The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 1999 Surprised

Ye Rongrong walked to the gate of "Taoyuan Primary School", and a new banner was removed above the school gate - "This semester, our school students have achieved excellent results in the county's final examination, and the comprehensive grades of primary schools in the county rank first. Welcome to the parents of all students Come and celebrate!"

Seeing such a banner, Ye Rongrong was not surprised at all.

After all, Chen Manli and Zhang Hua reported to Ye Rongrong after the results of the county-wide final examination came out.

This time, "Taoyuan Elementary School" performed very well in the county-wide examination. Although the number of students in "Taoyuan Elementary School" was not as large as those in the county and town, "Taoyuan Elementary School" ranked first in the overall results of the examination. , which is 5 points higher than the comprehensive score of the second-ranked "Yangping County No. 1 Primary School".

The calculation of the comprehensive score of the county-wide unified examination is to add up all the test scores of the students in each grade, and then divide it by the number of students in the school. To put it bluntly, it is actually the average score of the students.

After all, every school has students with good academic performance and students with poor academic performance. For the county education bureau, it pays attention to the overall teaching level of the school.

This time, "Taoyuan Elementary School" won the first place in the comprehensive score of the county's elementary school unified examination, which really surprised all the elementary and middle schools in the county.

No one expected such a "dark horse" from the countryside to run out.

We must know that the top ten schools in the comprehensive score of the county's primary school examination are basically either the county's primary school or the town's primary school, and the rural primary school has never entered the top ten.

Unexpectedly, this time, "Taoyuan Primary School", a rural primary school, entered the first place in the county's primary school examination. The key point is that "Taoyuan Primary School" has just completed its enrollment this year. This is the first time it has participated in the county's unified examination and got number one.

This made people engaged in education in Yangping County feel unbelievable, and some even wondered if the test papers of the county-wide unified examination had been leaked.

Of course, this is just a guess in everyone's heart, and they all hide it in their hearts and dare not say it.

At the beginning, many people didn't know or even heard of this "Taoyuan Primary School", but as the biggest "dark horse" in the county's primary school unified examination, many people would naturally inquire and learn about it.

Naturally, he knew that the principal of "Taoyuan Primary School" was Liu Qingqing, and the vice principal was Ye Rongrong.

I can't offend you!


Ye Rongrong, the banner on the gate, wasn't surprised, but the parents who attended the graduation ceremony couldn't help but gasped.

"No. 1 in the county's unified examination! Is it true?"

After the shock, many parents couldn't help but become suspicious.

After all, being the number one in the county is not something you just talk about. There are more than 20 primary schools in Xiaojiang Town alone, and there are hundreds of primary schools in Yangping County.

"County No. 1 Primary School", "County No. 2 Primary School", "Aojiang No. 1 Primary School", "Aojiang No. 4 Primary School", "New Century Primary School", and "County Experimental Primary School" are large schools with thousands of students. They are all the best schools that are difficult for everyone to get into, and they are all top ten schools in the annual unified examination.

But this time, these primary schools with top grades were all squeezed out by "Taoyuan Primary School", and the first place was hidden by "Taoyuan Primary School".

is it possible?

The most important thing is that most of the students who come to this "Taoyuan Primary School" are students with poor school grades, and even some problem students who have been persuaded by other schools.

Just such a newly opened rural elementary school, such a group of poor students who are not needed by other schools, even got the first grade in the county, how can we not let everyone doubt it?

Although there are some doubts and skepticism, most of the parents are still very happy. No matter what, in this county-wide unified examination, their children have made very fast learning progress, which makes them look good.

Regardless of whether the county's first place in the unified examination is worthwhile or not, for everyone, this is something to be proud of.

Although the school my child attends is a private school in the countryside, the results of the county's unified examination are the first in the county.

This is a real existence, and this "Taoyuan Primary School" cannot be faked.

Many parents took out their mobile phones and frantically took pictures of the banner above the gate.

Post after filming\u003e "My son's Taoyuan Primary School won the first place in the county's unified examination this time!"

"Warmly congratulate the students of Taoyuan Primary School for their excellent grades in the county's final examination, and the comprehensive grades of primary schools in the county rank first."

"This is the primary school my son went to, it's amazing!"

"There is a saying that is true, 'If the mountain is not high, there will be immortals; if the water is not deep, there will be dragons.' My son's elementary school is in the countryside, but it is great!"

"Taoyuan Elementary School is doing great!"


The content of the school's notification information is that students come to school at 8 o'clock, parents arrive at school at 8:30 in the morning, and the head teachers and teachers of each class organize the students in their respective classes to move their chairs to the playground, and arrange them in units of classes. Alright, let the parents sit down, the graduation ceremony officially begins at nine o'clock.

When it comes to their own children, these parents want to impress the school teachers. Whether it is a rich boss, an ordinary person, a gentle person or a violent person, they all come to school in advance. , are like obedient students, helping the teacher, listening to the teacher's arrangement and doing well in their own seats.

In the past, a considerable number of parents looked down on the teachers of "Taoyuan Primary School", thinking that these teachers were students who had just graduated from the school, had no teaching experience, and could not teach their children well.

But now it’s different. My child’s grades have been rising steadily, and the child has become more sensible and knows how to learn. From the poor student in the past, he is now a "learning activist" and "three good students".

What does this mean?

This shows that these young teachers are capable and can teach children well.

Now that these parents see these young teachers, they respect them very much and respect these teachers who are younger than their parents.

This makes these young teachers who have just graduated from school and have been engaged in education for half a year feel very happy. The feeling of being recognized and valued makes them feel very comfortable.

Of course, several parents asked the teacher whether "Taoyuan Primary School" really won the first place in the county's final exam. The teachers all smiled and said that they would know when the general meeting started.

This made the parents know what they were doing, and they looked forward to the graduation ceremony even more.

Everyone sat down and talked with each other about their children's study in Taoyuan Primary School, showing off their children's academic performance.


At 9:30, the graduation ceremony of "Taoyuan Primary School" finally officially started.

Ye Rongrong brought Chen Manli, Zhang Hua and several other school leaders to the rostrum with scholarships, notices, certificates and other items, and sat down in the seats marked with their names.

Ye Rongrong, as the actual leader of this "Taoyuan Primary School", naturally sat in the middle of the rostrum.

"Raise the national flag and play the national anthem!"

As the voice of the host Zhang Hua fell, everyone stood up in unison, looking at the national flag solemnly.

As the national anthem sounded, the students on the playground saluted the young pioneers in the direction of the national flag, while the adults stood solemnly and quietly watching the national flag go up.

The national anthem and the national flag represent a country and a nation. In school, Ye Rongrong pays great attention to patriotic education and ideological and moral education of students.

Ye Rongrong believes that "moral education, physical education, wisdom and beauty" education, this "moral" education is always the first.

If morality is not good, no matter how good other education is, it will only create a bad person with high IQ, which will do great harm to society.

"After the ceremony! Sit down!"

Following Zhang Hua's words, the flag-raising ceremony is over, and everyone can sit down.

After sitting down, Zhang Hua came to the microphone position in front of the rostrum, and said to the people sitting below: "Leaders, parents, and students, welcome to come here to participate in the graduation ceremony of the first semester of 'Taoyuan Primary School' in 2017. Here, on behalf of all my colleagues in 'Taoyuan Primary School', I would like to thank you."

"Now we are entering the first part of the ceremony. We invite Mr. Ye Rongrong, the principal of our 'Taoyuan Primary School', to give a speech."

After Zhang Hua finished speaking, she turned her head to Ye Rongrong, inviting Ye Rongrong to speak.


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