The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2084 Strange Fall

"Comrade police, these people injured my brother, you have to decide for us!"

Seeing the police approaching, Brother Nan's expression changed, and he immediately pointed at Ye Rongrong and the others.

Hearing Brother Nan's words, many onlookers couldn't help being amused.

Just now this group of people kept saying that they are policemen and they are still performing official duties?

This is really the police, and they changed their faces too quickly!

"Yes, they are the ones who beat our brothers!"

"I saw it. He was the one who called. If you don't believe me, you can check the surveillance."

"Quick... quickly call an ambulance, save people!"

The group of fake police officers said one after another.

"Ye... Mr. Ye?"

At this time, the two policemen looked at Ye Rongrong and were stunned.

"Stand at attention, salute!"

After the two policemen realized that the person in front of them was Ye Rongrong, they immediately saluted Ye Rongrong.

Except for some new recruits, basically no one in the Yangping County Police Department does not know Ye Rongrong.

One must know that Wang Dafu often shows the photos of Ye Rongrong to the police officers at meetings and meetings, so that everyone's eyes can be brightened, so don't offend Ye Rongrong without knowing it.

"They pretended to be police and took them to the police station to check them out."

Ye Rongrong pointed to Brother Nan and the others and explained to the two policemen.

"Quick, run!"

Brother Nan is not stupid. Looking at the situation, he knew it was broken. He immediately yelled, turned around and ran away.

"If you want to run, how can it be so easy!"

Ye Rongrong looked at these fleeing big men with a sneer.

It is impossible to run away under your nose.


Brother Nan, who was running desperately to the parking lot, suddenly felt that his foot was tripped by something, his body fell forward uncontrollably, and his head hit the stone steps directly.

"Blood... blood..."

The male brother endured the pain and touched his head, his face turned pale and he yelled before passing out.

A man with a tattoo on his arm hadn't run very far, when his feet softened, he came into close contact with the concrete floor like a dog lying on his stomach, his front teeth were knocked off by the concrete floor, and he rolled on the ground in pain .

Soon the group of big men fell down one after another, and each of them fell badly. Basically, their heads were bleeding, or their front teeth were broken by the concrete floor, and they all fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

"What... what's going on?"

"It's so evil!"

"Is it bad luck possessed by these people!"

"Retribution, this is retribution!"

Seeing this scene, many onlookers immediately widened their eyes in disbelief.

In this case, it is normal for one person to fall, it can be said that two people fall, and it is bad luck for three people to fall, but this group of more than a dozen people fell in less than two minutes. Fall, each fell hard.

It's a hell of a thing.

"This... how could it be like this?"

The two policemen were dumbfounded.

The two of them haven't done anything yet, and the escaped people just got down.

What's going on!

"Don't be stupid, hurry up and ask someone to take these people away for interrogation. I guess these people have more or less criminal records."

Seeing that the two young policemen were still in a daze, Ye Rongrong reminded them.

After all, these people seem to have fallen hard, and they will not be able to get up from the ground for a while, but when they recover on the ground, they can still escape.


Reminded by Ye Rongrong, the two policemen came to their senses and hurriedly called the office to ask for support.

"Let's go!"

Ye Rongrong said to Ren Haiquan and Zhan Yingying who were quite frightened.


Zhan Yingying blushed and replied.

I was so impulsive just now that I hugged Principal Ye and cried, but now that I think of Zhan Yingying's blush, I dare not look directly at Principal Ye.

But President Ye's embrace really feels safe!

Zhan Yingying thought to herself.


"Dad, Mom!"

Seeing her father and mother getting off the car, Ren Ningning excitedly ran over to hug her parents tightly.

The principal didn't lie to himself, he really brought his parents back.

"Ning Ning, woo woo woo..."

Zhan Yingying excitedly hugged her precious daughter tightly.

When the two of them were fleeing outside, the person who worried me the most and made me miss the most was myself, my precious girl.

Now that she can finally come back to see her daughter, Zhan Yingying is very excited!

"Father, mother... woo woo woo... How could you do this, how could you leave Ning Ning like this... woo woo..."

Ren Ningning cried sadly.

Ever since her parents ran away from home, Ren Ningning was really, really sad.

"It's mom and dad's fault, mom and dad are wrong, mom and dad are wrong."

Ren Haiquan said excitedly holding his wife and daughter.

Just like that, the three members of Ren Ningning's family hugged each other tightly and wept.

"Only when you have lost, will you know the value of reunion."

Seeing this scene, recalling his parents, Ye Rongrong couldn't help feeling a little bit in his heart.


"Okay, the whole family is reunited. It's something to be happy about. Everyone should be happy."

Seeing that Ren Ningning's family were hugging and crying, Ye Rongrong said.

"Principal, thank you, I will definitely repay you when I grow up."

At this time, Ren Ningning, whose eyes were red from crying, said to Ye Rongrong.

"Okay, I hope you will remember me as the principal when you grow up."

Ye Rongrong laughed.

This is the second time Ye Rongrong has heard Ren Ningning say such a thing.

But Ye Rongrong didn't take it to heart.

"Be a teacher for one day and be a father for life", that's what the saying goes, but with the development of the times, the concept of respecting teachers and respecting morality has become weaker and weaker.

Basically, most students forget their teachers after they graduate. How many people in this society still remember the names of their elementary school teachers, junior high school teachers, high school teachers, and university teachers?

It can be said that there is none at all, even Ye Rongrong himself can't remember the name of the teacher who taught him.

"Principal, I will always remember you for the rest of my life."

Ren Ningning said seriously.

"Okay, let's not talk about this."

Ye Rongrong waved his hand and stopped talking about this topic. He turned to Chen Manshan who was beside him and said, "First arrange an empty room in the teacher's dormitory building for Mr. Ren and the others to live in."


Chen Manshan nodded.

"Principal Ye, thank you so much for letting you worry about my affairs."

Ren Haiquan said gratefully.

If it weren't for President Ye, the couple would have been arrested by those debt collectors as soon as they got off the train. Ren Haiquan couldn't even imagine the consequences.

"Let's not talk about that, you guys rest in the school dormitory for a day, and I will talk to you tomorrow. Don't worry, the school is safe here."

Ye Rongrong said.

This "Taoyuan Primary School" has more than a dozen security guards, all of whom are retired soldiers from the special forces. In the entire Taoyuan Village, except for Ye Rongrong's yard, this "Taoyuan Primary School" is the safest.

"it is good!"

Ren Haiquan nodded in response.


The next morning, after Ye Rongrong had breakfast, he walked slowly to "Taoyuan Primary School". Today, he mainly talked with Ren Haiquan and his wife about the worker's wages.

"Principal Ye, you are here."

Seeing Ye Rongrong enter the room, Zhan Yingying said excitedly.

Yesterday was the best night of rest for Zhan Yingying and her husband in the past two months. They didn't have any anxiety, nor did they have nightmares about being chased, killed or tortured.

All of this was given by the principal Ye in front of me, and Zhan Yingying was grateful to Principal Ye from the bottom of her heart.

"Did you rest well yesterday?"

Ye Rongrong walked into the room and asked Ren Haiquan and his wife.

"I rested very well. Last night was the best night we slept in the past two months."

Zhan Yingying said happily.

Now Zhan Yingying doesn't want to escape anymore, and Zhan Yingying has had enough of those days of fear.

If Ren Haiquan wanted to flee, Zhan Yingying would rather divorce him.

"Principal Ye, I really appreciate you this time."

Ren Haiquan said gratefully.

"Okay, let's stop talking about those polite words, let's talk about the arrears of wages to the workers!"

Ye Rongrong said.

The purpose of today is to deal with those workers who are owed wages.

If it wasn't for the task of the "lazy system", with Ye Rongrong's pissing nature, this matter must be handed over to someone else.

In Ye Rongrong's view, this matter is really too troublesome.

"Principal Ye, it's not that I don't want to pay those workers. It's that I really can't afford any more money. The house and car have been mortgaged to the bank. The only thing I can afford now is to put it in my brother's house." There are hundreds of thousands of dollars there, but this money is not enough."

Ren Haiquan frowned and said.

"Is there no other way?"

Ye Rongrong frowned and asked.

"I still have a house that can be sold, but now I dare not show up at all. There is no way to sell that house."

Ren Haiquan thought for a while and said.

If it was just to pay back the wages of those workers, Ren Haiquan gritted his teeth and could still get it out. After all, the wages of these workers were the least compared to other arrears.

"Sell the house?"

Ye Rongrong thought about it, and he didn't quite agree with selling the house. For Chinese people, a house is the foundation of a home.

If you don't have a house of your own, you don't have a complete home.

This is why to marry a wife, the woman wants the man to have a house.

This is also the reason why Huaxia real estate developers have been able to drive up housing prices.

Because they capture the special feelings that Chinese people have for houses.

"Is there no other money?"

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and asked.

"Yes, but I can't get the money."

Ren Haiquan said helplessly.

"What money can't you get?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Ren Haiquan suspiciously and asked.

"It's the project fee for the construction site. It was originally agreed that when the project is completed by one-third, the first project fee will be paid. Now the project is about to be inspected and accepted, and the project fee has not been paid. Originally, Wen Wen and I A vice president of the State Commercial Bank is a classmate and can get a loan from the bank."

"But I never thought that my classmate was arrested for lending illegally. I have no way to get money from the bank. The project is still in progress, so I can only borrow Gaoli loan. The first project payment I promised Because of the approval problem, it still hasn't come down..."

Ren Haiquan told Ye Rongrong what happened.

"So, as long as you can get the project money, you can pay back the wages of the workers?"

Ye Rongrong asked.


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