The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2112 Encounter

After taking a nap at noon, Ye Rongrong woke up in good spirits.

"It seems that this cow's blood is really effective."

Ye Rongrong couldn't help thinking.

After all, Ye Rongrong's stomach is still warm, and he has strength all over his body, and his overall condition is much better than in the morning.

Logically speaking, the cow's blood would not have such a big effect, but Ye Rongrong can now be sure that the cow's blood has played a very important role in his body's recovery.

What does this mean? This means that the grass fed by the cows here contains a lot of precious medicinal materials. This cow has eaten those precious medicinal materials for a long time, which is why its blood has such powerful medicinal effects.

In any case, this is a very good start for Ye Rongrong.

At the very least, in Ye Rongrong's opinion, this is too important for his physical recovery, and it will also allow him to return to China one day earlier.

His stomach was warm and his mental strength recovered well. Ye Rongrong didn't want to lie on the bed anymore, so he went outside as soon as he got up.

"Brother Ye, you're awake!"

Elmo, who was guarding the thatched hut, immediately stood up from the ground and said to Ye Rongrong.

In fact, according to the intention of the chief and elders of this tribe, Elmo and Edma were asked to sleep with Ye Rongrong, but Ye Rongrong couldn't accept their sleeping with them.

He only let Elmo and Edma stay with him in this room during the day, and Ye Rongrong let them go back to sleep at night.

After all, in this backward tribe, people still attach great importance to reputation. If Elmo and Edma were allowed to share the same room with him for one night, it would ruin Elmo and Edma.

"Well, I'm going out for a walk!"

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

"Brother Ye, we will accompany you!"

Elmo said hastily.

"No, I can go out for a walk alone, and you don't have to accompany me."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

There are some secrets that Ye Rongrong doesn't want the two little girls Elmo and Edma to know, so naturally he doesn't want them to follow him.


Seeing that Big Brother Ye wouldn't let him follow, Elmo and Edma panicked.

They were worried that Ye Rongrong didn't like them.

"Don't worry, I just want to walk alone, don't think too much."

Seeing that the two little girls were crying, Ye Rongrong had no choice but to comfort them.

These are two poor little girls.

Thinking of this, Ye Rongrong took out a box of Dove chocolates from the Qiankun ring.

"This is Dove chocolate, you girls like to eat."

Ye Rongrong handed the Dove chocolate to Elmo and said.


Elmo and Edma looked at Dove Chocolate in surprise.

Chocolate is naturally attractive to women.

"Okay, you can eat this Dove chocolate indoors, or you will be split up when you go out."

Ye Rongrong said something to Elmo and Edma with a smile, and walked out of the thatched cottage.

"Hi Mr. Ye!"

"Hi Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Ye, where are you going?"

"Mr. Ye, is there anything I can do?"

Along the way, the tribal residents greeted Ye Rongrong very respectfully.

Ye Rongrong nodded to the tribe residents, without saying anything, walked out of the tribe and walked to the outskirts of An'erla Village.

The outskirts of the An'erla village is a large area of ​​cultivated land, on which some crops are planted.

However, it is obvious that the planting techniques of the tribal residents are very poor. In Ye Rongrong's opinion, the cultivated land is not much different from those grasslands covered with weeds.

Those seemingly man-made crops stand very irregularly in the cultivated land, which means they are a little more regular than weeds.

In the dry season in Africa, most of the plants on this grassland are dry, but a small river meanders by the side of the cultivated land, which nourishes the cultivated land so that it will not be dry.

On the edge of the cultivated land, there are more than a dozen burly tribal men patrolling around the cultivated land with spears in their hands.

They are looking after the crops in the field, preventing the crops in the cultivated field from being ruined by wild animals.

After all, these crops are also one of the foods that the tribe people depend on for survival.

In this primitive society with highly backward productivity, food was very scarce, and hunting was not enough for the tribes to survive, and crops were also one of the main foods of the tribes.

Walking out of this cultivated land, you will be completely out of sight of the tribesmen.


Ye Rongrong immediately cast invisibility.

Whether it's invisibility, mind power, or wind and earth attributes, the performance of these skills or attributes is inseparable from spiritual power.

A few days ago, Ye Rongrong's mental atrophy was severe. Although he was able to use these skills and attributes, they were very weak, and after only a few minutes, Ye Rongrong suffered a severe headache and became dizzy.

Even when it was serious, Ye Rongrong felt as if his vision went dark and he passed out.

However, after more than two days of rest, Ye Rongrong's spirit has improved a lot, especially after drinking so much cow blood in the morning, Ye Rongrong's mental strength is now very good, it can be said that it has returned to one tenth of its normal state.

So when Ye Rongrong used these skills, he didn't feel dizzy and uncomfortable as he did two days ago.

"Wind attribute!"

With Ye Rongrong's "wind attribute", Ye Rongrong immediately flew in the sky like a bird.

This feeling of being able to fly is very good, and Ye Rongrong doesn't know how long his current mental strength can maintain this "wind attribute".

So Ye Rongrong wants to test how long and how far he can fly in the air.


Driving an off-road vehicle alone in this uninhabited wilderness, Liu Yifei was exhausted and frightened. Because of fear and uneasiness, Liu Yifei hadn't had a good rest for two days.

Now Liu Yifei is very haggard, leaning on the car seat weakly, if possible, Liu Yifei would never dare to leave the off-road vehicle.

Of course there are some things, no matter how scared Liu Yifei is, she has to leave the car and go outside to deal with them.

After all, this shit can't be pulled in the car, right?

Now Liu Yifei has a strong desire to urinate and she has to leave the off-road vehicle. Although she knows that leaving the off-road vehicle will mean more danger, but when this happens, Liu Yifei can only bite the bullet and get out of the vehicle.

Liu Yifei misses Ye Rongrong very much now, if he were around, he would never let herself be so frightened.

I don't know how Glory is doing now?

Now Liu Yifei is really worried about him!

Now alone in this wilderness, Liu Yifei had no choice but to suppress her fear and squat behind a bush near the off-road vehicle.

Although there was no human habitation in the vicinity, Liu Yifei still hid behind the bushes and squatted down.

After more than a minute, Liu Yifei put on her pants and prepared to go back to the car after finishing her toilet.

Liu Yifei didn't feel a group of lions slowly approaching her at all, and the leader was a very mighty male lion.

Just when Liu Yifei was a few steps away from the off-road vehicle, the leading lion suddenly rushed towards Liu Yifei.

At this moment, Liu Yifei also sensed the danger behind her, and hurriedly turned around to look behind her.


Liu Yifei screamed in fright, ran back, stumbled, and sat on the ground, it was too late to run away!

"Am I going to die here?"

Liu Yifei couldn't help closing her eyes in despair.

If she died now, Liu Yifei would really be unwilling!

Liu Yifei didn't feel afraid of dying, what she was afraid of was that she would never see Ye Guangrong again.

If she could see Ye Rongrong again, Liu Yifei felt that even if she died, she would have no regrets.

Farewell, my beloved man!

In this life, we are predestined and have no part, and we cannot be husband and wife!

May the next life be a husband and wife.

Liu Yifei desperately waited for the arrival of death.

At this moment, the male lion pounced on Liu Yifei who was sitting on the ground waiting for death!

"Get out!"

At this moment of life and death crisis, Ye Rongrong descended from the sky and landed in front of Liu Yifei. He raised his right hand, and a dark energy was already contained in his palm. When the lion rushed over, his steps turned into a Tai Chi fish. He moved to the left side of the lion, raised his hand without hesitation, and landed on the lion's body!


Just such a soft sound.

The sound was almost imperceptible.

But in the next second, the majestic male lion shook its body and flew out sideways, falling into the grass pile five meters away.


Hearing Ye Rongrong's voice, Liu Yifei's first reaction was that she was dreaming, but the next moment Liu Yifei hurriedly opened her eyes, looked at Ye Rongrong in front of her, and suddenly Liu Yifei opened her mouth wide and couldn't make a sound.

I am not in a dream!

I am really not in a dream!

Glory has really come!

At his most dangerous time, he appeared again.

Although he didn't step on the seven-color clouds, but Liu Yifei felt that he was stepping on the seven-color clouds to save himself.

He is his true son!

It is now, it will be in the future, and it will be in the next life!

Love is not what it should be, when you meet it, that's it!

Liu Yifei made up her mind at this moment.


The lion that was shot away by Ye Rongrong shook its body in the grass, struggled to get up, stared fiercely at Ye Rongrong, opened its mouth and roared, as if it was going to make a comeback!


Ye Rongrong yelled at the lion.




Immediately, the group of lions in front of Ye Rongrong heard a thunderous bang in their ears, which frightened the group of lions as if they had been greatly frightened, and turned their heads and ran away.

In a blink of an eye, this group of prairie overlord lions ran out of Ye Rongrong's sight.

When Ye Rongrong turned around and was about to comfort Liu Yifei, Liu Yifei had already rushed over, hugging Ye Rongrong tightly.


Just as Ye Rongrong was about to speak, he felt a gust of fragrant wind, and then a soft lip was printed on his mouth.


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