The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2098 Miracles

"Will it be too hard and inconvenient for you to be alone, let Xiao Zhao go up and help you!"

Counselor Zhang pointed to a strong person behind her and said.

"No, no, you just need to pass the person on here."

Ye Rongrong shook his head, rejecting Counselor Zhang's offer.

This "safety number" can change the internal space at any time, but there are more than 20 corpses in this space now, if it becomes like a helicopter with a small space and squeezes so many corpses, the inside should be too crowded There is no room for movement.

As long as these people go in and take a look, they will find something abnormal, so Ye Rongrong will not let them enter the "safety number".

"Thank you for your hard work!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong disagreed with others going up to help, Counselor Zhang had no choice but to give up this plan.

Soon, Ye Rongrong took out the dead body of a soldier, and two staff members of the embassy immediately came to pick up the dead body of the soldier.

Two corpses!

Five corpses!

Soon, the staff of these embassies began to be overwhelmed. Ye Rongrong's speed was too fast. Before everyone put the corpse away properly, Ye Rongrong took out a corpse from the plane.

Fortunately, the local foreign guards protecting embassy staff also came to help.

It took the driver more than an hour to move out all the corpses in the safety number.

"Okay, my task is done, I'm leaving!"

Ye Rongrong said something to Liu Yifei, and before Ambassador Xu could speak, the door of the plane was closed, and the "Safety" flew directly into the sky.

On the "Safety Number", Ye Rongrong discussed with Liu Yifei, and she had to keep her affairs secret when she flew here. After all, if it was known that Ye Rongrong was flying here in Huaxia thousands of miles away to rescue Liu Yifei, he would It brought a lot of trouble to Ye Rongrong.

After all, there are many things that simply cannot be explained with common sense.

Ye Rongrong was afraid of trouble, so he didn't want others to know that he was the one who saved Liu Yifei.

"Why did your friend leave like this? We haven't had time to thank him yet."

Ambassador Xu looked at the plane in the distance, and said to Liu Yifei depressedly.

"He has a special identity, and he doesn't want others to know who he is."

Liu Yifei said.

This is the truth, not a lie, so Liu Yifei doesn't think there is anything wrong.

Ye Rongrong's identity is indeed very special, and he really does not want others to know that he has something to do with this matter.


Hearing what Liu Yifei said, Ambassador Xu stopped asking.

On the land of Africa, there are constant wars. In addition to the local armed personnel in Africa, there are also many foreign mercenaries.

These foreign mercenaries are very powerful, their weapons are advanced, and their combat capabilities are very powerful. They are basically mercenaries composed of retired soldiers from the special forces of some countries.

Perhaps it was Liu Yifei's luck that she met a kind of mercenary operating in Africa. Fortunately, Liu Yifei knew the leader of this mercenary, so Liu Yifei came back alive and brought back the bones of other personnel.

In Ambassador Xu's opinion, this is the only way to explain clearly.

"Counselor Liu, can this helicopter hold so many dead soldiers?"

Counselor Zhang asked curiously.

"It's very crowded, but no matter how crowded it is, we have to bring them all back. If it wasn't for protecting me, they wouldn't have sacrificed."

Liu Yifei said sadly.

"Let's not talk about that, Xiaoliu must be very tired now, we should go back quickly, we still need to report the situation to the country, and request to arrange a transfer to transport these martyrs back to the country."

Ambassador Xu said.


The "Safety" did not fly in the direction of Huaxia, but flew to the capital of Tusken State in stealth.

Now that Ye Rongrong is getting angry, naturally he won't let these rebels go so easily.

Soon, the "Safety" flew over the national capital of Tusken, and descended from the sky,

The whole city is like a slaughterhouse, civilians and captured soldiers are constantly being killed.

The most tragic thing is that the women in this city were destroyed by these barbaric rebels.

Seeing such a scene, Ye Rongrong frowned involuntarily.

Wars are often accompanied by such crimes, but Ye Rongrong can't turn a blind eye when he sees such a scene.

"Stop it all!"

Ye Rongrong flew out from the "Safety" and yelled at the big city.

Suddenly, a loud noise like thunder resounded in every corner of the city, shocking everyone.

"what sound?"

"Is this the voice of God?"

"Is God angry?"

Some of the attacking rebels were so frightened that they stopped their movements. The sound was really too loud, coming from the air, as if a god was angry.

"You beasts, your evil deeds have made God angry. God is angry, and you will be punished by God."

A middle-aged man who watched his wife and daughter being tortured by these rebels angrily pointed at these rebels and shouted.

After finishing his anger, the middle-aged man knelt on the ground, looked at the sky and prayed: "O omnipresent God, please lower the flames of anger and destroy these demons!"

When the middle-aged man yelled, these rebels suddenly recovered from the panic just now, and one of the rebels immediately pulled out his gun, with a cruel sneer on the corner of his mouth, he raised it and pointed it at The head of a middle-aged man.

"don't want!"

"Don't kill my dad!"

The two battered women cried out in horror.

"Even God can't save him, hehehe!"

But the rebel didn't pay attention to the two women who had been bullied by his people at all, and laughed and moved his fingers.

But soon, the rebel's laughter stopped abruptly, as if a duck was suddenly grabbed by the neck.

His eyeballs protruded, revealing a look of extreme horror, because he found that his fingers could not hook the buckle.

Like him, there are other rebels in this house who find themselves controlled by an invisible force and cannot move at all.

"God, God is punishing us!"

"God! We were wrong, and we dare not do it again!"

"God, please forgive me!"

"Forgive me!"


This group of rebels had already lost their prestige before, and now they were so frightened that their teeth chattered a little.

In fact, this invisible mysterious power has completely exceeded his imagination, almost weird.

Only God has this mysterious power.


At this moment, a cold voice came from the ears of these rebels.

Before these rebels had time to beg for mercy, they suddenly bled from their orifices, stared wide-eyed and died in fear.

"God, great God, thank you for saving me and my family."

The middle-aged man knelt on the ground, looked at the sky and said gratefully.

In the eyes of this middle-aged man, only gods can use this invisible power.

Ye Rongrong was floating in the air, his consciousness left the courtyard and looked at other parts of the city.

It’s okay if you don’t look at it, but it’s simply hell on earth.

Although there was no one whom Ye Rongrong knew or cared about in this city, seeing this scene, Ye Rongrong was very angry.

These rebels are nothing short of beasts.

"Wan Jian Jue!"

Speaking of Ye Rongrong's thoughts, thousands of flying swords suddenly appeared in the sky.

"That is……"

"Oh God!"

"Is it the end of the world?"

"Damn it!"


Seeing countless long swords suddenly appearing in the sky, covering most of the sky, whether it is the rebels who are attacking or the people who are suffering, they are all terrified by the scene in front of them at this moment.


As Ye Rongrong's voice fell, these long swords in the air, with blades gleaming with cold light, aimed at the ground, and fell towards the ground like a violent storm.

"Ah, run!"

"Run, run to the house!"

"Oh God, help me!"

"Die, everyone die together!"

Seeing the flying swords in the sky attacking the ground densely, both the common people and the majestic rebel just now turned pale with fright.

Some rebels hurried into the house, some rebels were too scared to move, and of course there were some civilians who closed their eyes and waited to die.



"Don't! Don't come here!"

Soon the flying swords flew down from the sky, as if they had eyes, they avoided the civilians and attacked the ferocious rebels.

No matter which direction these rebels ran, the flying sword followed them as if they had eyes, until they screamed and were pierced by the long sword.

Soon, thousands of rebels were killed by Feijian, and all the rebels in the area that Ye Rongrong could see were dead for a while.

"Hahaha... these demons were finally wiped out by the great god!"

"God! Thank you for saving us!"

"Great God, I praise you!"

As the rebels were killed by flying swords, those who escaped from death knelt on the ground and thanked God for their deliverance.

If it weren't for the appearance of God, this city would have become a terrible hell on earth, but now that God appeared, all this has changed.

No matter how powerful these rebels are, they are no match for God.

For the great god, to destroy these rebels is just an idea.


"Get out of this city!"


The rebels who saw this scene in the distance turned their heads and fled outside the city in fright.

The scene in front of me was really scary.

This city must be blessed by the gods, if you don't leave this city, you will be punished by the gods.

One hundred rebels fled outside the city!

A thousand rebels fled outside the city!

Ten thousand rebels fled outside the city!


Following the chain reaction, more and more rebels fled desperately outside the city. Several officers wanted to stop the rebel from escaping, but they were all shot dead by these terrified rebels.

"General! General!"

An officer ran into a super luxurious office!

"What happened?"

Abrahamk frowned and looked at the deputy who ran into the office in a panic.

As the leader of the rebel army, Abrahamk had just enjoyed the power of gaining the supreme power of the country through war, when he was destroyed by his deputy, and his good mood suddenly broke down by a half.


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