The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1070 Poisoning


Nangong Ziyan and the girls looked at Ye Rongrong movedly.

"Don't look at me with such eyes. If someone's self-criticism is not profound and I am not satisfied, whoever has to continue to face the wall and think about his mistakes."

After Ye Rongrong said, he went back to the bedroom and closed the door of this bedroom.

"Sister Ziyan, my brother-in-law is a person with a cold face and a soft heart, look, he still doesn't want to punish you to face the wall and think about it."

Liu Xixi happily said to Nangong Ziyan and the others.

"No, the boss is right to punish us, because we didn't do a good job as security guards."

Nangong Ziyan shook her head and said.

Now Nangong Ziyan is still blaming herself very much. As the captain of the guard, she is the most responsible for this incident.

I shouldn't let strangers get close, and let him talk so much to people like myself.

"Sister Ziyan, I don't think I really blame you for this matter. Who knew that villain was so cunning that he smoked vaping cigarettes."

Liu Xixi shook her head and said.

"Bad people are cunning. If they are not cunning, they are not bad people. This is not an excuse we can make."

May Yu said.

"Okay, let's go back to the room and write a review. Everyone must deeply reflect on our mistakes in this incident and how to avoid such things from happening again in the future."

Nangong Ziyan said to the other guards.


"Director Yoshida, do you believe what he said?"

Coming out of the hotel, Haruno Shiro looked at Masaichi Yoshida with some dissatisfaction and said.

In Yuan Ye's eyes, that Professor Ye Rongrong was full of lies, and there was nothing to believe in.

If it weren't for his special status, Yuanye Shilang would have taken him to the police station to assist in the investigation.

As long as he enters the police station and uses various methods, Yuanye Shilang does not believe that Professor Ye Rongrong will not tell the truth.

In Yuan Ye's view, he should not be polite to these Chinese people.

"Professor Ye is the top doctor in the world and a celebrity in the world, so he shouldn't tell such low-level lies. Besides, let's go to the hospital for a test, don't we know everything?"

Yoshida shook his head and said.

After all, in Yoshida Masaichi's view, since Ye Rongrong said so, he must have his basis, and he shouldn't lie to himself and others.

As for why the toxicity cannot be detected by the equipment, it is also understandable. There are still many unknown poisons in the world, and the current equipment cannot detect the toxicity.

At this point, Yoshida Shoichi, who has been working on the medical front, still understands it very well.

Besides, if you go to the hospital for a test now, don't you know everything?

But Masaichi Yoshida is most concerned about the drug that Professor Ye mentioned, thinking about how to get one.

As for what Ye Rongrong said,

If there is no medicine that can almost bring the dead back to life, Yoshida Masaichi will not believe it at all.

"Every man is innocent, but pregnant is guilty." Yoshida Masaichi understands what Professor Ye is worried about. Even if he has such a powerful pill, he will hide it like a treasure and never let others know that he has this medicine in his hand. wait baby.

"That's true!"

The field servant nodded and said.

Half an hour later, Yoshida Masa arrived at Dongjing Hospital with a group of people.

"Have the autopsy results come out yet?"

Yoshida was asking Atom Omoto, vice president of Tokyo Hospital.

"It's all come out. The causes of these deaths are basically the same, and there are even deaths caused by fatal body parts being penetrated by unknown tiny substances."

Xiaobenatom said.

"If the deadly part of the human body is instantly penetrated, will it immediately lose consciousness and faint?"

The field servant asked.

"It depends on the wound. The smaller the wound, the less likely the human body will lose consciousness instantly. This is the same as a bullet piercing the human heart or head. People will not die immediately. It will take a few seconds, tens of seconds, or even longer. Stay awake, and your physical condition is no different from that of a normal person."

Omoto Harada explained.

The vitality of the human body is also very strong. As long as it is not blown to pieces all at once, it will not die immediately under normal circumstances, and there will be a buffer period for a period of time.

During the buffer period, this person looks no different from a normal person.

During World War II, there were people who were hit by a bullet in the heart. They didn’t even know it, and they were able to walk around alive and chat with others. After a while, they suddenly fell to the ground and died. Only then did everyone know that he was hit by a bullet, and the bullet hit him in the heart. It's just that he didn't even know that he had been neutron bombed.

"Then how do you explain that they fainted as soon as they entered the warning zone? After all, it is impossible for a person to faint to death immediately with such a small wound as reported."

Yoshida Shoichi said.

"That's why we are surprised that we don't have any other fatal wounds other than this fatal wound."

Omoto Harada said.

After all, judging from the condition of the wound, there is no way to explain why this situation occurs, and it does not conform to the normal reaction of the human body at all.

"You go find a wolfhound now."

Yoshida was talking to an assistant beside him.



Ten minutes later, the male assistant brought over a big wolf dog. It was a very ferocious looking wolf dog, and many female medical staff in the room turned pale with fright.

"Go and cut a piece of meat from him to feed this wolfhound."

Yoshida pointed to a deceased person and said to a medical staff nearby.


The medical staff hesitated a little.

After all, this person is already dead, and it is too cruel and inhumane to cut his flesh and feed it to the wolfdog.

"Director Yoshida..."

Xiaobenatom's complexion also changed, and he looked at Yoshida Masaichi suspiciously. The main reason is that he cut up the dead man's meat and fed it to the dogs. image.

After all, there are so many people here, and there are so many people talking, there will always be one or two people who can't control their mouths and spread the matter.

"According to my request, I am responsible for what happens."

Yoshida Shoichi said with some displeasure.

"Go and cut off a piece of his body to feed the dog."

Seeing that Yoshida had a bad expression on his face, he was obviously angry, so Xiaomoto didn't dare to say anything, and immediately ordered the medical staff to cut the flesh of the deceased.


Now that the dean has spoken, the young medical staff can only do as required.

The county magistrate might as well be in charge now. If he doesn't listen to the dean's command, he will have to pack up and leave tomorrow.

The young medical worker took a scalpel and cut off a piece of about half a catty of flesh from the dead man's thigh, and carefully threw it to the terrifying wolf dog.

The young medical staff was really worried that the wolfdog would bite him too.

The wolfdog was probably starving. Seeing a piece of meat in front of him, he rushed over and put it in his mouth without even thinking about it. He ate it in two or three bites.

Yoshida Masaichi and Haruno Shiro all stared at the wolfhound.


Just a few seconds after eating the meat, the wolfdog immediately fell to the ground.

"What's going on?"

Many people were stunned when they saw this scene.

Looking at the situation of the wolfdog, it was obvious that he was poisoned.

But this meat is not poisonous at all, why did the wolfdog fall to the ground after eating it.

Is this meat really poisonous?

That's not right, these corpses have been tested with various equipment, they are not poisoned, how could the flesh on them poison such a big wolfhound.

"Professor Ye is right. These people died of poisoning."

Seeing this scene, Yoshida was talking to a few people around him.

I couldn't help admiring Professor Ye's medical skills. After all, I didn't understand how these people died until now, but Professor Ye judged that they were poisoned so quickly and saved many people.

This medical skill is much better than people like myself.

"It seems that it is really poisoned. What kind of poison is so powerful that it can't be detected."

Yuanye Shilang now also accepted the conclusion that these people were poisoned and died, but he was a little confused about what kind of poison it was, it was so powerful, and modern technology couldn't help it.

"We can only ask Professor Ye for advice on this tomorrow. By the way, this is the case. The conclusion of death can be considered. It's so late, I should go back and rest."

Yoshida Shoichi said.

It's already eleven o'clock in the evening, and Masaichi Yoshida wants to go back to sleep.

After all, these people are already dead, and it has nothing to do with me, the director of the health department, so let Yuanye Shilang, the chief of police, have a headache.



Century Hotel.


A scream woke up Ye Rongrong from his sleep, Ye Rongrong opened his eyes with difficulty and saw his wife Liu Qingqing sitting on the bedside.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing suspiciously and asked.

"Hubby, woo woo woo... I'm so scared, I'm afraid that when I wake up, you don't want me anymore."

Liu Qingqing leaned towards Ye Rongrong and cried with tears streaming down her face.

"What happened? My husband will stay with you for the rest of my life, and we will grow old together."

Ye Rongrong hugged Liu Qingqing's body tightly and said.

It seems that what happened last night really frightened Liu Qingqing, and now she has returned to the way she just met herself, timid and afraid to meet strangers.

"Honey, I'm afraid!"

Liu Qingqing leaned against Ye Rongrong's arms and said anxiously.

"Don't be afraid, with your husband here, no one will want you to hurt a single hair."

Ye Rongrong said comfortingly.

"Honey, you are so kind!"

Liu Qingqing felt very happy and safe.

This sense of security can only be given to oneself by a man.

"Honey, it's still early, let's sleep a little longer!"

Ye Rongrong looked at the time on the wall clock on the wall. It is now more than six o'clock in the morning of Dongjing time, which is more than seven o'clock in China time. It is still very early for Ye Rongrong, so he should sleep in for a while.


Liu Qingqing nodded while lying on Ye Rongrong's chest, and closed her eyes.

Now Liu Qingqing didn't want to go anywhere, she just wanted to lie on her man's body and sleep quietly.



Due to various things, the update has been very unstable recently. The otaku is deeply sorry for this. Recently, the otaku will adjust the sleep time to stabilize the update. ...

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