The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2078 helpless behavior

"Principal, woo woo woo..."

Don't let go, Ren Ningning rushed towards Ye Rongrong excitedly, hugged Ye Rongrong tightly and cried.

"Okay, it's okay, the principal and the teacher are here, everything will be fine."

Ye Rongrong patted Ren Ningning on the back and said.

There are a lot of students in Taoyuan Primary School, not every student Ye Rongrong knows and has an impression of, but this Ren Ningning, Ye Rongrong still has a deep impression.

Thinking about that time, when Ren Ningning and Li Shilan set him up, Ye Rongrong feels a little funny when he thinks about it now.


Ren Ningning cried tightly against Ye Rongrong's arms.

In Principal Ye's arms, Ren Ningning felt a strong sense of security.

This is what no one else can give her.

Ren Ningning had the idea of ​​leaning in the principal's arms like this all his life.

"Okay, Ningning, you're a big girl now, it doesn't look good to cry."

Seeing that Ren Ningning's mood had stabilized, Ye Rongrong patted Ren Ningning on the back and gently pushed her away from his arms.

This Ren Ningning is no longer a child, she is already a girl of twelve or thirteen years old, Ye Rongrong feels a little bad for hugging herself like this.

Although she was very reluctant to get out of Principal Ye's arms, Ren Ningning resisted the impulse in her heart, came out of Principal Ye's arms, and stood obediently beside Ye Rongrong.

"Ning Ning, are you alright?"

"Is there no injury anywhere?"

As good sisters and girlfriends, Li Shilan and Xu Ruifen hurried to Ren Ningning's side and asked with concern.

Just now my three best friends and Ye Guangming (the second child) were going to play in Principal Ye's yard together, when these dozen or so big men suddenly appeared and took Ren Ningning away, scaring Li Shilan and Xu Ruifen to scream.

In order not to let these people take Ren Ningning away, Erwazi picked up a brick on the ground and threw it on the head of the young man who was holding onto Ren Ningning, which really scared everyone.

Fortunately, the nearby villagers and teachers heard the movement and rushed over to stop these people from leaving, otherwise Ren Ningning would be taken away by these people.

"I'm fine!"

Ren Ningning shook his head and said.

"Why are you arresting my students?"

Ye Rongrong stared at the middle-aged man Zhang Yirong and asked.

"Her father owes us more than half a year's wages and hasn't paid us. We're here to collect the debt."

Facing Ye Rongrong, Zhang Yirong was obviously a little timid, and his speech was much weaker. He was not as arrogant as he was facing the villagers and teachers in the village just now.

"Her dad owes you wages, so you can just ask her dad for the money. She is still a child and a student. Do you think this is okay?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and said.

Repaying debts is a matter of course. This is the truth of the ages.

Ye Rongrong had no opinion on this matter, but Ye Rongrong was very unhappy when these people came to collect debts from a minor child like Ren Ningning.

A minor child, how can there be money to pay them back.

What they did was not only illegal, but also hurt Ren Ningning's heart.

If it weren't for the fact that these people are just like their parents, with little education, and it is not easy to earn some money by doing the dirtiest and tiring jobs in big cities, Ye Rongrong just asked the police to arrest them all.

"If we can still find the adults of her family, we won't look for her as a child. We also know that she is still a child. There is no way to do it. We have worked on her father's construction site for more than half a year. As a result, I didn’t get any money, our family is full of old and young, they all have to eat, and we also have to survive..."

Zhang Yirong said painfully.

It turned out that a group of over 50 people from Zhang Yirong started working on the construction project contracted by Ren Ningning's father Ren Haiquan in August last year. Except for the wages paid to them in August, they have been owed wages since then.

It was originally agreed that after the above-mentioned project funds were settled a year ago, the wages would be paid to them in one lump sum.

As a result, during the Chinese New Year holiday, that was not the case at all. The above-mentioned project funds were not paid at all. In the end, a month's salary was paid to let everyone go back to celebrate the New Year. It was promised that the salary would be settled when they came back after the year.

But after the Chinese New Year, the wages were still delayed, so everyone went up to Ren Haiquan and assured them that the project funds would be settled in May, and that the factory funds would be paid off in one lump sum in May.

He also wrote a letter of guarantee to the workers, and the workers believed in him again.

As a result, before May, this Ren Haiquanwan disappeared with his wife, and his mobile phone was shut down and he couldn't get through at all.

Everyone searched for a few days, but they couldn't find the figure of Ren Haiquan and his wife. They could only seek help from relevant departments and also called the police.

But more than half a month has passed, and neither the relevant departments nor the police department have given everyone a satisfactory answer.

Some workers couldn't hold on anymore. After all, the family still relied on them as pillars to support the family, so they had to go to work elsewhere first.

Only Zhang Yirong and a group of more than a dozen people have been looking for relevant departments to solve this problem.

But these relevant departments all said that they couldn't find the Ren Haiquan couple, and if they couldn't find their husband and wife, there was no way to solve the wage arrears.

Everyone is really helpless, some are still waiting for the money to go to school for their children and see a doctor for the elderly at home.

So someone suggested that if the Ren Haiquan and his wife could not be found, they should find their parents and children and force the Ren Haiquan and his wife to show up.

As a result, I went to Ren Haiquan's hometown to inquire. Ren Haiquan's father passed away the year before last, and his mother also fell ill and lay in bed for many years, relying on her daughter and son-in-law to take care of her.

We had no way to deal with such an old man, so we decided to go to "Taoyuan Elementary School" to kidnap Ren Haiquan and his wife's daughter.

This Ren Haiquan and his wife have such a precious daughter. Once they know that their daughter is in their hands, they will definitely show up. As long as this Ren Haiquan and his wife show their faces, everyone's money will be found.

However, the security of "Taoyuan Elementary School" is very good, there is no way for everyone to sneak in, they can only wait outside for Ren Ningning to come out of the school.

Today happened to be Sunday, and this "Taoyuan Elementary School" was on holiday. Everyone thought that Ren Ningning would definitely leave the school, so they waited at the school gate.

When they found Ren Ningning coming out of the school, everyone followed them all the way, and took Ren Ningning away when there were few people.

So there was the scene just now.

"This is not a place to talk about things. Let's talk in the school's conference room. If there is anything, everyone can sit down and talk. It's not right to embarrass a child."

After listening to Zhang Yirong's words, Ye Rongrong was silent for a while and said.

No matter what you say about this matter, it was Ren Ningning's father who was wrong first, but it is also wrong for these people to use Ren Ningning as a threat to force Ren Ningning's father to show up.

No matter how you say it, this matter must be resolved, otherwise, when this person is really cornered, he can really do anything.

Ye Rongrong didn't want such a tragedy to happen.


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