The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1971 Pan Chengchen's Resoluteness

"Twisted melons are not sweet, Xiao Si, I don't want to go to court with you."

Pan Chengchen looked at Xiao Si'er calmly and said.

"Do you really want a divorce? What did I do wrong, or what did I not do well, tell me, should I change my career? Please don't divorce me, you know, I love you so much."

Xiao Si'er looked at Pan Chengchen pleadingly and said.

The word "divorce" that Pan Chengchen said broke Xiao Si'er's heart!

Xiao Si'er really loves Pan Chengchen, and has always wanted to grow old with her.

But now, after two years of marriage, Pan Chengchen is going to divorce her, which is hard for Xiao Si'er to accept.

"Don't do this, we're really over. Rather than suffering each other like this, it's really better to get a divorce. I've made up my mind!"

Pan Chengchen looked at Xiao Sier heartily and said.

One day husband and wife, one hundred days of grace, it would be too fake to say that they have no feelings for Xiao Si'er.

When she chose to marry Xiao Si'er, it was because she liked him that she wanted to marry him.

But the more successful men he came into contact with, the more Pan Chengchen felt that Xiao Si'er was useless, incompetent, and unromantic.

Usually on my birthday and Valentine's Day, other men send me flowers and gifts, and invite me out for dinner and movies.

Although Pan Chengchen rejected the invitations and gifts of these successful men, after a long time, Pan Chengchen was still a little moved.

Compared with those successful men, her husband, Xiao Si'er, was far behind.

Those people are either the bosses of listed companies, or young and promising officials of local governments.

The most important thing is that these people are very emotional and romantic, and they really care about themselves.

"Are you really going to divorce? Is there no room for maneuver?"

Xiao Si'er looked at Pan Chengchen in pain and said.

"We're really over! Don't make trouble, wouldn't it be nice for everyone to divorce happily?"

Pan Chengchen said.

"Happily divorced?"

Xiao Si'er looked at Pan Chengchen with a look of despair, was silent for a while, gritted her teeth and said, "If... If you think you will be happy to divorce me, I promise you!"

When you love someone, you want her to be happy. Since Pan Chengchen feels that living with him will make her unhappy and unhappy, Xiao Si'er no longer insists.

A twisted melon is not sweet, since I love her, I need to learn to let go and let her pursue her happiness.


Pan Chengchen said gratefully.

I really didn't expect that Xiao Si'er would agree to divorce him so readily, which surprised Pan Chengchen.

However, Pan Chengchen was quite happy in his heart. At the very least, he was able to divorce in such a peaceful manner, which saved a lot of things and troubles.

Not to mention there will be no uproar, Pan Chengchen really doesn't want to go to court with Xiao Si'er!

"As long as you are happy!"

Xiao Si'er said emotionally.


Facing Xiao Si'er who was depressed, Pan Chengchen said apologetically.

In fact, Xiao Si'er is really kind to herself.

After getting married, he listens to himself in everything and loves himself very much. He is a good man.


Pan Chengchen was also a little confused immediately, not knowing what kind of man he really liked.

"Don't tell me I'm sorry. It's a luxury for me, a rural Han with a junior high school education, to marry a beautiful female college student like you. Thank you for spending more than a year of good time with me."

Xiao Si'er said painfully.

As my mother said, I don't have the ability to yell at a beautiful daughter-in-law, and marrying such a beautiful daughter-in-law, there will be such a day sooner or later.


Faced with such a scene, Pan Chengchen didn't know what to say other than saying sorry!

I am really sorry for Xiao Si'er, he is a good man, a man who really treats me well.

For some reason, Pan Chengchen regretted it a little!

"Why don't we get a divorce?"

But the thought faltered for a while,

Pan Chengchen shook his head.

This Xiaosi is not the man I want, and this kind of life is not the life I want to live.

Although he had no worries about food and clothing, and had a good life, Pan Chengchen was not satisfied with these.

Pan Chengchen felt that he still had higher and better pursuits.

"When are you going to leave?"

Xiao Si'er calmed down her grief, looked at Pan Chengchen and asked.

Since getting married, didn't Pan Chengchen always think that he is not man enough?

This time I am a man!

"If possible, I think we will go through the divorce procedures in the afternoon. After the divorce procedures are completed, I will move out."

Pan Chengchen said.

It was rare that Xiao Si'er agreed so readily now, Pan Chengchen was worried that there would be long nights and dreams, and Xiao Si'er would go back on his word tomorrow.

"Okay, I'll get the account book!"

Xiao Si'er said.

"I don't need a household registration book. I haven't moved my household registration. I don't need a household registration book for divorce."

Pan Chengchen said.

"There's something for you!"

With that said, Pan Chengchen opened the drawer with a key, took out a bank card and handed it to Xiao Si'er: "This is your money, I will return it all to you."

Since getting married, all of Xiao Si'er's money has been handed over to Pan Chengchen, and every month he gives Xiao Si'er 200 yuan in pocket money.

This time they got divorced, Pan Chengchen planned to return all the money to Xiao Si'er.

In this way, he and Xiao Si'er are cleared up.


Xiaosi'er took the bank card dully and put it in his pocket, and there was no more chewing sound!

"Then let's get ready and drive to the Civil Affairs Bureau later."

Pan Chengchen said.

Although Pan Chengchen had only worked in Ye Rongrong's foundation for more than a year, the generous treatment from the foundation allowed Pan Chengchen to have his own car.

On this point, Pan Chengchen's income is indeed more than that of Xiaosi'er.

"Okay, then I'll go down first!"

Xiao Si'er nodded and left the bedroom.


"What? Being scolded by her again, I said you..."

Seeing Xiao Si'er coming down the stairs in a depressed mood, Xiao Si'er's mother said angrily.

Xiao Si'er's mother is really sad that the child she has raised for so many years is bullied by his wife like this!

"Mom, Chengchen and I are getting a divorce!"

Xiao Si'er looked at her mother and said.


Xiao Si'er's mother was stunned for a moment, and then hurriedly asked, "You said you were going to divorce Pan Chengchen?"

"It's not that I want to divorce her, it's that she wants to divorce me!"

Xiao Si'er said painfully.

"You agree?"

Xiao Si'er's father stared at Xiao Si'er and said.

"Twisted melons are not sweet, since she wants to divorce, let's leave!"

Xiao Si'er nodded and said.

"That's right, I finally look like a man!"

Xiao Si'er's father nodded and said.

Rather than watching his son being bullied by his daughter-in-law every day, it would be better for them to divorce.

It's not that my son is incompetent now, and now he is hanging out with Ye Rongrong, and I don't know how many people envy him.

Divorcing Pan Chengchen will definitely find a better wife soon.

"It doesn't matter if you get a divorce, Xiao Si, she is in charge of all your money, you must get it back, and you can't take advantage of her."

Xiao Si'er's mother said.

"This is a bank card. She gave it back to me. The money is in it."

Xiao Si'er handed the bank card to her mother and said.

"That's good, that's good, she still has a conscience!"

Xiao Si'er's mother nodded and said.

For this daughter-in-law, Xiao Si'er's mother is extremely dissatisfied now, wishing that she and Xiao Si'er would divorce quickly.

"Dad, Mom, Chengchen and I went to file for a divorce this afternoon?"

Xiao Si'er said painfully.

"Go, go, get a divorce early, so that it won't delay her or you. Your mother and I are both very old, so we just want you to have a child sooner."

Xiao Si'er's father said.

"Dad, I'm sorry..."

Xiao Si'er said apologetically.

She is so old, and let her parents worry about her, Xiao Si'er feels that she is really unfilial.

Divorcing Pan Chengchen might really be a relief, a relief for herself and her, and a relief for her parents.


Pan Chengchen sorted out his things, took all the necessary documents, went downstairs and drove to the Civil Affairs Bureau of the county with Xiao Si'er.

After all, this is not a big city, so you don't need to go to any sub-district office for divorce, you can go directly to the Civil Affairs Bureau of the county to go through the divorce procedures.

"Xiao Si, do you hate me?"

At the gate of the Civil Affairs Bureau, Pan Chengchen stopped and looked at Xiao Si'er and asked.

"I don't hate you, I just hope you can live happily in the future."

Xiao Sier shook her head and said.

Although she said so, Xiao Si'er was actually bleeding from her heart.

After all, Pan Chengchen is Xiao Si'er's favorite woman, so she will leave her, and even fall into the arms of another man soon, Xiao Si'er will be happy in her heart.

"Thank you!"

Pan Chengchen said gratefully.

"Okay, let's go in!"


An hour later, Pan Chengchen and Xiao Si'er came out of the Civil Affairs Bureau.

"Xiao Si'er, you will find a better girl than me in the future."

At the door, Pan Chengchen looked at Xiao Si'er with complicated emotions and said.

Divorced just like that, for some reason, Pan Chengchen felt a sense of reluctance, even a sense of uneasiness.

But there was one thing Pan Chengchen understood. After the divorce certificate was completed, he had no way out.


Xiao Si'er said in a low mood.

After all, Pan Chengchen still had to leave her, and Xiao Si'er felt that she was a failure.

As for meeting a better girl than Pan Chengchen in the future, to be honest, Xiao Si'er is not in the mood at all right now, so why would she want to think about the future!

"Go, let's go back together!"

Pan Chengchen said.

Now that they are divorced, it would be embarrassing to live in Xiao Si'er's house. Pan Chengchen is going to go back to Taoyuan Village to tidy up his things, and then move out.

"You go back first, I still have something to do!"

Xiao Si'er said, then turned and walked to the side.

Looking at Xiao Si'er going away, Pan Chengchen was a little bit reluctant, and wanted to call out to stop him, but hesitated for a long time, until Xiao Si'er left her sight, she didn't call out.

Wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, Pan Chengchen thought for a while, took out his phone and dialed a number.


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