"They are the poor waiting to be handed out by the masters."

The old man looked at Ye Rongrong and understood that Ye Rongrong was not from Myanmar, so he explained.

"Aren't we giving alms to monks? Why are monks giving alms to others?"

Zhang Hanyun asked the old man suspiciously.

"Our masters are all benevolent. When we give them alms, they will give alms to the poor, so that the poor can have a bite to eat and survive. This is the mercy of my Buddha."

The old man said piously.

It turns out that unlike the monks in China, the monks in Myanmar have a very close relationship with the people. It is easy to see monks begging for alms on the street, and in some slums, when it is time to eat, there will be monks pulling meals to them in carts.

Burmese people are always generous to monks. Their belief is that dedication and alms make life better, whether in this life or in the next life.

Ye Rongrong and Zhang Hanyun didn't have to wait long, and the alms monks walked slowly with bamboo baskets in their hands.

When every monk walks in front of a donator, the donator will take part of the food from his bamboo basket and distribute it to the monk until his food is gone.

There were fifty monks in this pair, and when the last monk walked past Ye Rongrong and Zhang Hanyun, Ye Rongrong and Zhang Hanyun gave him all the leftover food.

Ye Rongrong and Zhang Hanyun didn't want to take these foods with them.

After giving away all his food, Ye Guangrong looked at the group of monks, and saw these monks passing by the row of poor people waiting for the monks to give alms, and distributed the food he had brought for alms just now to these poor people .

For monks, they will only keep enough food for one meal, and the excess food will be distributed to the poor.

The Buddhist school puts an end to waste. If you don’t give away the food you can’t eat and waste it, in the Buddhist school’s view, this is a sin.

After the group of monks left, the poor people who had been given food left with the food, which was their family's food for a day.

Due to the high unemployment rate in Myanmar, many people have problems even eating. They can only rely on the alms of these monks to survive as a family.

"Brother Ye, these monks are the real masters!"

Zhang Hanyun looked at the monks walking away, and said with emotion.

"Yes, Buddhism is vast and can save all living beings."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Compared with some domestic temples that are becoming more and more commercialized, monks are not like monks, but businessmen. The monks here are much more simple.

"Brother Ye, let's go over there and have a look!"

Zhang Hanyun took Ye Rongrong's hand and walked forward.

In fact, Zhang Hanyun was very nervous. If he held Brother Ye's hand like this, would he be unhappy, would he shake off his hand?

But soon, Zhang Hanyun's heart settled down. Brother Ye didn't feel any unhappy mood, nor did he intend to shake off his hand.

What does this mean?

This shows that Brother Ye doesn't hate himself.

Myanmar is the country with the most Buddhist pagodas in the world, and it is also known as the "Land of Thousand Buddhas". You can see the most pagodas of different heights along the way.


Unknowingly walking down the road, it was already noon. In the morning, Zhang Hanyun patronized Brother Ye to eat breakfast. He didn't eat much at all, and now his stomach was growling with hunger.


Ye Rongrong looked at Zhang Hanyun with a smile and asked.


Zhang Hanyun nodded with a blushing face.

If there is a hole now, Zhang Hanyun wants to get in.

It's really embarrassing, my image of a lady has been ruined by this belly call.

In Big Brother Ye's heart, his image must have plummeted.

Zhang Hanyun is so depressed!

"Hehehe, I'm hungry too, let's go to the restaurant in front for dinner!"

Ye Rongrong saw a well-decorated restaurant not far in front of him.


Zhang Hanyun answered with lowered head.

It stands to reason that for a big star like Zhang Hanyun, a big actor, his acting is like life, so he shouldn't be so easily shy.

But facing Big Brother Ye, Zhang Hanyun didn't know why, but she was very shy.

In this way, Zhang Hanyun was led by Ye Rongrong into the very high-end restaurant.

"Brother Ye, this restaurant is not bad, but I have to treat guests for this meal."

After sitting down at a window seat in the hotel, Zhang Hanyun said to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, I won't compete with you to pay, I'll make a good living today."

Ye Rongrong said jokingly.

"Brother Ye is a real man, not a little boy who eats soft food."

Zhang Hanyun immediately shook his head and said.

"Okay, don't praise you brother Ye, I'm hungry, so let's order quickly."

Ye Rongrong pointed to the menu and smiled.

"Well, Brother Ye, what do you like to eat?"

Zhang Hanyun looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

Although Zhang Hanyun fell in love with Ye Rongrong, after all, the contact time with Ye Rongrong was relatively short, and they never lived together at all.

This time can be said to be the longest contact between Zhang Hanyun and Ye Rongrong, which is also a point that Zhang Hanyun is particularly happy about.

To fall in love with someone, you don't have to think about possessing the other person. To be able to spend more time with the other person and to see the person you love more, in Zhang Hanyun's view, this is also a kind of happiness.

"Me, as long as it's normal food, I can eat it. I'm not a picky eater, so it's easy to feed me."

Ye Rongrong laughed.

"Then I'll order some seafood and vegetables."

Thinking that Brother Ye is from the south and likes to eat seafood, Zhang Hanyun said.


Relying on the mountains, eating mountains, relying on the water, relying on the sea to eat the sea, Ye Rongrong lives in the south near the sea, and he really likes to eat seafood.

But even though Ye Rongrong lives near the sea, the price of seafood is still very expensive. In the past, Ye Rongrong's family could not bear to buy seafood at ordinary times, even if they bought seafood for the family's teething festival during the New Year's festival.

But now Ye Rongrong's family is not short of money, and they often eat seafood.

The chef of this restaurant is very fast, within a few minutes, all the dishes for Ye Rongrong's table are ready.

Of course, because there were only two people eating, we ordered five dishes.

After all, Ye Rongrong doesn't like to waste.

Eating with women, especially beautiful women, has never been fast, especially Zhang Hanyun's wholehearted desire to show her ladylike and perfect side in front of Ye Rongrong.

It took a full hour to finish the meal.

"Brother Ye, did you make you wait?"

After Zhang Hanyun wiped her mouth with a tissue, she looked at Ye Rongrong with some embarrassment and said.

"No, actually watching beautiful women eat is also a kind of enjoyment."

Ye Rongrong laughed.

"Brother Ye, you made fun of me."

Zhang Hanyun said with a slightly red face.

I don't know how many times I blushed, Zhang Hanyun didn't know when she blushed so easily.


Ye Rongrong smiled and shouted to the waiter not far away.

"Sir, what can I do for you?"

The waitress came over and asked Ye Rongrong politely.

"Check out, how much?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

"Sorry, wait a minute, I'll go ask."

The waitress apologized and went to the front desk to get the bill.

"Brother Ye, I have agreed, this time I will treat you."

Zhang Hanyun said hurriedly.

"Okay, you treat me, I won't compete with you to pay the bill."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Sir, your bill has been paid."

The waitress came over and said to Ye Rongrong.

"Paid? Who paid?"

Zhang Hanyun asked suspiciously.

"The gentleman paid for it."

The waitress pointed to a middle-aged man sitting not far from Ye Rongrong and said.

"He paid for us?"

Zhang Hanyun looked at the middle-aged man pointed by the waiter, and found that he didn't know him at all, so he asked Ye Rongrong suspiciously: "Brother Ye, do you know that man?"

"do not know!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head and continued: "I thought you knew each other, could it be your fan?"

Ye Rongrong thought of a possibility and said with a smile.

"Probably not. If you were a fan, you would have greeted me long ago."

Zhang Hanyun shook his head and said.

Ordinary fans will be very excited when they see their favorite stars, and they will run over to ask for a group photo, autograph and so on.

But the middle-aged uncle just sat there quietly watching, and didn't mean to say hello. This behavior is not like his own fan.

"We don't know him, how much is the meal, we pay for it ourselves, and you return the money to him."

Ye Rongrong spoke to the waitress.

Ye Rongrong didn't like this kind of inexplicable someone paying for his meal.

There has never been a free lunch in this world, and this person will not pay himself for it for no reason.

"Engong, it's not much money, please don't ask the waiter to return the money to me."

Hearing that the meal money would be refunded to him, the middle-aged uncle hurried to Ye Rongrong and said.


Ye Rongrong was taken aback by this address, and looked at the middle-aged man suspiciously.

"Engong, let me introduce myself. I am Nan Anfei from Chenguang Group. This is my business card. If you hadn't been here last night, I might have died."

Nan Anfei hurriedly took out a business card, handed it to Ye Rongrong and said.

"Chenguang Group President Nan Anfei!"

Zhang Hanyun's expression changed upon hearing the middle-aged man's self-introduction.

This Chenguang Group is a company that Zhang Hanyun and the crew are going to visit in Myanmar this time. Chenguang Group has hundreds of online theaters in Myanmar and has a great influence on the entire Myanmar film and television market.

Of course, the only person the crew could meet was the CEO of Chenguang Group in charge of film and television. As for the president, Nan Anfei, with the weight of the crew, he couldn't see him at all.

However, Zhang Hanyun was very upset when he met Mr. Yu, who was in charge of film and television of Chenguang Group, and everyone broke up in the end.

Zhang Hanyun really didn't expect that he would meet Nan Anfei, the president of Chenguang Group, and he would pay for the meal for himself.


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