The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1077 Death?

"Mr. Kawaguchi, I hope you will show me some face and stop making trouble here."

The leading police officer frowned and said to Toshi Kawaguchi.

"Who are you? Why do I give you face? Let me tell you, you'd better not interfere in this matter, otherwise don't blame us for being rude. It's not so fun to offend us."

Governor Kawaguchi didn't pay attention to the stupid police these days at all, and even threatened.

Hearing Governor Kawaguchi's words, the leading police officer suddenly changed his expression!

Obviously the leading police officer is very jealous of Governor Kawaguchi.

"If you want to fight, find a remote place. Don't fight here. This is a busy area. If things get serious, it's not good for anyone."

The leading police officer was obviously afraid of Governor Kawaguchi and his group, so he retired from the dorm and didn't want to care about this matter.

They all said these words in front of Ye Rongrong, and of course Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing heard them too.

"Husband, how can a stupid policeman do this these days!"

Liu Qingqing whispered to Ye Rongrong in disbelief.

"The dark forces are very strong these days, and the police are also afraid of them. It's not surprising."

There was no change in Ye Rongrong's expression, but it became more and more strangely flat, and his heart cooled down.

Some people are impatient with their own lives, and Ye Rongrong will naturally help them.

"Take them away!"

Governor Kawaguchi also understands that this is a busy city, and if the matter gets bigger, it will not do him any good if the higher authorities pursue it, so he is going to have someone take Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing to another place to deal with it.

"Honey, help me take off my clothes."

Ye Rongrong took off his coat unhurriedly, handed it to Liu Qingqing and said.

Liu Qingqing hummed and said, "Honey, be careful."

"Don't worry, I'll be fine, it's them who have trouble."

After Ye Rongrong finished speaking, he moved his arms and shoulders, and slowly rolled up the sleeves on his wrists, which meant he was ready to do something.

If it weren't for the surveillance around and the onlookers, Ye Rongrong wouldn't need to be so troublesome, he could beat them all to the ground in a few strokes.

However, because there were too many people watching and so many surveillance cameras, Ye Rongrong didn't want to be too outrageous, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble for himself.

Some troubles are annoying after all.

"This man is too arrogant!"

"Nambly, does this kid dare to fight us?"

"court death!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong rolled up the sleeves on his wrists and was about to confront them, the group immediately became angry.

To know that there are so many people on my side, most people would be so frightened that they would kneel down and beg for mercy at this time, but this person is fine, he dares to challenge one person with so many people, he is simply tired of life.

This angered the group of people, and a young man who rushed to the front swung the stick in his hand, and hit Ye Rongrong on the head with a "bang".

This is too hard, with a "bang\

,"The wooden stick was broken and fell to the ground with a clatter!

Suddenly the scene was silent.

Everyone held their breath and looked at the scene in front of them in disbelief.

This man's head is actually harder than this stick!


At this time, Ye Rongrong laughed, moved his neck and head horribly, and even touched his head.

That look makes people look hairy!


Got beaten!

He was hit on the head with a stick!

Ye Rongrong couldn't even remember how long he hadn't been hit by a stick?

It seems that since I got the "lazy system", I haven't been hit by a stick, because I have become too strong, and others have not even gotten close to my body, and I was put on it by myself.

Ye Rongrong has not been a good baby since he was a child, fighting is common, but after marrying his wife, he seldom takes the initiative to fight with others.

Being hit by a stick suddenly, Ye Rongrong felt a long-lost excitement and excitement in his heart.

"Honey, are you okay?"

Liu Qingqing came back to her senses, and asked loudly while standing in the distance.

"Honey, I'm fine."

Ye Rongrong waved his hand to Liu Qingqing and said.

That stick was exactly what Ye Rongrong said, he really had nothing to do with it, not to mention such a small wooden stick, even an iron stick would never hurt Ye Rongrong at all.

Ye Guangrong, who had completed the iron cloth shirt, was completely invulnerable to the body of a king kong.

This stick Ye Rongrong is not angry, even Ye Rongrong is very happy.

This stick hits well!

Great fight!

Even if I maimed this group of people later, I have a reason!

This is self-defense!

Even if it is a legitimate defense, so what?

I have a status and status, and I was invited by the Japanese official to come to Japan to participate in the exchange meeting.

He was beaten by gangsters on the streets of Riben, and the police nearby just watched and didn't do anything. No matter how reasonable this matter was, it was Riben's fault.

Ye Rongrong even suspected that he had killed all these people, so he had nothing to say about the stupid side today.

After all, there is a powerful country behind him.

Of course, Ye Rongrong didn't want to do this kind of murder in front of so many onlookers, as it would damage his glorious image.

The onlookers from a distance and the Japanese stupid policemen who wanted to stop him but didn't dare to stop looked at Ye Rongrong's smiling expression.

I really don't understand how this person can be so happy after being beaten.

He was so happy to be surrounded by so many people trying to beat him up?

Is this person sick?

"Everyone has seen that these people are going to hit me with their hands. They hit me on the head with wooden sticks. This is to kill me. I didn't cause this incident, and I didn't move their hands first. , no matter what happens next, I will be in self-defense, I have no choice but to do so!"

Seeing that the group of people opposite him were all staring at him in a daze, Ye Rongyao shouted loudly.

The onlookers immediately said: "..."

Those policemen also: "..."

It's all about death, and you still say such sarcastic remarks, it really makes everyone don't know what to say.

Governor Kawaguchi was angry.

These gangsters are angry!

I have seen arrogance before, but I have never seen such arrogance. When I am dying, I dare to say such big words.

I really think that my group of people are good men and women!

The young man who hit Ye Rongrong's head with a wooden stick just now picked up the broken wooden stick from the ground.

The tip of this disconnected wooden bastard already has a lot of wood stubble, very sharp.

"Boy, you are going to die!"

As soon as the words fell, the young man held up a stick and stabbed Ye Rongrong in the stomach.

The current broken stick is basically no different from broken glass, it is very sharp, if this blow is real, the stomach will definitely be pierced.

Many people were shocked to see it!

"Be careful!"

Liu Qingqing yelled in a hurry.

Although Liu Qingqing was very confident in her husband, she couldn't help shouting out to remind Ye Rongrong to be careful.


A young policeman said anxiously to the sheriff leading the team.

If this goes on like this, people will die. In broad daylight on this street, in front of the police like me, if there is a murder case, people like me will bear a big responsibility.

Otherwise, this policeman will not be able to become a policeman.

"Call an ambulance!"

The police officer who led the team said immediately.

"Is it in time?"

The young policeman said with some anxiety.

"Call me first! I'm paralyzed, I'm really unlucky today."

The leading police officer said dejectedly.

It was too late, and then it was too late, just as the policemen were talking, the young man rushed to Ye Rongrong again, and stabbed Ye Rongrong's stomach with the stick.

Facing the oncoming wooden stick, Ye Rongrong looked leisurely, stretched out his hand casually, grabbed the young man's wrist, and then twisted his wrist, twisting the young man's hand holding the stick upwards. tease!


With a scream, the broken stick that was supposed to pierce Ye Rongrong's chin was already ruthlessly pierced into the young man's chin, almost penetrating into the entire mouth, and blood kept gushing out!

And all of this is done in the blink of an eye.

Even many people haven't seen Ye Glory's actions clearly, it's all over.

All that was left was the miserable appearance of the young man.

As soon as Ye Rongrong let go, the strong man rolled his eyes and fell to the ground with a thump, motionless, and passed out.


"Yamamoto Noro!"

"how so?"

"What the hell happened?"


The sudden change frightened the group of people, and they all exclaimed!

"Give it to me, beat him to death!"

Governor Kawaguchi shouted angrily.

"Kill him!"

"kill him!"

"Revenge for Noro Yamamoto!"


As Kawaguchi Governor's words fell, the group of people exploded immediately, and dozens of people rushed up at once. This group of people seemed to be crazy, shouting wildly, and rushed towards Ye Rongrong with sticks in their hands.

Because Ye Rongrong was alone, and the surrounding space was so big, it was useless to have too many people. The first three people who rushed to Ye Rongrong's front were all brandishing sticks.

Because there were too many people, Ye Rongrong was surrounded, and people outside couldn't see clearly what was going on inside.

"Husband, he will be fine!"

Liu Qingqing crossed her hands over her heart, and said to herself in her heart.




The first person who rushed to Ye Rongrong was kicked out by Ye Rongrong's kick, and the five or six people behind him were also knocked out, and they all fell to the ground and howled, unable to get up.

The second person who rushed in front of Ye Rongrong waved his stick and was about to attack Ye Rongrong, but somehow found that the stick in his hand was missing. Before he could figure out what was going on, he was hit on the head suddenly So he tilted his head and fell to the ground silently, and passed out without a word.

The third person was not much better, he was kicked to the crotch by Ye Rongrong, his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't even cry out in pain, so he fell to the ground and rolled!

And all this happened in the blink of an eye.

In the blink of an eye, the three of them were treated terribly by Ye Rongrong.

This made those who watched the excitement from a distance startled, "Isn't this kid too powerful?"

"Is this the legendary 'Chinese Kung Fu'?"

"Could it be that he will turn the tables?"


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