The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2006 Get Up Early

"Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with it!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

As for what happened to those two hackers, Ye Rongrong didn't bother to worry about it. Ye Rongrong had already wiped out the computer related to his attack route.

As for the information about the attack on Xiaosi'er, it was also cleaned up completely. The two hackers probably can't remember the information about Liu Xiaohui now.

After all, Ye Rongrong transferred all the money in their bank cards to the Huaxia Charity Foundation, which frightened them.

Now that the police came to the door again, they must have been dumbfounded!


Liu Xiaohui was a little worried and kept operating with his mobile phone, the money in WeChat, Alipay, and the money in the bank card were still there.

"It seems that the hacker didn't have time to transfer the money on his account. Fortunately, his brother-in-law is very good, so he solved the problem quickly."

Liu Xiaohui thought to himself.

"I said it's fine, it's fine, I still don't believe your brother-in-law."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"I knew that my brother-in-law was the most powerful, even more powerful than some hackers."

Liu Xiaohui looked at Ye Rongrong adoringly and said.

Liu Xiaohui used to think that Ye Rongrong was a farmer, an old hat, like many farmers in the countryside, who knew the superficial aspects of computer knowledge, but now he realized that his brother-in-law is simply an omnipotent superman.

My mobile phone was obviously seriously poisoned, but in the hands of my brother-in-law, it was resolved in two or three strokes.

What does this mean? It means that my brother-in-law is better at hacking.

Now Liu Xiaohui is really curious, why is his brother-in-law so powerful, capable of everything, so powerful in everything.

"It's okay, I won't tell you anymore, I'm going to cook."

Ye Rongrong said, and walked to the back kitchen.

Recently, Ye Rongrong likes to eat Shandong cuisine, and Liu Qingqing and the others don't know how to cook Shandong cuisine, so Ye Rongrong can only do it himself.


In the morning, the genius just dawned.

"Husband, husband..."

Liu Qingqing gently pushed Ye Rongrong to wake him up.

"Why, the sun hasn't come out yet?"

Ye Rongrong opened his eyes and glanced out the window. The sky outside had not yet dawned, so it was estimated that it would not be seven o'clock in the morning.

"Honey, you forgot, it was you who asked me to wake you up at half past six."

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Glory who hadn't slept enough and said with a smile.

"I... I asked you to wake me up so early?"

Ye Rongrong was taken aback for a moment, and asked suspiciously.

There is nothing wrong with him, how could Liu Qingqing wake him up so early.

In this cold winter, why do you get up so early, eat the cold wind outside!

Anyway, Ye Rongrong just didn't want to get up.

"Honey, you forgot, you promised Dudu and Mengmeng yesterday, and you will teach them kung fu from today on."

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong with a smile and said.

Last night, Dudu watched the martial arts masters look very powerful on TV, so she yelled at her father to teach her kung fu.

But Ye Rongrong jokingly said that learning Kung Fu is a very hard work, and he has to get up to practice Kung Fu every day before dawn.

Originally thought that Dudu would be frightened so that he would stop shouting about learning Kung Fu.

The only surprise is that Dudu was very determined this time, and he even said that he was not afraid of hardships or tiredness, he just wanted to learn kung fu, and that he could get up early in the morning, which made it difficult for Ye Rongrong to ride a tiger, so he could only promise to teach Dudu every morning. martial arts.

Since he wanted to teach Dudu martial arts, Ye Rongrong simply invited Xiao Mengmeng to join him. After all, this girl can protect herself very well after learning Kung Fu.

There are only advantages and no disadvantages.

Mengmeng's age is the best age to start learning martial arts, and Dudu is much younger.

"Oh, I remembered, it seems that this father is difficult to do!"

Ye Rongrong said a little depressed.

"Husband, if you can't get up, forget it, I'll just go and talk to Dudu and the others. This kid is all three minutes hot, and now I don't think he wants to learn martial arts."

Liu Qingqing saw that Ye Rongrong didn't want to get up,

just said.

"Forget it, how can I, as a father, break my trust in my own child?"

Ye Rongrong shook his head, but still got up from the bed.

"Husband, this is to reward you."

Liu Qingqing kissed Ye Rongrong on the forehead and said.

"It's better to be a wife, I have the motivation to get up."

Ye Rongrong said happily.


Putting on his clothes, Ye Rongrong walked out of the bedroom. At this time, the sun had just risen from the east. The light blue sky seemed to be illuminated by the lights on the stage, and the east half was painted with a bright vermilion.

"I didn't expect the sunrise in the early morning of winter to be so beautiful."

Looking at the rising sun that just rose from the eastern half, Ye Rongrong said with a sigh.

Ye Rongrong himself can't remember how long it has been since he watched the sunrise in the morning, and the feeling now is very beautiful.

After a moment of emotion, Ye Rongrong went to knock on Mengmeng and Dudu's room.

Dudu and Mengmeng are living together now, in the same room.

"Bang bang bang, Dudu, Mengmeng got up."

Ye Rongrong knocked on the door and shouted inside.

Soon, the door opened, and Mengmeng stood by the door neatly dressed and politely said to Ye Rongrong: "Good morning, uncle!"

"Morning, where's Dudu?"

Ye Rongrong nodded, and asked without seeing Dudu at the door.

"Dudu is still sleeping, I called her, she won't get up."

Mengmeng pointed to a bed on the left inside and said.

There are two beds in this room, the bed on the right is Mengmeng, and the bed on the left is Dudu.

"This girl, I'm going to wake her up!"

Ye Rongrong smiled and walked into the room, ready to wake up Dudu himself.

No matter whether Dudu is hot for three minutes or not, Ye Rongrong will drag Dudu up to practice kung fu today.

Anyway, I'm already up now.

"Duddu, wake up!"

Ye Rongrong walked into the room, closed the curtains, and the slightly dazzling morning sun shone in, just hitting Dudu's little face.

Dudu didn't move. Obviously, there was no way to wake up a sleeping child with a movement of this magnitude.

Ye Rongrong smiled and walked over, gently pushed Dudu and said, "Duddu, get up."

At this moment, Dudu couldn't fall asleep anymore, turned over with his eyes closed, and said with reluctance: "Father, don't get up, Dudu still wants to sleep."

Every time a child wakes up, she has to be lazy for a while, not to mention that Ye Rongrong woke her up more than an hour earlier today!

"Didn't you say you were going to practice kung fu yesterday? Why don't you practice, Mengmeng has already woken up."

Ye Rongrong leaned close to his daughter's ear and said softly.

"Dad, Dudu still wants to sleep for a while!"

Toot said nonchalantly.

Obviously, the little girl hasn't had enough sleep yet.


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