The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1898 Bragging meets Shameless

Chinese medicine pays attention to "seeing, smelling and asking", and this "smelling" is also the basic skill of Chinese medicine. As Ye Rongrong's favorite student, Ouyang Qianqian is still very good at this aspect.

Soon she could tell what disease the patient had from the smell of urine.

"Li Ruyan, is it your turn?"

After seeing Ouyang Qianqian smell the urine, Li Jialan said to the young female doctor who was talking to Ouyang Qianqian just now.


Li Ruyan glanced at Li Jialan gloomily, and could only bite the bullet and smell the urine. He looked uncomfortable, as if he was about to vomit.


Without smelling it twice, Li Ruyan couldn't take it anymore and ran to the side to vomit.

Seeing this scene, Li Jialan shook her head involuntarily.

That's the difference!

Ouyang Qianqian's ability to learn real skills from Professor Ye is inseparable from her own hard work. Look at Li Ruyan, who doesn't even want to smell the patient's urine. This is the end of her medical achievements.

"Doctor Ouyang, do you smell the patient's disease?"

Li Jialan ignored Li Ruyan's embarrassed look, but looked at Ouyang Qianqian.

After all, people like myself are Western doctors, and they are used to seeing patients by looking at the laboratory test sheets. Suddenly, everyone needs to judge the patient's condition in this most primitive way, and it really feels like there is no way to start.

Although Li Jialan also smelled the smell of urine just now, he didn't smell anything except that it was particularly coquettish and unpleasant.

"Basically, I can smell it, this patient..."

But before Ouyang Qianqian could tell what disease this patient had, she was interrupted by Li Jialan: "Don't say it, just write it on paper."

Li Jialan was worried that the members of the medical team from other countries would hear about it. To be on the safe side, it's better not to let Ouyang Qianqian speak out.


Ouyang Qianqian nodded and wrote down her diagnosis on the paper.


Twenty minutes passed.

The host stepped onto the rostrum and announced the patient's illness, which was kidney stones

The urine is smoky and has a fishy smell. Basically, it can be concluded that the patient has kidney stone disease. This time, in addition to the team of the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital, the team of Han Guo National Hospital and the team of Magnesia National Hospital diagnosed the patient's disease. .

"This Huaxia PLA General Hospital is too powerful!"

"Why do you have the identity of the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital every time? When did the young doctors of the Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital become so powerful?"

"I saw it just now. The beautiful female doctor at the Huaxia PLA General Hospital diagnosed it a few times. I didn't expect this beautiful female doctor to be so skilled."

"Yeah, it's really unexpected."

"Do you know that beautiful female doctor?"

"I don't know, I haven't heard of this person before."

"When did such a beautiful female doctor appear in the Chinese medical field?

Why hasn't everyone heard of it? If her medical skills are so good, she should be very famous. "


The results of the Huaxia PLA General Hospital have always been far ahead of the medical teams of other countries, which immediately attracted the attention of members of the medical teams of other countries.

Especially Ouyang Qianqian, the main member, aroused the interest of these foreign medical practitioners.

Such a beautiful woman with superb medical skills rarely exists in the international medical field. This sudden emergence of a woman really surprised everyone.

In fact, it's no wonder that these foreign medical professionals don't know about Ouyang Qianqian, after all, it's only been more than a year since her rise.

More than a year ago, Ouyang Qianqian and the others still had a headache about whether they could find a mentor, until they met Ye Rongrong.

Although in the past six months, Ouyang Qianqian and the others are well-known in the General Hospital of the People's Liberation Army and in the Chinese medical field, they are too young and they are Chinese medicine practitioners, and they have not participated in any international exchange meetings. On the Internet, there are almost no people who know Ouyang Qianqian.

It can be said that this is Ouyang Qianqian's debut on the international stage.

It also made people in the international medical field dare not underestimate this young and beautiful Chinese female doctor.

Ouyang Qianqian was a blockbuster.

"Congratulations to the three medical teams for correctly diagnosing this patient's condition. Now, please ask the three medical teams to send representatives to the stage to give this patient a treatment plan."

said the host.

After all, so many patients are willing to come to diagnose this disease for everyone. The big reason is that they want their disease to be treated effectively.

Soon, the three medical teams sent representatives to the stage, and the Huaxia PLA General Hospital team naturally sent Ouyang Qianqian to the stage. After all, in the whole team, Ouyang Qianqian was the one with the best medical skills.

The Magnesium National Hospital team sent out a tall, handsome young man. As soon as this boy came on stage, his eyes never moved from Ouyang Qianqian's face, which made Ouyang Qianqian very upset .

"Beauty, hello, I'm Jack Danny, a doctor in the Urology Department of Magnesia National Hospital, very happy to meet you, I found that I fell in love with you, can you give me your contact information?"

Jack Daniel looked at Ouyang Qianqian and said directly.

"No, you're not my type!"

Ouyang Qianqian glanced at Jack Daniel and shook her head and said.

This foreigner is crazy, he doesn't even know him, so he comes up and says he loves himself.

"Beauty, don't..."

"Sorry, it's game time now, please pay attention to the next occasion."

Ouyang Qianqian interrupted Jack Daniel's words with a cold face.

Although Ouyang Qianqian is not young anymore, and her family is urging her to find a boyfriend as soon as possible, but there is always a shadow in Ouyang Qianqian's heart, which makes her unwilling or not want to find a boyfriend.

"This is the patient. Which of the three doctors will give this patient a treatment plan first?"

The host pointed to the middle-aged man who came to the stage and asked the three doctors on the stage.

"I'll come first!"

Jack Daniel said immediately.

This was a good opportunity to show off in front of the beauties, so Jack Daniel naturally did his part.

"Then ask Dr. Jack Denny of Magnesia National Hospital to give the patient a treatment plan."

After the host finished speaking, he handed a microphone to Jack Daniel and said.

"This patient has serious kidney stones and often suffers from abdominal cramps, so I suggest surgical treatment. There are two best options, one is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy, that is, ESWL treatment; the other is in A stent placed in the ureter can be used in conjunction with ESWL treatment."

"I have performed these two operations on thousands of patients with kidney stones in the country of magnesium. The success rate of the operation is as high as 100%. If I perform surgery on him, I guarantee a 100% success rate. I can do it for this patient for free. Operation."

Jack Daniel said proudly.

After finishing speaking, he still didn't forget to look at Ouyang Qianqian, but to his disappointment, Ouyang Qianqian didn't look at him at all, as if he didn't exist.

This made Jack Daniel very upset.

"I am very grateful to Dr. Jack Danny for the treatment plan. After this exchange meeting, if patients want to ask Dr. Jack Danny to perform surgery on themselves, they can apply to the staff."

said the host.

"Let him go first!"

Seeing that the host was looking at her, Ouyang Qianqian pointed directly at the male doctor from Hanguo National Hospital beside her and said.

"Then ask Dr. Liao Xixuan from Hanguo National Hospital to give the patient a treatment plan."

The host directly handed the microphone to Liao Xixuan and said.

"This patient's kidney stones have reached the stage where they must be treated. My personal suggestion is surgical treatment, but it is different from Dr. Jack Daniel's two surgical plans. I think this patient should undergo ureteroscopic lithotripsy. Lithotripsy or percutaneous nephrolithotripsy, or laparoscopic incision and lithotripsy, are all better than ESWL."

Liao Xixuan also proposed a surgical treatment plan, but the surgical treatment plan was different from that of Jack Danny, and even pointed out that his own treatment plan was better than Jack Danny's.


Jack Danny didn't expect that Liao Xixuan would put himself on the line in the end, and immediately pointed to Liao Xixuan unhappily and said bluntly: "Don't you think the success rate of the three operations you proposed is too low?"

"Yes, it is indeed difficult for some people, but if you let me do this operation, I can guarantee a 100% success rate."

Liao Xixuan looked at Jack Daniel and said.

This is an international medical exchange meeting. As long as you perform well at this exchange meeting, your popularity will definitely increase, and your status and income will naturally increase.

Naturally, Liao Xixuan would not let go of such an opportunity.

As for stepping on Jack Daniels, so what, the most important thing is that one's own popularity can be raised.

Since this Jack Daniel dared to claim that the success rate of the operation was 100%, why wouldn't he dare to say that the success rate of his operation was 100%.

"You bragging!"

Jack Danny naturally does not believe that Liao Xixuan can achieve a 100% success rate of the operation. After all, the three treatment plans proposed by Liao Xixuan are more difficult than the two treatment plans proposed by him. The success rate is not high, and it is impossible to do it at all. to a 100% success rate.

You must know that what I said just now that the operation I performed was 100% successful is a bit of bragging.

It's just that Jack Daniel didn't expect that this Han countryman had such a thick skin, much thicker than himself, it was simply shameless.

"Is it bragging, we can compete!"

Liao Xixuan responded unceremoniously to Jack Daniel.

off stage.

"Is the success rate of surgery in your magnesium country hospital so high?"

Ye Rongrong asked Williams beside him.

"It's okay for that... young man to brag occasionally."

Williams smiled awkwardly.

"That's true, anyway, the cowhide can't be broken."

Ye Rongrong smiled and nodded.

This Mei countryman is very bragging, but he didn't expect Ye Rongrong to laugh when he met a shameless Han countryman.


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