After Elmo walked out, Ye Rongrong took out some food from the Qiankun ring and started to eat.

For Ye Rongrong now, what he needs most is energy.

And food is the best way to get energy.

Of course, the foods that Ye Glory chooses to eat now are all high-nutrition foods, not biscuits, instant noodles and the like to fill his stomach.

After eating these things and drinking a few bottles of pure milk, Ye Rongrong felt a little stronger in his body.

Lying on this grass bed for a while, Ye Rongrong felt the urge to urinate, so he could only get up from the bed.

After all, Ye Rongrong is an adult, so it is impossible for him to wet the bed.

Although this is just a bed similar to a bed made of thatch.

When getting up from the bed, Ye Rongrong felt that his head was still dizzy, and even the strength in his body seemed not enough to support his body to stand up.

Ye Rongrong sighed secretly, he was seriously injured by the force of thunder, and his body will not recover well for a while.

It seems that now I can only maintain my body here for a while, otherwise Ye Rongrong doubts that with his current physical condition, he will not even be able to leave Tusken.

The desire to urinate became more and more serious, Ye Rongrong could only helplessly shout to the outside: "Elmo, Elmo..."

Now Ye Rongrong can only hope that Elmo is nearby and can hear his shout.

Otherwise, if I really wet my pants, it would be really embarrassing.

This time Ye Rongrong was really seriously injured, his mental power was very poor, and he couldn't use his basic thoughts.

Fortunately, Elmo was nearby, and when he heard Ye Rongrong's voice, he ran over.

Ye Rongrong could clearly hear her approaching footsteps.

"Uncle, you call me!"

Elmo pushed open the wooden door, looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"That... that, I want to go conveniently!"

Ye Rongrong said with a slightly red face.

Rao is such a thick-skinned big man like Ye Rongrong, and he can't help but feel a little embarrassed.

A man in his early thirties actually needs the help of a twelve or thirteen-year-old girl to go out conveniently.

What is this called!


Elmo stared at Ye Rongrong with wide eyes, not understanding what "convenience" meant.

"It means to pee!"

Ye Rongrong remembered that this place is in Africa, not in Huaxia. People can't understand the euphemistic words.


Hearing that Ye Rongrong was going to pee, Elmo blushed and answered with his head down.

It turns out that foreigners go to pee and call it "piss"?

Elmo thought to himself.

"I can't get up now, please help me!"

Seeing that Elmo didn't make any further moves, Ye Rongrong knew that she didn't understand the purpose of calling her here, so he said it directly.


Elmo came to Ye Rongrong's side with a blushing face, and helped Ye Rongrong get up from the bed.

Regardless of Elmo's thin body, his strength is really not small. For a big man like Ye Rongrong, she didn't even bother to help him up.

As can be seen from her rough hands, Elmo often does rough work.

With Elmo's support, Ye Rongrong stood up with difficulty.

Steady his mind, Ye Rongrong held Elmo's hand and stood still.

This thatched house is very short, and the door is even smaller. It is estimated to be only about 1.7 meters. With Ye Rongrong's height, you have to bow your head when entering and exiting the door.

This Elmo's height is much shorter than Ye Rongrong's, and Ye Rongrong has the feeling of leaning on the body of a child.

This is the most embarrassing moment in Ye Rongrong's life so far, and he actually asked a little girl to help him to the toilet.

Walking out of the thatched hut, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but look at the surrounding environment.

Now I am in a dense forest, and the tribal camp consisting of hundreds of thatched houses is built on this clearing.

Those thatched huts are not houses at all, they are simply shacks, which means they can block the sun, and if it rains, they will definitely leak.

Fortunately, it is near the equator.

There is so little rain, and there is no winter, if you live in such a shack in Northeast China, you can freeze to death in winter.

Ye Rongrong looked back at the thatched hut he lived in. At first he thought the thatched hut was very dilapidated, but now it seems that the thatched hut he lives in is considered a very good house in this tribe.

At the very least, this thatched cottage can still be called a house.

Because it meets the basic requirements of a house, the entire room has more than a dozen square-sized, circular walls. The wall is made of two layers of wooden sticks crossed into a fork shape, and grass is stuffed between the two layers of wooden sticks.

About two meters high is the roof like a steamed bun. The roof is also made of grass, and the skeleton made of wooden sticks can be seen from under the grass.

The so-called door is also a frame made of wooden sticks, with grass in the middle, directly blocking the gap in the circular wall.

This place is really too backward, it is simply a place where primitive people live.

Ye Rongrong reckoned that this might be an indigenous tribe in Africa.

From the moment Ye Rongrong walked out the door, he became the focus of the tribal residents' attention.

Both adults and children looked at Ye Rongrong from a distance as if they were rare animals.

In addition to curiosity, these people looked at Ye Rongrong with a little fear. They instinctively kept a certain distance from Ye Rongrong, as if they were afraid that Ye Rongrong would hurt them.

Residents of these tribes were looking at Ye Rongrong curiously, and Ye Rongrong was also secretly observing these tribesmen.

After all, his current state is very bad and weak. This is the most dangerous time for Ye Rongrong, so Ye Rongrong naturally needs to be extra careful.

People in this tribe are very thin, and basically belong to that kind of malnutrition. Many children are even skinny and skinny.

Because of their thinness, many of these children's eyes are big, protruding, and somewhat scary.

Disease, war, and hunger are the biggest tests for people in this land of Africa. The average life expectancy of people in Africa is less than 40 years old, so in this place, people are popular in early marriage.

The adult men and women here are not tall, that is, between 1.5 and 1.7 meters. Ye Rongrong's height here is definitely outstanding.

Of course Ye Rongrong would not admit that he belonged to He.

The clothes of the people here are very simple. Most of the men are naked from the upper body, with a piece of animal skin or rags around their waists, and some are so dirty that they can’t see their true colors; most of the women hang a rag on their bodies to cover their key parts. , the rest of the positions are basically bare.

There are also some young-looking girls who are about the same age as Elmo, all with tops and naked bodies.

But it's a top, but it's actually just a piece of cloth with a hole in the middle, and you put your head in it. This kind of clothes has no aesthetic feeling at all, it can only be called a fig leaf.

These young girls all looked at Ye Rongrong timidly from a distance. They all looked about the same age as Elmo, with slender and thin bodies and some stunted appearance.

Looking at the clothes, it is estimated that these girls are unmarried like Elmo,

It seems that this tribe's protection of unmarried girls is much stronger than that of women. At the very least, they wear a lot more cloth.

Ye Rongrong could feel the envy and jealousy in their eyes looking at Elmo.

"Why do I feel that they are a little jealous of you!"

Ye Rongrong jokingly said to Elmo.

"Of course they envy me, because I am the chief's daughter, so I have the right to choose to marry a foreigner first. They are envious that I can marry you, uncle."

Elmo said proudly.

The girls living in this tribe all want to marry abroad, because only by marrying abroad can they live a good life.

There is a girl in this tribe who married abroad and came back to see her parents a few years ago. The clothes she wore, the food she brought to eat, and the photos she took while traveling around really made everyone in the tribe envious.

For the girls in the tribe, the biggest ideal is to marry a foreign man and live a prosperous life.

"That... let's not talk about this."

Ye Rongrong said with some embarrassment.

In fact, Ye Rongrong also understands these girls very well. Living in such a place where survival is a problem, they naturally want to leave this poor place.

But for these young women who don't understand anything and know nothing about the outside world, the only way to go out is to marry a foreigner or a foreigner.

For them, getting married is the only way to change their destiny.

Of course, this premise is to marry the right one!

In the eyes of African tribesmen here, foreigners are very rich and have very good living conditions, so they all want to marry foreigners.

It's a pity that for this remote An'erla village, people from outside rarely come here, let alone foreigners. It takes several years or even ten years to meet a foreigner passing through An'erla village.

For them, such opportunities are extremely rare.

Suddenly a foreigner like Ye Rongrong appeared, and these girls naturally wanted to marry him.

If Elmo hadn't been the chief's daughter, these girls would have gone to snatch the man long ago.

After all, the status of chiefs and wizards is supreme in the tribe.

Ye Rongrong can now be sure that he has fallen into a primitive tribe in Africa, and these men and women are still living the most primitive tribal life.

Thinking that he would have to live in this primitive tribe for a while, Ye Rongrong felt a headache for a while.

Ye Rongrong walked forward under the leadership of Elmo, and under the gaze of people, he walked to a small forest not far away.

"Uncle, just pee here!"

Elmo supported Ye Rongrong and said beside the grove.

"right here?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Elmo suspiciously and asked.

After all, there were many people watching him not far away, and many of them were women. Under such circumstances, Ye Rongrong was really embarrassed to defecate indiscriminately in such a broad daylight under the eyes of everyone.


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