The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2137 Bai Xue's helplessness

"Friend, am I not your friend?"

Mr. Jiang hugged Bai Xue tightly and said.

"Mr. Jiang, don't do this. My husband will be angry if he finds out."

Bai Xue said with an ugly face.

Wanting to get out of Boss Jiang's arms, Bai Xue didn't dare to struggle hard, for fear of offending Boss Jiang.

For Bai Xue and Zhao Lei, this big man Jiang could not afford to offend, the last time Zhao Lei troubled him, he was detained by the police station for half a month.

Now Bai Xue really didn't dare to offend Mr. Jiang, for fear that he would get angry and deal with him and his wife so that they could not survive in the big city of Shanghai.

The dream of Bai Xue and Zhao Lei is to stand out in this magic city and make a career for their family members to see.

After all, whether it is Bai Xue or Zhao Lei, they all came out of impoverished mountain villages. In the countryside, they are all people who fight for the family's face, so they can't go back to their hometown in despair.

Otherwise, the whole family would not be able to hold their heads up in the village.

So no matter what kind of difficulties they encountered, Bai Xue and Zhao Lei would work hard in the city of Modu and would not choose to leave easily.

"As far as your husband is so ugly, I think you should just divorce him as soon as possible. If you follow me, you will be able to stand out. In one or two years, you will be able to own a house of your own in Shanghai."

Mr. Jiang hugged Bai Xue and said.

Boss Jiang doesn't take Bai Xue's poor husband seriously.

In Mr. Jiang's view, to crush him to death is as simple as crushing an ant.

"That's right, Bai Xue, could it be that Boss Jiang has a crush on you, so you can just be with Boss Jiang, you don't know how many young and beautiful girls want to follow Boss Jiang, and we Boss Jiang can't see you, but we can fall in love with you, This is your blessing."

"That's right, Bai Xue, that husband of yours is a pauper. He has no money, no ability, and no ability to follow him. You have to live in a small basement with no sunlight, squeeze the bus every day, and plan carefully for food and expenses. When you see something you like I can’t bear to buy any clothes, such a man should have been thrown away a long time ago.”

"That's right, Bai Xue, look at me, I have been with Mr. Liu since I broke up with my boyfriend, and now I live in a big house in the urban area.

Driving a BMW, wearing famous brands, and using the best cosmetics, this woman has spent more than ten years of beauty, cherish it, and don't waste it on the poor. "

"Bai Xue, listen, listen, what they say is so reasonable, it's rare that Mr. Jiang is affectionate and righteous to you, so you can be with Mr. Jiang."

"Our Mr. Jiang wants status, status, money, and looks no worse than some young people. You will definitely not lose money by following him."


Other people in this box also persuaded Bai Xue one after another.


Bai Xue still wanted to argue a few words, but was immediately interrupted by President Jiang, "Bai Xue, it's not that we haven't slept together, if you don't want to divorce your husband, it's fine, I won't force it, just Just like before, you will be my administrative secretary in the company."

President Jiang looked at Bai Xue and said.

Although there are many young and beautiful girls in the company, there are too few girls like Bai Xue who look soft and weak.

In particular, Mr. Jiang slept with Bai Xue, and was particularly fascinated by Bai Xue's white and flawless body, so he would never forget Bai Xue.

Since Bai Xue resigned voluntarily, President Jiang has been thinking about Bai Xue a lot, and even sent people to find Bai Xue, but Bai Xue has changed her contact information and even her place of residence. In a big city with tens of millions of people, looking for someone is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

It's just that Mr. Jiang didn't expect that when he came to this KTV to sing with some friends today, he met Bai Xue. Excited, Mr. Jiang carried Bai Xue into this box.

"Mr. Jiang, I...I really can't do it, please let us go!"

Bai Xue looked at Mr. Jiang pleadingly and said.

I hope this Jiang can always let him go.

"Why are you not satisfied with the conditions? This is fine. As long as you are willing to be my lover, I will give you a living allowance of 100,000 yuan a month, and then I will buy you a commercial house in the urban area. How about it?"

President Jiang looked at Bai Xue and said seductively.

From Mr. Jiang's point of view, there are no chaste and strong women in this world. There are only enough temptations. As long as he has given enough temptations, this Bai Xue will not be willing to be his lover.

"Mr. Zhao, I really can't do it!"

Bai Xue shook his head and said.

Although Bai Xue really wanted to have a house of her own in the big city of Shanghai, she didn't want to get a house in this way.

Even if he could accept it, Bai Xue knew that Zhao Lei would never accept such a thing.

What Bai Xue wanted was for his husband and wife to work together and have a house in the big city of Shanghai, which belonged to him and his wife.

Bai Xue knew that she loved Zhao Lei, and she had already made up her mind that she would never do anything to offend Zhao Lei again.

No matter how great the temptation Mr. Jiang offered, Bai Xue would never agree.

Seeing that Bai Xue didn't know what to do, Mr. Jiang immediately became angry and looked at Bai Xue with a dark face, and said, "Why don't you toast and eat fine wine? Believe it or not, I'll find someone to break your husband's legs tomorrow."

"don't want!"

Hearing that Boss Jiang was going to break Zhao Lei's leg, Bai Xue said palely in fright.

No matter what, Bai Xue didn't want Zhao Lei to be hurt.

"If you don't want me to find someone to break your husband's legs, just be obedient to me, drink and sing with me now, and if you make me happy today, I will let your husband go."

President Jiang said threateningly.

Regarding this Bai Xue's character, Mr. Jiang has already figured it out thoroughly. He knows that this Bai Xue's character is very soft, and if he scares her, she will obediently obey.

"Woo woo woo..."

Hearing Mr. Jiang's words, the desperate Bai Xue could only cry.

As a weak woman, Bai Xue felt that she was so useless.

Of course, there was also a trace of dissatisfaction with Zhao Lei in her heart. If Zhao Lei was more powerful, why would he be like this? Bai Xue was really sad for a man who couldn't even protect his own woman.

"Don't cry, sing a song "Husband and wife both return home" with me."

Mr. Jiang said to the crying Bai Xue.

"Woo woo woo..."

Bai Xue ignored Mr. Jiang and was still crying while wiping away his tears.

"Cry again, cry again, and I'll have your husband's legs broken."

Boss Jiang was annoyed by Bai Xue's crying, and said angrily.

"don't want……"

Just when Bai Xue was about to plead with Mr. Jiang, the door of this box was pushed open by a burly and strong young man.


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