The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2095 Distressed


There was a gunshot, and suddenly a flash of light shot out from Liu Yifei's chest. The bullet that was originally aimed at Liu Yifei's head stopped moving, and soon fell to the grass like a free fall.

In the bedroom in the yard of Ye Rongrong's house thousands of miles away.


Ye Rongrong suddenly felt a pain in his chest, and couldn't help crying out in pain.

This is a pain that goes deep into the bone marrow.

With Ye Rongrong's physical fitness at an elite level, coupled with the fact that "Iron Shirt" kung fu has reached the highest level, there shouldn't be, and it's impossible to have this kind of bone-deep pain.


"Husband, what's the matter with you?"

Liu Qingqing asked Ye Rongrong nervously.

"I just had a pain in my chest!"

Ye Rongrong said.


Liu Qingqing was taken aback, this was the first time Liu Qingqing heard her husband cry out for pain in a real sense, she couldn't help but frightened Liu Qingqing until her face turned pale.

"It's okay, it doesn't hurt now!"

Ye Rongrong shook his head, thinking of a possibility, he hurriedly asked Liu Qingqing, "Where's the amulet I gave you?"


Liu Qingqing didn't expect her husband to ask this question, so she said nervously: "Husband, don't be angry, I gave the amulet to Sister Yifei, I have 'Xiaojin' here, and there are so many people protecting me, I won't It's dangerous, but Sister Yifei..."

"Give it to Liu Yifei?"

Ye Rongrong was not in the mood to listen to Liu Qingqing's next words, and when he heard that the amulet he had given Liu Qingqing was on Liu Yifei's body, Ye Rongrong panicked.

After experiencing the plane crash of his sister-in-law Liu Xixi, Ye Rongrong dripped a drop of his own blood on the amulets sent out later.

In this way, as long as the amulet works, I will feel a piercing pain. This will allow me to know that the person I care about the most is in danger, and I can rush to the scene as soon as possible.

There were only a few amulets that Ye Rongrong sent out, and they were all in the yard, so it was impossible for them to encounter danger, let alone Ye Rongrong could sense that the danger happened somewhere thousands of miles away.

This reminded Ye Glory that he hadn't seen the amulet he gave her hanging on Liu Qingqing for a long time, so he asked this question.

"No, Yifei is in danger?"

Ye Rongrong's face changed and said.

"Sister Yifei is in danger, what danger?"

Hearing that Liu Yifei was in danger, Liu Qingqing immediately became nervous.

Although Liu Yifei is not her own sister, Liu Qingqing has always regarded her as her own sister in her heart, and Liu Qingqing even hopes that she will join her family and become a member of her family.

If it weren't for such a good relationship, Liu Qingqing would not have given her such an important thing.

"I don't know yet!"

Knowing Liu Yifei was in danger for some reason, Ye Rongrong became anxious, worried that Liu Yifei would be in danger in the next second, Ye Rongrong hurriedly said in his mind: "Ten seconds is still."


"Why doesn't it hurt at all?"

Liu Yifei, who had closed her eyes and waited to die, opened them involuntarily.

I saw the dead Secretary Li lying beside me, and the footsteps of the rebels came from behind.

"I...why haven't I died yet?"

Liu Yifei came to her senses and murmured to herself in disbelief.

I obviously fired a gun just now, and I heard the sound of the gun, why am I still alive?

Could it be that I am dreaming.

But looking back at the rebels who were only two or three hundred meters away from her, Liu Yifei knew that there was no more time to think about this.

I must not fall into the hands of these rebels.

Picking up the pistol, Liu Yifei shot herself in the head again

Bullets fly from the muzzle of the pistol...

Suddenly the air was imprisoned, time stopped running, and the position where the bullet flew five centimeters out of the muzzle of the gun stood still.

The rebels not far away were like statues, keeping their actions from the previous moment motionless.

throughout time and space,

Only one plane is coming at the speed of light again.





The countdown of "ten seconds of stillness" in Ye Rongrong's mind keeps changing.

An inexplicable sense of uneasiness arose in Ye Rongrong's heart, and his eyes shot a more and more frightening cold light in the air. There was a trace of blood in the cold light, like the eyes of a ferocious beast in the dark night.

The stronger the uneasiness, the more worried Ye Rongrong became, and sometimes the scene of Liu Yifei lying in a pool of blood appeared uncontrollably before his eyes.

This made Ye Rongrong's heart feel like a knife, and it made Ye Rongrong hate himself for the first time.

Why, why did you let Liu Yifei leave me, why didn't you go to find Liu Yifei, why did you put her in a dangerous situation.

What if there is no amulet Qingqing gave her?

When Ye Rongrong thought of this, he couldn't help but feel a burst of fear, as if his life would become gloomy from now on.

Only at this time did Ye Rongrong know that Liu Yifei had already occupied a very important place in his heart before he knew it.

Soon, the "Safety" plane flew over Liu Yifei, Ye Rongrong naturally used "detection technique" to find Liu Yifei's figure.

"not good!"

Seeing the bullet only a few centimeters away from Liu Yifei's head, Ye Rongrong's expression changed.

With a flash, Ye Rongrong came to Liu Yifei's side,



Just when the countdown of "ten seconds of stillness" in Ye Rongrong's mind was "one", Ye Rongrong grabbed the bullet.


When the "ten minutes of stillness" in Ye Rongrong's mind counted down to zero, the whole time and space came alive. After a pause, the birds in the sky continued to fly on the original route, unaware of what happened just now.

The wind continued to blow from south to north, and the rebels not far away continued to catch up quickly.

The only thing that was still at a standstill was the bullet flying towards Liu Yifei's head.

In Taoyuan Village, thousands of miles away, Liu Qingqing looked around her with some doubts. She didn't even know when her husband left.

But soon Liu Qingqing realized that her mysterious husband must be going to rescue Sister Yifei.

I don't know what kind of danger Sister Yifei has encountered?

Liu Qingqing was very worried!


"Why don't you feel any pain yet?"

Liu Yifei, who closed her eyes and waited to die, became puzzled again.

It is said that when the bullet passes through a person's head, there will be an instant pain, and only after the pain passes will he lose consciousness and die.

But until now, Liu Yifei still didn't feel the pain of the bullet passing through her head.

Not to mention the pain, I didn't even feel the bullet passing through my head.

"Did it fail again? Maybe there is no bullet in this gun at all."

Thinking of this, Liu Yifei suddenly became frightened.

The rebels were about to catch up with her. If there were no bullets in the gun, Liu Yifei believed that she would be a little scared.

Are you doomed to be tortured?


Suddenly, a familiar voice came from Liu Yifei's ears.

This is the voice that Liu Yifei will never forget.

"Is it a hallucination?"

Liu Yifei couldn't help feeling puzzled.

"Yi Fei!"

This all-too-familiar voice rang in Liu Yifei's ears again.

"It's not a hallucination, definitely not a hallucination."

Thinking of this, Liu Yifei hurriedly opened her eyes.

"Yifei is fine, I'm here?"

Seeing Liu Yifei looking at him, Ye Rongrong said comfortingly.

Just a little bit, just a little bit, I might never see Liu Yifei again.

The scene just now really frightened Ye Rongrong.

Even if it is one second late, I will say goodbye to Liu Yifei.

"I... I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Liu Yifei wiped her eyes, tears in her beautiful red eyes, she looked in disbelief at the familiar person who suddenly descended like a god beside her.

You must know that Liu Yifei was ready to die, she thought that even if she died, Ye Guangrong would not necessarily think of herself again, let alone know where she died.

But Liu Yifei never dreamed that Ye Rongrong would suddenly appear in front of her eyes.

It was so unbelievable, it was like being in a dream.

"You are not dreaming, I am by your side."

Ye Rongrong threw the bullet in his hand to the ground and said affirmatively.

"Woo woo woo..."

Liu Yifei couldn't bear it anymore, she threw herself into Ye Rongrong's arms and began to cry.

Fear, exhaustion, and despair along the way, as a weak woman, Liu Yifei has reached the brink of collapse.

"I thought I'd never see you again, never see you again."

Leaning in Ye Rongrong's arms, holding Ye Rongrong tightly, Liu Yifei cried.

"No, no, I will protect you."

Ye Rongrong hugged Liu Yifei tightly and comforted her.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Rongrong didn't need to think about what Liu Yifei went through, which made Ye Rongrong feel very distressed.

In this world, apart from his wife Liu Qingqing, Liu Yifei can be said to be the woman Ye Rongrong cares about the most.

Although Ye Rongrong has been unwilling to admit this in his heart.

"Hahaha... I can't run away!"

"Finally caught up, it's going to be so cool!"

"Hurry up, everyone, don't let them run away!"

"They can't run away!"

The rebels were getting closer and closer, and their excited voices could even be heard.

Looking at the young woman who committed suicide at Liu Yifei's feet, and seeing Liu Yifei's distressed appearance, Ye Rongrong couldn't help feeling distressed, and at the same time, those dark eyes were suddenly shrouded in evil spirit, and a cold light radiated from them.

The few rebels chasing at the front felt inexplicably cold. Looking at Ye Rongrong, they immediately felt a strong sense of crisis. The instinct of living on the edge of life for a long time made them raise their guns at Ye Rongrong almost reflexively. .

"kill him!"

Immediately, several rebels couldn't control their fear and shot at Ye Rongrong involuntarily.


It's time to go home, the first one is earlier.

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