The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2119 resign

The next day, Ye Rongrong woke up just after dawn. When he thought about leaving for home today, Ye Rongrong was in a very good mood, and he got up early without knowing it.

Looking at Liu Yifei who was still sleeping soundly on the bed, Ye Rongrong didn't wake her up, but looked at her quietly.

I didn't expect Liu Yifei's sleeping appearance to be so beautiful.

Just like a Sleeping Beauty.

Perhaps feeling Ye Rongrong's gaze, Liu Yifei also woke up, just in time to find Ye Rongrong looking at her, couldn't help but blushed slightly, gave Ye Rongrong a wink and said: "What are you looking at?"

"No... I didn't see anything..."

Ye Rongrong said in embarrassment, and turned his head hastily.

I really didn't expect Liu Yifei to wake up at this time, and she was caught by her.

This shouldn't be considered voyeurism, right?

Ye Rongrong thought to himself.

"Glory, you said you were going back today, how did you go back?"

Liu Yifei suddenly remembered something and asked hastily.

"Find the nearest airport, and let's fly back home."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

With Ye Rongrong's current situation, he can't maintain the "wind attribute" for a long time. If he flies home with the "wind attribute", Ye Rongrong reckons that he won't be able to go back within ten days or half a month. of.


As soon as she heard that she was going back, Liu Yifei didn't sleep anymore, she got up from the bed and washed up with Ye Rongrong.

After breakfast, Ye Rongrong and Liu Yifei were seen off by a group of residents of the An'erla Village tribe, and left the An'erla Village in an off-road vehicle.

Of course, Ye Rongrong must promise these tribal residents that as long as he returns to the country, he will surely fulfill his promise soon.

No matter what, Ye Rongrong has formed a cause and effect with this An'erla village, and also made a promise, and Ye Rongrong will naturally fulfill it.

Ye Rongrong believes that when the tribal residents of Anerla Village in the younger area start to get in touch with higher civilizations, their backward customs will gradually be eliminated, and the villagers of Anerla Village will live a happy life.

"Glory, do you really want to sponsor ten children from this tribe to study in Huaxia every year?"

On the off-road vehicle, Liu Yifei looked at it and asked.

"Yeah, what's the problem?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Yifei and asked with a smile.

"Why do you subsidize ten people every year, can't you subsidize more?"

Liu Yifei looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

Although Liu Yifei is not very clear about Ye Glory's net worth, she can probably estimate that his net worth will definitely not be less than a few billion dollars.

With such wealth and Ye Rongrong's status, it is no problem to sponsor all the children in this village to study in Huaxia.

"Teaching a man to fish is worse than giving him a fish. People's desires are unlimited. If I do everything for the children in this tribe, it's not helping them, but harming them. It will only breed their inertia. Breed their hopes."

"Excessive hope makes people degenerate, and what is given can never fill up hope. The more you give, the greater the hatred. In ancient times, it was the hatred of raising rice against rice, but now it is hatred to give less, and hatred to give more than one ton. "

"Everything must be grasped to this degree, too much is too late, and this is the reason why things must be reversed when they are extreme."

Ye Rongrong explained.

"That's true. People here do have such inertia."

Liu Yifei nodded and said.

She has been a diplomat in the African state of Tuscany for more than a year, and Liu Yifei still knows a little about the people here. How would she describe the people in this country?

Liu Yifei thinks it's just a word "lazy".

There are some entrepreneurs in Huaxia who set up factories and shops in this country. Naturally, they must recruit some local people to work. These people always like to be lazy when they go to work. Earn money, don't want to save money.

Few people in this country know how to save money. For them, no matter how much money they earn, they spend money. When they have no money, they go to earn money. When they have money, they don’t work.

This is also the most troublesome thing for entrepreneurs who come here to Huaxia,

Therefore, many entrepreneurs will hire workers from China with high salaries.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's hurry up to the border, now you can drive."

Ahead was the border line between Tusken Country and Alman City in South Philippines, Ye Rongrong stopped the car, ready to change seats with Liu Yifei.

Now Ye Rongrong misses the "Safety Number" very much. If the "Safety Number" is still there, there is no need to be so troublesome. Ye Rongrong can take the "Safety Number" directly and get home in a few seconds.

But now, I can only go back through the normal way.

"it is good!"

Liu Yifei nodded, got out of the passenger seat, and changed seats with Ye Rongrong.

After changing positions, Ye Rongrong hid himself and said to Liu Yifei, "You can go."

Liu Yifei looked at the empty passenger seat, was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "Oh!"

Just now I told Liu Yifei that he can use magic to make his body invisible to others.

At first Liu Yifei thought that Ye Rongrong was joking, but now she understood that it was really not a joke, she really couldn't see it at all.

If she hadn't heard Ye Rongrong's voice in the passenger seat, Liu Yifei would not have believed that there was a big man sitting in the passenger seat next to her.

Is it really as simple as magic?

Liu Yifei couldn't help becoming curious.

"Why don't you leave?"

Seeing Liu Yifei in a daze, Ye Rongrong asked.

"Oh, let's go!"

Liu Yifei came back to her senses, and drove the car towards the border.

Because Liu Yifei had a diplomat's certificate, and the border guards confirmed Liu Yifei's identity through the embassy, ​​Liu Yifei was quickly let go.

After all, Huaxia has a great influence in Africa, and Huaxia's diplomats are very well-known here.

"Counselor Liu, you are back, do you know how dangerous it is for you to leave without authorization!"

Seeing that Liu Yifei came back safely, Ambassador Xu couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, as long as she came back safely, of course, the expression must be serious, no matter what, this unauthorized departure is a serious violation of the regulations, and must be dealt with anyway, otherwise There is no way to explain to those above and below.

"I know!"

Liu Yifei nodded and said.

Ambassador Xu immediately said in dissatisfaction, "You know, you know that you still risk going out like this, you don't know how chaotic the Tusken country is, just in case..."

But before Ambassador Xu finished speaking, Liu Yifei interrupted him and said, "This is my resignation report, and here is my request for leave. I want to take leave and go back to China to rest for a while."


Ambassador Xu was taken aback by Liu Yifei's words. Although the embassy wanted to deal with Liu Yifei's matter, at most it was a mild punishment like a warning, and he felt that it was not as serious as asking her to resign.

The work ability of "Xiao Liu" is still very good, and everyone in the embassy recognizes it very much.

So this resignation is unnecessary. Thinking of this, Ambassador Xu's face changed, and he said gently: "It's okay to ask for leave and go back to China for a period of rest. This resignation is not acceptable!"


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