"Really dare not?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the group of people and asked.

"Don't dare!"

"We don't dare anymore!"

"We don't want this money anymore, don't want it, just let us go!"

Seen by Ye Rongrong's gaze, the group of migrant workers suddenly became frightened and said uneasily.

They are all a group of simple common people. If they were not forced to do so, they would not be able to do such a thing.

"No! The money must be returned!"

Ye Rongrong said loudly.


Ye Rongrong's words stunned the group of migrant workers, some of them didn't understand Ye Rongrong's meaning.

"I heard you right, ask for the money back."

"How is this possible? The boss doesn't know where he went, and who is he asking for money from!"

"Open your mouth, just talking, how can you get the money back!"

"That's right, we are not related to him, and he doesn't ask for money for us, or if we take Ren Haiquan's daughter away, how can we ask for money!"

"Let's just listen to it. Don't expect to get the money. Let's find a way to go back and find a job. If you don't find a job, the family will starve to death."


Although these migrant workers were whispering below, their voices were very small, but Ye Rongrong's hearing was amazing and he heard them all.

These people thought they were joking with them.

"My father used to work on the construction site, and I also worked on the construction site before. I know how hard it is to earn money on the construction site. I have to do physical work in the wind and sun, and I have to risk danger at high places. Homework, this money is so difficult to earn, if you want your own money back, I think it is only natural, you should get this money back."

Ye Rongrong waited for these people to whisper to each other, and then spoke.

In Ye Rongrong's view, these people have paid their own labor, and it is only right and proper to get back their rewards.

"We also wanted to get our wages back, but we searched for many departments and reported to the police, but they shirked that they couldn't find Ren Haiquan and his wife, and there was no way to get our wages back."

Zhang Yirong looked at Ye Rongrong with a wry smile and said.

Everyone like me wants to get the money back, but how can I get the money back?

In the past, when the boss hadn't run away, everyone still had a hope. At least the boss and his wife were there, and they promised to get the project money, and they would pay everyone wages immediately, and pay all the wages owed together.

Although one month dragged on for one month, everyone began to feel uncertain, but everyone still wanted to believe that the boss got the project money. After all, there is such a big project here. As long as the project is here and the boss is here, the project money will definitely be in hand. .

I believe that the boss will also fulfill his promise and return all the owed wages to everyone in one go.

But no one thought that the boss would run away without telling everyone.

This is driving everyone to a dead end!

"That's what they say?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

The state has issued repeated orders not to allow wage arrears to migrant workers, and departments at all levels must solve the problem of wage arrears for migrant workers.

I didn't expect to actually put it into practice in the local area, but I still shirk like this.

But thinking about it carefully, Ye Rongrong also understood the reason.

The reason why some enterprises or self-employed owe wages to workers is because they are not doing well. They have no money, no money at all, so how can they pay wages to their employees.

If the business owners or self-employed do not run away, the government department can urge them to pay back the arrears of wages even if they sell houses or cars.

But for those business owners or self-employed who have run away and can’t find anyone, the government and axe really have no choice.

After all, the government department cannot use the money of the government department to pay the wages owed by these business owners or self-employed.

So when encountering this kind of wage arrears incident where business owners or self-employed people run away, some government department personnel began to play Tai Chi.

"Master, there is a mission!"

Just at this time,

A soft and sweet voice came from Ye Rongrong's mind.


Ye Rongrong was stunned for a moment, then came back to his senses and asked excitedly in his mind: "What mission?"

"The task of the lazy system is to help these migrant workers get their wages back within a week. The lazy system rewards the master with 100 glory points after completing the task. If the mission fails, the master's glory value will be deducted by 100 points. Since the master's current glory value is less than 100 points, Master, please test carefully."

Qing'er said.

"That means, I don't have to accept this task?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.

"The master doesn't need to accept this task, but if the next task fails, the penalty will be doubled, so it is not recommended for the master to give up the task."

Qing'er suggested.

"You said so, I took this task."

Ye Rongrong said depressedly.

If you don't accept the mission, the punishment for failure in the next mission will be doubled, which is unacceptable to Ye Rongrong.

Now this task is not too difficult, Ye Rongrong can't guarantee that his next task will not be too difficult, if the task is difficult and he can't complete it, the punishment is just for fun.

You know, this owes the honor value of the "lazy system", which is so serious that it will be destroyed humanely.

Ye Rongrong regretted it a little now. Last time, he drew all the glory points rewarded for completing the "Lazy System" task at once.

It seems that no matter what, the glory value in the account of this "lazy system" cannot be lower than 100 points.

"The mission is accomplished, please complete the mission on time, Master."


"Principal, principal..."

Seeing that Ye Rongrong was in a daze, Chen Manshan softly called out to Ye Rongrong.


Ye Rongrong came back to his senses, looked at Zhang Yirong and asked, "Where did we talk just now?"

"The Ren Haiquan couple couldn't find anyone, and the government department couldn't help us get money."

Zhang Yirong said helplessly.

As ordinary people at the bottom of society, sometimes it is really sad and helpless.

"I'll help you to collect these arrears of wages."

Ye Rongrong said.


"You...you help us discuss the wage arrears?"

"You...you're not joking with us, are you?"

As soon as Ye Rongrong said, the group of migrant workers excitedly stood up from their seats and looked at Ye Rongrong expectantly.

Unlike my group of farmers who came to work from other provinces, this person in front of me is the principal of a local elementary school. The police officers saluted him just now, which shows that this principal Ye is very powerful.

If he sincerely helps people like himself to ask for wages, it will definitely be more useful than peasants from other places who have nothing to do with him.

Not too much, as long as you can get back part of the salary, everyone will be satisfied.

"Don't worry, I promise you that I will help you get the wages you owe."

Ye Rongrong said with certainty.

"Principal Ye, are you really willing to help us get this salary back?"

Zhang Yirong looked at Ye Rongrong excitedly and asked.

He didn't expect that the vicious-looking Principal Ye in front of him would be so nice and willing to help people like himself get their wages back.

"Yes, don't worry, I will find a way to help you get your own wages in a week at the latest."

Ye Rongrong said affirmatively.


"One week, that gives us an exact time."

"A week from now, will we actually get the money?"

Hearing that Ye Rongrong said that within a week, he could help people like himself to collect the wages owed by the society, and the group of migrant workers immediately became excited.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Zhang Yirong thanked Ye Rongrong excitedly.

"Okay, please leave your contact information for my assistant, and we will notify you when we get the money."

Ye Rongrong said to these people.

Hearing what Ye Rongrong said, the group hurried to Chen Manshan to register their contact information.

In any case, this is a hope for them.


"Principal, do we really want to help them recover their arrears of wages?"

After seeing off these migrant workers, Chen Manshan came to Ye Rongrong's side and asked curiously.

In Chen Manshan's view, this is a thankless job.

It stands to reason that this is a problem that the government wants to solve. If they can't solve it well, how can my principal take over this job.

Chen Manshan didn't understand.

"Seeing them reminds me of my parents. Like the group of people just now, they all went out to do manual labor. They couldn't get the money they earned through hard work. It had a great impact on their families. I remember one day In 2010, my parents were working on a construction site. The boss ran away and did not get paid. That year, the family was poor and even borrowed rice everywhere. Life was hard..."

Ye Rongrong couldn't help but think back to the hard days before.

"But...how did you get the money? Ren Ningning's parents have all run away, and even the police can't find them."

Chen Manshan reminded.


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