The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1944 Hot spring

Chapter 1944 Hot Springs

Ye Rongrong squatted down and felt the temperature of the water with his hands.

Fortunately, it was not very hot, about forty degrees.

"Feel it, is the water warm?"

Ye Rongrong tested the temperature of the water, and when he felt that there was no problem, he waved his hand to let Liu Qingqing and the others come over, and asked them to reach out and feel the temperature in the water.

Liu Qingqing squatted down and touched the steaming warm water from the small hole with her hand.

"Hey, it's true. Unexpectedly, the water is really warm. The temperature is just right, very comfortable!"

Liu Qingqing felt the temperature of the water in amazement, she really didn't expect a hot spring to appear underground.

Nangong Ziyan and the others also came to try the water temperature.

"It's really hot."

"The water temperature feels like forty or fifty degrees."

"Is there a hot spring down here?"

"Boss, is there a hot spring under this ground?"

A group of people looked at Ye Rongrong's temperature curiously.

After all, this natural hot spring is too rare, and every discovery is a huge news.

"That's right, there is a hot spring under the ground, that's why the water is so warm."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Now Ye Rongrong is in a very good mood. The discovery of this hot spring is of great significance to the entire Taoyuan Village.

"Husband, what do you mean, there are hot springs in our mountain?"

Liu Qingqing asked in surprise.

"It's not sure yet, we still have to investigate."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Although there are hot springs underground, if the spring is too small, or if there is only one such spring, it will be difficult to form a hot spring.

After all, the water is now underground. If the ground is planed, the warm water in the ground will come into contact with the cold air on the ground, and the water temperature will drop. If the springs are small or the number of springs is small, the water temperature will drop a lot.

Once the water temperature is lower than 20°C, it cannot be called a hot spring.

Strictly speaking, it is natural water that gushes out from the ground. The natural outcrop of groundwater whose temperature at the spring mouth is significantly higher than the local average annual temperature but lower than (equal to) 45 degrees is called natural hot spring. Natural hot spring also contains beneficial to human health. Mineral water with trace elements.

However, there are many hot springs that are extracted from the ground and artificially heated, but these are artificial hot springs, and their curative effect is far inferior to natural hot springs.

Most of the hot spring water is infiltrated deep underground by precipitation or surface water, absorbs the heat of the surrounding magma and then rises out of the surface, usually mineral springs.

Springs whose temperature is equal to or slightly higher than the boiling point of local water are called boiling springs; hot springs that can spray water periodically and rhythmically are called geysers.

The formation of hot springs can generally be divided into two types: one is formed by magma action inside the earth's crust, or is accompanied by volcanic eruptions.

The second is formed by the infiltration cycle of surface water.

Generally speaking, the formation of hot springs requires the following three conditions: 1. There must be hot water underground; 2. There must be a hydrostatic pressure difference to cause hot water to surge up;

"It would be great if there is a hot spring here, we can come to the hot spring often."

Liu Qingqing said.

After all, soaking in hot springs is very beneficial to the body. A hot spring bath can not only relax muscles and joints and eliminate fatigue; it can also expand blood vessels, promote blood circulation, and accelerate human metabolism.

In addition, most hot springs are rich in chemical substances, which are helpful to the human body.

For example, calcium carbonate in hot springs has a considerable effect on improving physical fitness and restoring physical strength; while hot springs contain rich calcium, potassium, radon and other components that are beneficial to regulating cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, treating diabetes, gout, neuralgia, arthritis, etc. It has a certain effect; while the sulfur spring can soften the cutin, and the carbonated water containing sodium has the effect of bleaching and softening the skin.

If there are hot springs in Taoyuan Village, you can come to the hot springs frequently in the future.

After all, hot springs are expensive to persist for a long time.

It is impossible to achieve the purpose of health preservation or beauty only by soaking in hot springs once or twice during holidays.

"I'll see and talk."

As Ye Rongrong said, he used the "detection technique" to probe around the ground around his feet.

"A hot spring eye!"

"Two hot spring eyes!"

"Five hot spring eyes!"


"Twenty-five hot spring eyes!"

"Thirty hot spring eyes!"

"Thirty-seven hot spring eyes!"

Soon, Ye Rongrong discovered that within a radius of 1,000 meters around this hot spring eye, there were thirty-seven hot spring eyes densely packed.

This is a very large hot spring area!

Ye Rongrong really didn't expect that the mountain where his ancestors lived for generations would have such a huge wealth, and everyone didn't know it.

However, judging from the position of the hot spring eye, Ye Rongrong understands why the hot spring has not been discovered, it is too deep from the ground, and there are underground channels.

If it weren't for the shallow hot spring below where Ye Rongrong was standing, the sound of running water could be heard.

"Master, are you okay?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong closing his eyes motionless, Ye Piaoyue asked suspiciously.


Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

Now Ye Rongrong is in a very good mood. After all, there are so many hot springs, this can definitely create a large natural bath.

It is important to know the value of natural baths.

At that time, everyone in Taoyuan Village will become rich because of this bath.

Even Taoyuan Village will become a tourist attraction.

This is a great wealth!

"Honey, there are many hot springs here, we can build a natural bath here."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Natural Bath!"

Hearing Ye Rongrong's words, everyone was surprised. After all, this natural bathing place is extremely rare, and there are not many natural bathing places in the world.

Each bath represents wealth and plays a key role in promoting the local economic development.

"Husband, is there really a natural bath here?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong in surprise and asked.

After living in Taoyuan Village for so many years, Liu Qingqing never thought that there would be such a natural bathing place here.

People in Taoyuan Village really guard Baoshan without knowing it!

But this time I was so lucky that everyone discovered this hot spring.

"Yes, this time I have to give Piaoyue a head start. If it weren't for her, we wouldn't have discovered the hot spring."

Ye Rongrong said to Ye Piaoyue with a smile.

"Master, I am yours, and everything I own belongs to the master."

Ye Piaoyue looked at Ye Rongrong and said.

"Ahem, cough, I'll call the old village chief."

Ye Rongrong coughed twice in embarrassment, and then said to everyone.

What Ye Piaoyue said could easily cause misunderstandings.


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