The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1997 Monster in the lake?

"Yes, it is the blade, a giant eagle!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Brother-in-law, can I touch it?"

Seeing the cute appearance of "Blade" next to her brother-in-law, Liu Xiaohui looked envious.

As a man, there is no man who does not like to tame a bird of prey.

If you have such a bird of prey, it will definitely be cool when you take it out, it is definitely a magic tool for picking up girls, and it is more popular than those Ferrari and Lamborghini sports cars.

"Ask it if it agrees."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.


Before "I" finished, Liu Xiaohui hurriedly shut up.

There is no way, the eyes of this bird of prey are too frightening, before Liu Xiaohui said anything, the bird of prey stared at him with its terrifying eyes.

That cold look made Liu Xiaohui feel breathless.

Forget it, this bird of prey is probably untouchable!

Or his brother-in-law is amazing, he can even tame such a huge beast.

Liu Xiaohui admired his brother-in-law more and more.


Ye Rongrong smiled, ignored his brother-in-law, and explained to "Blade Feng", let it follow Liu Qingqing and the others in the sky, and let Dao Feng act according to circumstances if they had something to do.

"Blade" nodded and flew into the sky, where "Blade" could easily find Liu Qingqing and the others.

"Brother-in-law, can it understand your words?"

Liu Xiaohui asked curiously.

"Of course, Blade is very smart."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Brother-in-law, I found that the animals in your yard are not normal."

Liu Xiaohui said seriously.

"Why is it abnormal?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"They're all too smart, too smart!"

Liu Xiaohui said.

"Animals are like people, as long as they are taught patiently, they will become smarter."

Ye Rongrong also said seriously.

In fact, Ye Rongrong knows better than anyone why these animals in his family are so smart. This is because they often drink diluted "plant high-level nutrient solution".

"Is that right?"

Liu Xiaohui asked suspiciously.

Now Liu Xiaohui more or less understands what kind of person his brother-in-law is. Liu Xiaohui doesn't believe that he will have such patience to teach these animals.

Besides, if this animal will become smart if you teach it carefully, then why are the animals in the zoo not as smart as the animals in my brother-in-law's place?

"Brat, how dare you doubt your brother-in-law's words!"

Ye Rongyao stared, looked at Liu Xiaohui unhappily and said.

"no no!"

Liu Xiaohui's face turned pale with fright, and he said hastily.

Now Liu Xiaohui is most afraid of his brother-in-law, especially when his brother-in-law stares, Liu Xiaohui can't help his heart beating rapidly.

"That's good, I'm thirsty, go wash me a pear!"

Ye Rongrong said to Liu Xiaohui.

"I... Shall I wash the pears?"

Liu Xiaohui asked, pointing at himself with some doubts.

Since I was a child, others have served me. When did I serve others?

"No, you go to wash, can I wash it?"

Ye Rongrong leaned back on the armchair, looked at Liu Xiaohui and asked.

"I... I'm going to wash!"

Liu Xiaohui said, and went to wash apples for his brother-in-law.


The whole family basically went to the mountains to offer incense. There were only Ye Rongrong, Liu Xiaohui, and Aunt Wang at home. Ye Rongrong was reclining on the chair and watching the TV series "My Physical Education Teacher".

Last night, Ye Rongrong was busy making a man with his wife, so he missed the two episodes last night. Now he is fine and no one bothers him, so Ye Rongrong is leisurely watching the TV series.

"Brother-in-law, brother-in-law..."

While Ye Rongrong was watching "My Physical Education Teacher" with gusto, Liu Xiaohui ran in from the yard excitedly.

"What's going on?"

He was enjoying watching TV dramas, but Ye Rongrong felt a little upset when he was interrupted like this.


Go out and see, there are monsters in the lake, there are scary monsters. "

Liu Xiaohui panted heavily and said with fear on his face.

"What's going on in the lake?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

Ye Rongrong knows best what is raised in his artificial lake, where are there any monsters.

"Brother-in-law, there are really, really monsters, I didn't lie to you, it looks scary."

Liu Xiaohui still said in panic.

"Then go and see!"

As soon as Ye Rongrong put away his mobile phone, he followed Liu Xiaohui to go outside to have a look. Ye Rongrong was also curious about what monsters were in his artificial lake.

"Brother-in-law, look, that's a monster!"

Liu Xiaohui pointed to a big black spot on the lake from a distance and said to Ye Rongrong.

It turned out that Liu Xiaohui was fishing by the lake with a fishing rod just now, when suddenly a huge black shadow swam across the water in front of him, Liu Xiaohui hurriedly looked over.

Seeing this, Liu Xiaohui was quite frightened.

This monster is more than three meters long, its body color is gray-black, the back and top of its head are darker, the front of its body is cylindrical, the rear is flat, the head is long, the front is slightly flat, the rear is slightly raised, and its kiss Short and blunt, large mouth, end position, slightly oblique cleft mouth, extending to the lower edge of the eyes, slightly protruding mandible, small teeth, arranged in bands on the upper and lower jaws, and the teeth on both sides of the mandible are sharp, which looks very scary.

Especially the pair of small eyes that were completely asymmetrical to the body looked at him with a cold light, which made Liu Xiaohui sweat coldly on his back.

Liu Xiaohui threw the fishing rod away, and hurried to the yard to find her brother-in-law.

It is very dangerous for such a terrible monster to appear in this lake.

This guy looks scarier than a crocodile, and he is not a kind person at first glance.

It will be troublesome if one day comes out of this water and hurts people.

"That monster you mentioned is it!"

Ye Rongrong asked Liu Xiaohui with some amusement.

"Yes, that's it!"

Liu Xiaohui nodded and said.

"This is not a monster, this is a black fish, which is the snakehead mentioned in the textbook."

Ye Rongrong explained to Liu Xiaohui.

It is normal for children who grew up in this big city not to have seen snakeheaded fish, after all, the only place where snakeheaded fish can be seen in the city is the vegetable market.

Some of the children in the city now have been to the vegetable market, and some of them know how to cook in the kitchen, especially Liu Xiaohui, who lives in a top Chinese family like this, so naturally he has never seen this black fish.

"A snakehead? What kind of fish is a snakehead?"

Liu Xiaohui asked curiously.

To be honest, it was the first time Liu Xiaohui had seen such a terrifying big fish, and it was also the first time Liu Xiaohui had heard of this snakehead.

Children in the city like Liu Xiaohui and the others know about animals and fish in books, but the biology books that Liu Xiaohui read did not mention snakeheads as a fish.

"Ask Du Niang yourself!"

Ye Rongrong rolled his eyes at Liu Xiaohui and said.

Let Ye Rongrong explain what a snakehead is, but Ye Rongrong really can't explain it.

This is the same as Dudu asking his father what an egg is. Ye Rongrong wanted to explain for a long time, but Dudu still didn't understand what an egg was.

In the end, Liu Qingqing took out an egg and said to Dudu, this is an egg, an egg laid by a chicken is an egg, and an egg laid by a duck is a duck egg.

As a result, Dudu pointed at Ye Rongrong and said, "Father is so stupid, he didn't even know it was an egg."

This made Ye Rongrong understand one thing. The names of all things are given by humans. A chicken is a chicken, and a duck is a duck. They are just names, and there is no way to explain them.

"Oh, brother-in-law, this... this snakehead can hurt people?"

Liu Xiaohui asked with some worry.

"If you encounter such a big snakehead in other places, you should stay away. This snakehead is fierce and will hurt people, but our snakehead is gentle and will not hurt people."

Ye Rongrong said, and walked towards the lake.

"Our family?"

Liu Xiaohui didn't understand the meaning of Ye Rongrong's words.

Seeing his master by the lake, the "blackhead" who was about to sink to the bottom of the lake immediately swam excitedly to the lake.

"Brother-in-law be careful!"

Seeing the big snakehead swimming towards his brother-in-law quickly, Liu Xiaohui hurriedly reminded him.

After all, this snakehead is too big, and it looks scarier than a crocodile.

Ye Rongrong ignored Liu Xiaohui's reminder, knelt down and touched the "black head" who was swimming beside him and said shakingly: "It's grown up again, it's almost four meters long, if it keeps growing like this, sooner or later it will be like this." There is no room for you in the lake."

This is not a joke. With the size of this "blackhead", if it grows any longer, the fish in this lake will not be enough for it to eat.

You must know that the "black head" eats no less than "Xiong Da" and them. The key is that "Xiong Da" feeds them pork food bought outside. predation.

But as the "black head" grows like this, the fish in the lake probably won't be enough for it to eat sooner or later.


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