The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2022 The lake is frozen

"This wine is not bad, with a strong fragrance, bamboo fragrance, mellow and refreshing."

Ye Rongrong said after taking a sip of bamboo tube wine into his mouth.

This bamboo tube wine is basically derived from nature, without adding too many chemical substances, the natural taste of this drink is intoxicating.

Bamboo, which is naturally elegant and has no intention of competing with flowers and plants for splendor, has no richness like peonies, no majesty of pines and cypresses, and no beauty of peaches and plums. It either grows in the mountains, or forms paths around streams.

The natural bamboo wine brewed from bamboo is a precious gift of nature. Using bamboo as wine, it has the fragrance of bamboo and tastes naturally elegant.

According to legend, the niece of the Queen Mother, the Green Bamboo Goddess, envied the beauty of the world, went down to the mortal world, and gave birth to children. Since then, there have been bamboos on the earth. Ancient humans regarded bamboo juice as "divine water". How can this wine brewed with "divine water" Could be bad.

In fact, in China, there are many wines that are not well-known and not expensive, but the taste and quality of the wine are no worse than famous wines such as Moutai and Wuliangye.

In fact, the reason why many famous wines are ridiculously expensive is not because their production costs are too high, but because they have been hyped up by people.

Just like the current housing prices, high-rise buildings are built everywhere, communities are built everywhere, and there are empty houses everywhere. In fact, there are many houses, but the housing prices are still high, and the same is true for this wine.

"Brother Ye, if you like to drink this bamboo tube wine, next time we come, we will bring a few more."

Shen Meng said happily.

The key to gift giving is to give it right, as long as the recipient likes it, the gift is right.

"No, no, it's fine to drink this good thing once in a while, and it won't taste as good if you drink more."

Ye Rongrong waved his hand and said.

No matter how good wine is drunk, it will become dull.

In terms of the wine quality of this bamboo tube wine, it is actually worse than the wine brewed by Ye Rongrong, and it is also worse than the "monkey wine".

The reason why Ye Rongrong likes it after all is because of its natural taste, which makes people intoxicated by the fragrance of bamboo.

Now Ye Rongrong's family has a lot of good wine, some gifts from others, Ye Rongrong does not accept gifts from others, but gifts from some people cannot be shirked.

There are also some special offerings, of course, most of them are self-brewed fine wines, which are all in large vats, but the wine becomes purer with time, except for occasionally opening a small vat of fine wine, those large vats of wine, Ye Glory hasn't even opened it yet.

"Brother Ye, this is our first time drinking, I would like to offer you a toast."

Shen Meng picked up the wine glass and said to Ye Rongrong.

I have to say that Shen Meng has very strong communication skills, and after just a short time, he has a good relationship with Ye Rongrong's family like old friends, and they are all called brothers and sisters.

You know, her husband Liu Daming still calls Ye Rongrong "Academician Ye" now.

Of course the woman was born with an advantage in this regard.

"Didn't you come here by car? Your husband drank, how can you go back if you drink again?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Shen Meng with a smile and said.

The Chinese New Year will be a few weeks away, and the traffic department is very strict in checking drunk driving during this period. Basically, there are traffic police at some major intersections of national and provincial highways to check drunk driving and drunk driving.

Not only those who drive cars will be checked for drunk driving and drunk driving, but even those who drive battery cars will be checked for drunk driving and drunk driving.

The main reason is that in the past few years, there have been too many traffic accidents caused by people who drink and drive electric vehicles. Especially during the Chinese New Year period, there are many gatherings of relatives and friends, and there are also many people drinking. The traffic police department in Wenzhou is strictly investigating these days. Drunk driving, drunk driving.

Among other things, several villagers in Taoyuan Village have been detained and fined by the traffic police for drunk driving and electric vehicle driving.

The family members of those people even came to Ye Rongyao's house, hoping that Ye Rongyao would come forward to bail them out.

But they were all rejected by Ye Rongrong.

In Ye Rongrong's words: "It will be good if you get caught. If you have a traffic accident, you will lose your life, and you won't even have the chance to be caught by the traffic police department."

However, some of the arrested people were Ye Rongrong's elders after all.

Ye Rongrong made up his mind, and went to the police station to bail him out on New Year's Eve.

After all, it's a big Chinese New Year, and the whole family has to get together no matter what.

"It's okay, just put the car here first, we'll take a taxi back, and come back and drive in a few days."

Shen Meng said with a smile.

If you want to get closer, you have to move around more.

People are forgetful creatures, if you don't move around a lot, and if you don't make much contact, the mutual feelings will fade away.

Leaving this car here also gave me a reason to come to Academician Ye's house next time.

I have to say that Shen Meng is a very powerful woman.

"How about staying here tonight?"

Liu Qingqing suggested.

"No, there is a baby at home. If I don't go back at night, she will definitely make noise."

Shen Meng shook her head and said.

The meal lasted until one o'clock in the afternoon, Shen Meng and Liu Daming left after finishing their meal.

"This sister Shen is really nice."

Sending off Liu Daming and his wife, Liu Qingqing said to Ye Rongrong.

"That's right, if this Shen Meng were a man, he would definitely be much better than her husband in the officialdom now."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Hehe, sister Shen must be very happy to know that you have such a high opinion of her."

Liu Qingqing said with a smile.

"Don't talk about it, I'm going to take a nap. I woke up too early this morning, and my biological clock is out of order."

Ye Rongrong sighed and said.


Early the next morning, there was a strong wind blowing outside, and it was drizzling. The weather was even colder. Ye Rongrong nestled in bed and didn't want to get up.

"Honey, get up."

Liu Qingqing pushed Ye Rongrong's arm and said.

"Fate, you have to get up so early in such a cold day."

Ye Rongrong got up from the bed with a bitter face.

This "good father" is really not easy to be!

"The lights in Dudu and Mengmeng's rooms are on, and they probably have already woken up, so don't make them wait."

Liu Qingqing said with a smile.

In Liu Qingqing's eyes, her husband is just a big kid.

What my mother told me was not wrong at all, this husband should be raised like a child.

"Okay, you help me get dressed!"

Ye Rongrong got up from the bed, looked at Liu Qingqing and said.

"Yes, my lord!"

Liu Qingqing took Ye Rongrong's clothes with a smile, and gently helped Ye Rongrong put on the clothes.

This is not the first time that Liu Qingqing has dressed Ye Rongrong. Liu Qingqing can't remember exactly how many times. Although there are a little more clothes this winter, Liu Qingqing still quickly helped Ye Rong Put all the clothes on.

When I walked out of the room, I faced the cold north wind and the drizzle. This kind of weather is really terrible.

It doesn't rain in winter, and there is nothing wrong with not going out of the sun, but now it is windy and rainy, and it is particularly uncomfortable.

"Dad, Dad!"

Ye Rongrong walked out of the yard, Dudu and Mengmeng were already waiting for Ye Rongrong on the grass outside the yard.

"Dad, look quickly, the lake is frozen!"

Dudu excitedly took his father's hand and said.

"Is the lake frozen?"

Ye Rongrong was a little surprised.

Although this year's winter is colder than last year's, it's quite unusual for the lake in my house to freeze.

If it was more than 20 years ago, when Ye Rongrong was still in elementary school, it would snow every winter in Yangping County, and the water in rivers and lakes would often freeze.

But when Ye Rongrong started junior high school, it was rare to see snow in Wenzhou, let alone ice on the lake.

Ye Rongrong remembered that when it snowed the year before last, the rivers in the village hadn't frozen over, and it hasn't snowed yet this year, but the lake as big as his own has frozen over.

"Dad, it's true. I won't lie to you. I'll take you to see it."

Seeing that Dad didn't believe it, Dudu hurriedly took Dad to the lake to have a look.

"It's really freezing."

Ye Rongrong was a little surprised to see that the surface of the lake was covered with a thin layer of ice.

No wonder I felt so cold this morning, it turned out to be really cold.

Ye Rongrong picked up a small stone from the ground and threw it towards the lake.


With a "click", the ice at the position where the small stone hit split into pieces.

It seems that the ice is not thick, and Ye Rongrong reckons that the ice on the lake will melt in a short time.

"Dad, I want to throw it too!"

Dudu immediately followed Ye Rongrong's example, picking up stones and throwing them into the lake, large pieces of ice shattered.


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