The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2002 Li Xiangping's Pride

"Is there still a school that distributes this stainless steel washbasin?"

asked the acquaintance in surprise.

After all, in Wenzhou’s generation, it has been nearly twenty years since any elementary school or junior high school graduation ceremony gave students this stainless steel washbasin.

The sudden announcement of this stainless steel washbasin by the school made people feel unbelievable.

"This is the nostalgic feeling. I remember when I was studying, I saw those students who had studied well carrying stainless steel washbasins home. At that time, I was envious!"

Li Xiangping was in a very good mood and said with a smile on her face.

"Ah...and the certificate, ah...'study activist', your son's academic performance has improved so fast?"

The acquaintance saw the certificate on the washbasin, picked it up curiously, and saw that it was a certificate of "study activist", he couldn't help asking in surprise.

This acquaintance lives in the same building as Li Xiangping, and her children used to be in the same class as Li Xiangping's children. Naturally, they also know the learning situation of Li Xiangping's children, and every time they take an exam, they are among the bottom three in the class.

It is said that the teachers at the school have given up on him, thinking that this student can't teach anymore, it's not that the child from Li Xiangping's family is mischievous.

We all belong to the same building, and we all know the situation of each other's children. This Li Xiangping's child had a high fever and burned his brain when he was a child. Although he has not become stupid, he is not smart at all, and his intelligence is more stupid than ordinary children. a little.

Even if he studied hard, he still couldn't get up in the test scores, and he was one of the bottom few in the school.

In the first half of the year, Li Xiangping's family transferred their child to the "Taoyuan Primary School" city, and everyone in the neighborhood knew about it.

In everyone's opinion, this child is like this, no matter where he goes to study, he will not become smarter, but now?

This acquaintance really doubted the moisture of this "study activist".

"It's not bad, 100 points in mathematics and 100 points in Chinese, great progress."

Li Xiangping said happily.

This is a heartfelt joy. In the past, the neighbors secretly said that their son was a fool, and Li Xiangping's family knew it.

Although Li Xiangping's family was very unhappy, so what, her son was indeed not as smart as other children, and he was always teased for his scores in the school exams.

Li Xiangping's family was powerless to refute being told secretly that her child was stupid. In this neighborhood, Li Xiangping's family couldn't lift their heads up.

Every time I hear people say that their children are good at studying, or this award, that award, Li Xiangping dare not say anything, shame on her!

But now, Li Xiangping is in a particularly good mood. Since her son was studying in "Taoyuan Elementary School", his academic performance has soared, and he has become smarter.

Now she is still being "study activist" by the school judges, which makes Li Xiangping very excited.

There is even an urge to cry.

As a parent, who doesn't want their children to be smart, and who doesn't want their children to do well in school.

Today, my child is finally able to live up to his family, with 100 points in Chinese and 100 points in mathematics. Such test scores were unbelievable before.

Li Xiangping's family is really grateful to "Taoyuan Primary School". If they hadn't transferred their son to "Taoyuan Primary School", how could their child have become smarter and achieved such good grades.

"100 points in Chinese and 100 points in mathematics?"

The acquaintance was suddenly dumbfounded.

As for the silly son of Li Xiangping's family, he can score 100 points in Chinese and 100 points in mathematics. Is my ear not wrong?

"That's right, the teacher at Taoyuan Primary School is good at teaching. Ever since my child went to Taoyuan Primary School, this kid can understand the content of the teacher's lectures, and his grades are improving day by day."

"You don't know, my son used to study in the town, and the teacher couldn't understand the class at all. This is the gap."

Li Xiangping said.

Now Li Xiangping feels that her child is not good at studying, not because her son is not smart, but mainly because the teacher is not good at teaching.

look at your own children,

When studying in the primary school in the town, you get more than 10 or 20 points in the exam.

But as soon as I transferred to "Taoyuan Primary School" to study, my academic performance improved.

Now the final exam scores are double 100 points, which was unthinkable before.

"Your son really got 100 points in mathematics and 100 points in Chinese?"

The acquaintance still couldn't believe it.

"What do you mean, doubt it? Look at this certificate, this certificate of honor, is it fake?"

"Let me tell you, Taoyuan Elementary School ranks first in the comprehensive score of the county's unified examination, which is even better than the county's primary school!"

Li Xiangping said unhappily.

Obviously, this sister Zhao doesn't believe in her child's grades.

"Taoyuan Primary School won the first place in the county's unified examination, which is better than the county's primary school?"

The acquaintance known as Sister Zhao had a look of disbelief, and came back to her senses and asked Li Xiangping suspiciously: "Is the Taoyuan Primary School you mentioned just built this year, a private school in the countryside in Taoyuan Village?"

"It's the Taoyuan Primary School. There is only one Taoyuan Primary School in our county, and it's in Taoyuan Village."

Li Xiangping nodded and said.

"That school is so powerful? Doesn't it mean that few people go to it?"

Sister Zhao still asked in disbelief.

"That's because others don't know that Taoyuan Primary School is good at teaching. By the way, how is your child's exam this time?"

Li Xiangping asked.

"90 points in Chinese and 91 points in mathematics."

Sister Zhao said with some frustration.

In the past, this Li Xiangping's child had poor grades in school, and his own children's school grades were better than his, so he could still show off in front of Li Xiangping's family.

But now, all of a sudden, the grades of that silly kid who was always compared to his own children are better than those of his own children, and Sister Zhao suddenly feels blocked.

Some people have this kind of mentality, hoping that other people's children are not as good as their own children, and that the unexpected children of other people's families have more achievements than their own children, and they are always blocked in their hearts.

"Sister Zhao, if you believe me, transfer your child to Taoyuan Primary School as soon as possible. It's too late, and you probably won't even have a chance to sign up."

Li Xiangping said.

"Is Taoyuan Primary School really as good as you say?"

Sister Zhao said with some doubts.

"Sister Zhao, do you know the son of Wang Dagang's family?"

Li Xiangping did not answer this question directly, but asked rhetorically.

"Remember, that kid is so naughty. His grades are the worst in the grade. The teachers at the school can't control him. They all persuade him to drop out of school. It seems that he has also transferred to Taoyuan Primary School."

Miss Zhao said.

We are all neighbors and live in the same building, so we naturally know the situation of every family in the whole building.

"Yes, he is in the fifth grade at Taoyuan Primary School, and this time he was named a 'three good student'."

Li Xiangping said.

"No way, just like his son, he can also be a 'three-good student'. Isn't this a joke?"

Miss Zhao said.

Such a mischievous boy, but a problem student in the school, has changed several schools, and was persuaded to leave by the school.

Such students can be "three good students", how is this possible?

"I asked, Wang Dagang's son scored 100 points in mathematics and 98 points in Chinese. This score has improved a lot. What does this mean? If you sign up for 'Taoyuan Primary School', you won't be able to get a name after a while."

Li Xiangping said.

"Is this 'Taoyuan Primary School' really that good?"

Sister Zhao was a little moved.

As a parent, which one is not as good as your child's academic performance.

In order for their children to study in a better school, so many parents buy a school district house and pay huge borrowing fees.

To put it bluntly, everything is for the children.

If Li Xiangping, the real person in "Taoyuan Primary School", said so well, I really need to discuss with my husband to transfer my son to Taoyuan Primary School.

"Sister Zhao, you should ask yourself if it's okay. We're going home first, and my family is still waiting for us to go back."

Li Xiangping said to Sister Zhao, and then walked towards home.

"Xiangping, why did you buy a washbasin?"

"I didn't buy it. My son was awarded by the school as a 'study activist'."

"Your son's academic performance is so good now?"

"Not bad, 100 points in mathematics and 100 points in Chinese."

"They're all so powerful!"


Along the way, many neighbors asked Li Xiangping, and Li Xiangping proudly told them that her son was named a "study activist" by the school, and the washbasin was a reward from the school.

Soon, everyone in the street knew that the stupid son of Li Xiangping's family became smarter after changing schools.



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