The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1892 Medical Exchange Meeting

This medical exchange meeting was hosted by Tokyo Hospital and held in the auditorium of Dongjing Medical University. When Ye Rongrong came, the conference center had already gathered medical elites from all over the world, all of whom came to participate in this medical exchange meeting .

Of course, in addition to academic exchanges, representatives of many internationally renowned manufacturers of medical devices and pharmaceuticals participated in this medical exchange meeting, and they are also sponsors of this exchange meeting.

As the organizer of this exchange seminar, Tokyo Hospital has put a lot of thought into the success of this exchange seminar, and has a lot of financial resources to support the smooth progress of this exchange seminar.

Although most of the people who come here to participate in the exchange meeting are young and middle-aged outstanding medical personnel from various countries, of course, some top medical masters also participated in this exchange meeting.

For example, Ye Rongrong from Huaxia, John Tom from Magnesia, Hideko Matsushita from Japan and other top international medical masters came to participate in this exchange meeting.

Their seats are all arranged in the front row. Others sit on sofas and chairs. These top medical masters sit on the kind of luxurious sofas that can lie down and sleep.

Ye Rongrong is now sitting on such a luxurious sofa, and there is a young and beautiful Japanese stupid female college student serving him.

This day, Ye Rongrong, a stupid female college student, has met, and can be regarded as acquainted with, Yoshida Piaoyue of the Yoshida family.

"This sofa is so big, don't stand up, let's sit together!"

Ye Rongrong was not used to having a young girl standing beside him, so he spoke to Yoshida Piaoyue.

"Thank you, Uncle Ye, I'll be fine standing up!"

Yoshida Ukizuki shook his head and said.

The people sitting in this conference room today are all elites in the medical field, especially the people sitting on the first row of big sofas, they are all top figures in the world's medical field.

No matter in terms of social status and prestige, she is not comparable to a little girl from the Yoshida family, so Yoshida Piaoyue dare not sit in this seat.

More importantly, this time I came with a mission, and the family spent a lot of money to arrange for me to serve Professor Ye. The purpose is to let myself have more contact with Professor Ye and leave a good impression for Professor Ye impression.

Of course, Yoshida Piaoyue knows the thoughts of being the family members in the family. He just wants to use the rest of his life to please Professor Ye Rongrong.

As a child of a big family in Japan, marriage is no longer free, and it is all arranged by the family.

Especially girls, who have no status, may be given as gifts at any time.

And Yoshida Piaoyue is the gift that the Yoshida family is going to give Ye Rongrong.

After all, no gift is as useful as giving a living beauty.

It has been the principle since ancient times that a hero is sad about a beauty.

Therefore, for big families, they all like to use beauty traps, which is the case with ancient marriages.

As a child of a big family, there is no right to choose.

Yoshida Piaoyue could only accept it silently.

But there is one thing Yoshida Piaoyue feels that she is lucky. After all, the man beside her is very young, strong and capable.

The key is,

He is a Chinese man, and Chinese men are famous for loving women, unlike Japanese stupid men, who don't treat women as human beings.

Believe that following him is better than being sent to some perverted stupid old man in the future.

Just like my cousin, who was given to a stupid Japanese official to be a woman, and her life was in dire straits.

Every time I go back to my mother's house, I wash my face with tears.

But so what?

The family will not stand up for you, even if one day you are beaten to death by your husband, the family will not care.

For the family, the interests are the most important, and the women in the family are the goods.


Seeing that Yoshida Piaoyue was unwilling to sit down, Ye Rongrong didn't force it.

"He's such a nice man!"

Although Yoshida Piaoyue didn't sit down, the way she looked at Ye Rongrong changed.

Such a caring person, if I follow him, my life will definitely not be too bad.

And her wife, I have seen it myself, is a very nice woman, and she shouldn't deliberately abuse herself.

Yoshida Piaoyue thought to herself.

Time passed by like this, and soon the exchange meeting began.

First of all, the medical representatives of each country came to the stage to speak their own medical theories. As the host, Japan was naturally the first to send a representative to speak on the stage, which can be regarded as attracting ideas.

"That's what I'm going to talk about, I've finished my talk now, thank you all!"

A bespectacled Japanese medical specialist with thinning hair bowed, spoke in English, and returned to his seat.

He mainly talked about Japan's achievements in surgery in the past year, and some practical experience in surgery. He is a very knowledgeable Japanese medical expert.

"Next, Mr. John Tom from Magnesium Country will give a speech for you..."

The host stood up and said to the audience.

After the voice fell behind, there was warm applause from the auditorium!

This John Tom is a person with a very high level of medical skills, and he is also an eloquent person. He chatted on the podium for more than ten minutes before ending, and Ye Rongrong was a little drowsy.

Ten minutes later, John Tom finished speaking, and several medical experts from other countries came to the stage to give a lecture on medical knowledge, and Ye Rongrong fell into a daze when he heard it.

"Uncle Ye, Uncle Ye."

Just when Ye Rongrong was about to fall asleep in a daze, he was woken up by Yoshida Piaoyue.

"What's wrong?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Yoshida Piaoyue suspiciously and called over to ask.

"Uncle Ye, it's your turn soon."

Yoshida Piaoxue hurriedly said,

"It's my time?"

Ye Rongrong heard Yoshida Piaoxue's words, and then cheered up, but he was still a little confused, pointed to himself, and asked uncertainly.

"Yes, Uncle Ye, you were distracted just now."

Yoshida Fadey said hastily.

"The next one will invite Professor Ye Rongrong from Huaxia to give us a speech."

At this moment, the voice of a host on the rostrum came.

"Okay, it's my turn."

As Ye Rongrong said, he got up and walked towards the rostrum.

Now Ye Rongrong is a person who has experienced many battles, and he will not be nervous or flustered when performing on stage.

Because before coming, the organizer had already communicated with Ye Rongrong, and Ye Rongrong was not completely unprepared.

Ye Rongrong walked to the front of the stage, inserted the mobile hard disk into the computer, retrieved the meridian map of the human body, and said to the medical elites from all over the world, "Everyone, today I want to talk to you about the meridians and acupuncture theory of traditional Chinese medicine. "

"What kind of picture is this? I don't understand!"

"This is a diagram of the meridians of the human body in traditional Chinese medicine, which is very strange."

"Chinese medicine in Huaxia? No, there is no scientific basis, it is pseudoscience."

"Chinese medicine? I haven't heard of it. Is it the same as a witch doctor?"

As soon as Ye Rongrong finished speaking, discussions began to ensue.

After all, TCM is not well-known in the world, nor is it fully recognized by mainstream Western medicine.

Even in the eyes of some western medical experts, this traditional Chinese medicine is not worth seeing. If it were not for the support of the Chinese government, this Chinese traditional medicine would have declined long ago and was completely replaced by western medicine.

"Professor Ye, what are meridians and acupuncture? Can you demonstrate them to us?"

"That's right, Professor Ye, please demonstrate to everyone."

After Ye Rongrong finished talking about meridians and acupuncture, several foreign doctors immediately shouted.

It was obvious that he was going to tear down Ye Glory's platform.

"Okay, let's invite a doctor to come up, and I will show you the meridians and acupuncture."

Ye Rongrong pointed to a middle-aged western man in the audience who questioned him the most.

The western middle-aged man stepped onto the rostrum.

"What's your name?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the middle-aged man and asked.

"My name is Jim, and I'm from the Magnesium National Academy of Medicine."

Jim introduced himself.

In fact, Jim was a little dissatisfied with Ye Rongrong. After all, this Professor Ye was much younger than himself, but he was sitting in the first row of this exchange meeting.

Enjoying the best treatment, this made Jim very unconvinced.

Isn't it just lucky luck to develop a "specific medicine for bird flu"? Today is a medical skills exchange meeting, not a pharmaceutical exchange meeting. Why should he sit in the most honored position in the first row.

So Jim wants to test Ye Rongrong to see if he has the qualifications.

To put it bluntly, he just wanted to embarrass Ye Rongrong.


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