong, your fault is not here, your fault is that you have forgotten your responsibilities, maybe it is not your fault, it is my fault, I made your life so comfortable that you all forgot your responsibilities .”

Ye Rongrong said.

Ye Rongrong's words are very serious, even very serious, which shows that Ye Rongrong is really very angry.

Fortunately, Liu Qingqing was here this time. If Liu Qingqing wasn't here, just because of their vigilance, after being stunned...

Forget it, Ye Rongrong didn't think about it anymore, lest the more he thought about it, the more unhappy he would feel.

Having been together for so long, Ye Rongrong and Nangong Ziyan are also very affectionate, and they don't want anything to happen to them.

This time their carelessness led to such a thing, which made Ye Rongrong really angry.

"Boss, we were wrong!"

"Boss, punish us!"

"Boss, we made a mistake, you can hit or scold, we are all willing to accept punishment."

Nangong Ziyan and the girls looked at Ye Rongrong with teary eyes and said.


Ye Rongrong looked at Nangong Ziyan depressedly, feeling a little helpless.

These are all young and beautiful beauties, this teary-eyed and pitiful look, how can I beat and scold her!

He also pretended to let himself be beaten and scolded. The key is that Ye Rongrong couldn't beat and scold him with such a pitiful look!

More importantly, Nangong Ziyan and Ma Yu slept with Ye Rongrong. Although nothing happened, Ye Rongrong had some special feelings for them in his heart.

It's really hard to punish them severely!

But just letting them go lightly like this, Ye Rongrong worried that they would not have a long memory.

Ye Rongrong has a headache.

"Brother-in-law, we can't completely blame Sister Nangong and the others for this matter, the main reason is..."

Seeing how pitiful Nangong Ziyan and the others looked, Liu Xixi couldn't help biting the bullet and pleading for them.

To be honest, this is the first time Liu Xixi has seen her brother-in-law get so angry. Liu Xixi was so frightened that she didn't dare to speak at all just now.

If it weren't for her brother-in-law's tone softening, and Nangong Ziyan and the others looking sad, Liu Xixi would really dare not open her mouth to plead for Nangong Ziyan and the others.

"You are ashamed to speak, and you are the same. When you are abroad, you have no vigilance at all. Don't you know how dangerous it is to let strangers approach?"

Ye Glory glared at Liu Xixi and said.

This world is too complicated and dangerous. When you go out, you need to be vigilant when facing strangers.

You can't eat things handed over by strangers, and you can't try strangers' perfumes and the like.

Because these are likely to be drugged by some bad guys.

It's just that the means of believing in bad things are becoming more and more difficult for people to guard against. Using the smell of cigarette smoke to confuse others is really easy for ordinary people to be negligent and get caught by bad guys in the end.

If it's just Liu Xixi, Ye Rongrong can still understand. After all, she is still a little girl, still studying, a student, and doesn't know the dangers of this world.

But Nangong Ziyan and the others are different, they are professional security personnel, they must know these things, and they must be vigilant against them, but in the end they were caught by such a simple trick.

So Ye Rongrong only criticized Nangong Ziyan and the others, and did not criticize Liu Xixi and Liu Xiaohui, but now that Liu Xixi jumped out by herself, Ye Rongrong naturally scolded her too.

"Don't you have a brother-in-law?"

Liu Xixi said weakly.

"I'm not omnipotent, and I can't protect you at any time."

Ye Rongrong stared at Liu Xixi and said.

"Understood, I will pay attention to it in the future."

The way brother-in-law stares is really scary, Liu Xixi said hastily and weakly.


At this moment, the bedroom door opened, and Liu Qingqing stretched out her head to look at Ye Rongrong and said.

"Honey, didn't you fall asleep? How did you wake up?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing tenderly and asked.

This is the presidential suite. The sound insulation between the rooms is very good. If you talk in the living room by yourself, it is impossible to wake up Liu Qingqing who is sleeping in the bedroom.

"Honey, I can't sleep well without you here!"

Liu Qingqing said.

Without Ye Rongrong by her side, Liu Qingqing didn't feel safe at all, she couldn't sleep well, and was easily woken up by nightmares.

"Then, I'll sleep with you!"

Ye Rongrong walked over and held Liu Qingqing's hand and said.

For this wife, Ye Rongrong can be said to dote on her very much.


Liu Qingqing arrived quietly with a blushing face.

After all, Liu Qingqing hasn't practiced her face so thickly as Ye Rongrong.

"Boss, we..."

Nangong Ziyan looked at Ye Rongrong anxiously and asked.

"All of you stand in the corner of the wall for two hours at night, and face the wall to think about my mistakes."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.


Immediately, Nangong Ziyan and the others breathed a sigh of relief.

What the guards like Nangong Ziyan were most worried about was that Ye Rongrong didn't want them, and now they were only punished to face the wall and think about their mistakes, which was really a light punishment.

If this is in the special forces team, at least one week of confinement in a small dark room will be required.


"Honey, I'm afraid!"

In the bedroom, Liu Qingqing hugged Ye Rongrong tightly and said.

Now as long as Ye Rongrong is not by her side, Liu Qingqing will be afraid, her mind will be filled with the shadows of those former villains, just now she was pleasantly surprised by the nightmare.

"It's okay, my husband is here, be good, close your eyes and go to sleep!"

Ye Rongrong put his arms around Liu Qingqing's body and said.

It seems that this scare has spread the shadow of the hard-won cure again, and it will start from the beginning again. I hope Liu Qingqing will get out of the shadow as soon as possible.


Leaning in Ye Rongrong's arms, Liu Qingqing felt very at ease and felt very safe. She closed her eyes and fell asleep unconsciously.


"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law..."

Just as Ye Rongrong coaxed Liu Qingqing to sleep again, Liu Xixi boldly pushed open the bedroom door and shouted at Ye Rongrong.

"Hush... Keep your voice down, your sister just fell asleep."

Ye Rongrong put his finger on his lips and whispered to Liu Xixi who entered the room.


Liu Xixi immediately lowered her voice, walked to the bed, Liu Xixi whispered to Ye Rongrong: "Brother-in-law, stupid people have been looking for you for many days."

"Look for me, you said I'm tired today and I've already gone to bed, so we can talk about something tomorrow."

It's so late, Ye Rongrong doesn't have time to chat with stupid people these days.

"Brother-in-law, I told you, but they said that the matter is very urgent and they must see you."

Liu Xixi said hurriedly.

"You must see me?"

Ye Rongrong asked in a daze.

"Yeah, I can't drive them away. They are sitting in the living room now. If you don't go to see them, I guess they will sleep in the living room of our presidential suite today."

Liu Xixi said.

" look at your sister, I'll go out and deal with them."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.


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