The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2019 face ashes

"I'm not out of my mind, it's you, Salihi Abu, who's in."

Harun Rashidek looked at Salehi Abu and said.

"I'm out of my mind? Harun Rashidek, believe it or not, I will transfer all the money in your bank to another bank today."

Salehi Abu looked at Harun Rashidek angrily and said.

"The money you deposit in our bank, Salihi Abu, are you confused? You have donated all the deposits in our bank to the International Red Cross, and you even use your credit in our bank Overdrafted 500 million US dollars to donate to the International Red Cross, according to our information, all your money in other banks has also been donated to the International Red Cross.”

Harun Rashid looked at Salihi Abu with a look of foolishness and said.

In Harun Rashid's view, this Salihi Abu was really out of his mind, and even donated all his property to the International Red Cross, not keeping a penny, not only that, He also donated on his credit all his advances to the International Red Cross.

It can be said that Mr. Salihi Abu is now a poor man, and he still owes a huge amount of money.

This is also something that Harun Rashid really couldn't understand. This Salihi Abu is a very selfish person, how could he donate all his property, and even overdraft the donation.

In Harun Rashid's view, this Salihi Abu was really kicked in the head by a donkey.

"Donate it all to the International Red Cross? Harun Rashid, are you out of your mind and making jokes like this?"

Salihi Abu looked at Harun Rashid in disbelief and said.

Donate all the money to the International Red Cross?

How is this possible?

You know, Salihi Abu has nothing to do with charity in his life. He has never donated a penny in his life.

How could it be possible to donate all the money in the bank?

He also overdrafted 500 million US dollars to donate.

Is today April Fool's Day?

Is this Harun Rashid here to amuse himself?

Can you make yourself happy like this?

You must know that Salihi Abu now has the heart to strangle Harun Rashid.

"I'm not confused, you are. Last night you donated all your money through online banking. Not only our bank, but all your money in other banks were also donated through online banking. You still owe a lot of money to several banks, and since Salihi Abu is unable to repay the bank debts, your villa is now taken over by our bank, and you are limited to move out of the villa within three hours."

Harun Rashid looked at Salihi Abu coldly and said.

As the national bank of the country of Anda, the National Bank of the country of Anda was the first to know about Salihi Abu’s asset changes in the bank. Desperately donate to the International Red Cross.

But these are not the most important. The most important thing is to quickly take over the villa of Salihi Abu before other banks react.

Now the most valuable property left by Salihi Abu is this villa worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If it is not taken over immediately, if it is preempted by other banks, this Salihi Abu will be in the country of Anda. The $500 million overdrafted by the bank is really about to never come back.

So this early in the morning, Harun Rashid hurried over and occupied the villa of Salihi Abu first. As for the formalities and the like, it can be done later.

Anyway, the money that Salihi Abu owed to the National Bank cannot be recovered at all.

"Harun Rashid, what the hell is going on here?"

At this time, Salihi Abu also realized that Harun Rashid did not seem to be joking.

if this is true

Salihi Abu jumped up from the bed,

There was a chill down the back.

This is to be scared.

"You ask me? Don't you know what you do yourself?"

Harun Rashid asked Salihi Abu with a strange look on his face.

"What do I know, I don't know anything?"

Salehi Abu said with a confused face.

"Hehehe, Mr. Salehi Abu, you donated all your assets to the International Red Cross, and you don't even know? Do you think we believe it?"

Harun Rashid looked at Salihi Abu sarcastically and said.

This Salihi Abu is really seriously ill. He donated all the money to the International Red Cross through online transactions. He is pretending to be confused with himself now.

"I...I need to check my bank account."

As Salihi Abu said, he hurriedly took out his mobile phone and turned it on.

In order to prevent himself from being happy with the beauty, Salihi Abu deliberately turned off his mobile phone.

"Beep beep!"


The phone was just turned on, and text messages kept coming.

Salihi Abu hurriedly opened these short messages.

" did this happen, how did this happen?"

Salihi Abu was completely dumbfounded.

Some of these text messages are bank transfer information, and all the money in the bank under the name of Salehi Abu has been donated to the International Red Cross.

There are also text messages about money owed to the bank, information about asset transfers, and messages about missed calls.

What happened this night?

Salihi Abu really couldn't figure it out, he just slept for one night, and when he woke up, he became a pauper who owed a lot of money.

But without giving Salihi Abu much time to think, a large group of policemen rushed into Salehyi Abu's bedroom and pointed at him with money.

"Salihi Abu, you are under arrest!"

A leading police officer shouted at Salihi Abu, and ordered the police officers below to handcuff Salihi Abu.

"Commander Ibn Abu, what do you mean? Why arrest me?"

Salehi Abu asked the leading police officer in horror.

"Why arrest you, I believe you know it well."

Director Ibn Abu looked at Salihi Abu coldly and said.

As soon as I got to work in the morning, both the police department and the President's Office received an anonymous mail, all about the criminal evidence of Salihi Abu.

Even the National Criminal Police Organization received the mail and made a special phone call to inquire about it.

This time, the arrest order was personally issued by Mr. President.


Salihei Abu's face turned ashen for a moment.

Although I don't know exactly what happened, so many policemen poured into my home, and the secrets of my home seemed to be exposed.

If this is the case, Salehi Abu knows what he will face.

It's just that Salihi Abu didn't know why all this happened so suddenly, and he didn't have any premonition at all.


In the morning, Ye Rongrong was eating breakfast while watching Dudu and Mengmeng who were practicing boxing.

To be honest, after suffering so much, this Dudu still wants to learn kung fu with Mengmeng.

Since his daughter and Mengmeng wanted to learn kung fu, Ye Rongrong naturally had to watch and teach them hand in hand, so he didn't sleep too late, so he got up early and went to the yard to teach them kung fu.

"Dudu can take a break, Mengmeng continues."

Seeing that Dudu's body started to shake violently from side to side, Ye Rongrong knew that she couldn't hold on any longer, so he spoke.

After all, Dudu is still too young, and Ye Rongrong's training for her is not particularly strict, it's almost enough.


Hearing that his father said that he could rest, Dudu hurriedly put down his movements and wanted to sit down.

"Don't sit down, take a walk first."

Ye Rongrong said immediately.

After strenuous exercise, the most taboo thing is to sit down immediately, which is very bad for the body. Walk slowly for a while first, and then sit down when the breath is smooth.


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