The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2152 Catch Loach

The time for such a warm scene passes quickly, especially now with the one you love.

Before you know it, the sun has quietly set and night has completely fallen.

"It's getting dark, let's go back!"

Ye Rongrong looked up at the sky, and said softly to his wife.

"Husband, the moonlight is pretty good, walk with me again!"

Liu Qingqing didn't want to go back so early, she wanted to continue walking in the moonlight with her man in such a warm way.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong nodded.

In fact, Ye Rongrong also enjoyed this kind of warm moment with his beloved woman.

I don't know if it's a psychological effect, but both of them feel that the night tonight is also very charming.

A bright full moon in the sky is shining on the earth. Even if there is no sunlight, it can still be seen clearly. Every household in the village emits little lights, embellishing the quiet night, which has an indescribable beauty. .

Many people say that the big city is very busy at night, and there are pleasing neon lights everywhere.

In fact, Ye Rongrong prefers this kind of rural night, which is natural and simple, which makes people relax physically and mentally.

The sound of insects and frogs came from the edge of the field. Although it sounded a little messy, it was so pleasant to the ears.

"Second child!"

Liu Qingqing watched Erwazi walk around the field with a flashlight, and called out to him curiously.

"Aunt Qingqing, Uncle Glory, you are taking a walk!"

Erwazi ran over from the field ridge with a flashlight and tongs in his hand, and said excitedly to Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing.

"Second boy, what are you doing?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Erwazi suspiciously and asked.

"Aunt Qingqing, I'm catching loach."

Erwazi said excitedly.

It is now May, and it is the season when the rice in the fields is ripe. At this time, not only are there many insects and frogs in the fields, but there are also many loaches.

Every year at this season, people from the village will go to the field to catch loaches at night. If they are lucky, they will be busy for three or four hours at night, and one person can catch a bucket full of loaches, and of course they can also catch a few eels by the way.

Of course, that was the situation more than ten years ago, but it is no longer possible now. As the frequency of using pesticides in farming is getting higher and higher, the number of loaches and eels in the fields is much less than before. Catch three to five catties of loach and eels, which is quite good.

"Catch loach, how's the harvest?"

Liu Qingqing asked with a smile.

"Aunt Qingqing, wait a moment."

Speaking of which, Erwazi ran to the field, and soon ran over with a plastic bucket.

"Aunt Qingqing, look, Uncle Glory, I caught this tonight."

Erwazi pointed to the loach in the plastic bucket and said happily.

"Not bad, I have gained a lot!"

Ye Rongrong looked at the loaches in the bucket, and there were a few large eels among them.

The eels and loach in this bucket weighed five or six catties together, which is quite a harvest!

"Well, this year's loach is much more than last year's, and this head is bigger than last year's."

Erwazi pointed to the loach in the bucket and said happily to Ye Rongrong.

"This is a good thing!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

There are more loaches and eels in this field, which shows that the soil in this field is improving.

This is due to the fact that the country has banned the use of highly toxic pesticides such as "dichlorvos", "Wan Lingshui" and "methyl parathion" in recent years, which has improved the soil.

"Er Wazi, do you just use this tongs to catch loaches and eels?"

Liu Qingqing looked curiously at the tongs in Erwazi's hand, and asked Erwazi.

Loach and rice field eel are both slippery and difficult to catch with hands. Liu Qingqing has personally experienced this. Can you catch this loach and rice field eel with the tongs?

"Aunt Qingqing, don't underestimate these tongs. These tongs are useful. If you are catching loach and eel in the field, you can catch one by one. As long as you are caught by these tongs,

The loach and eel will never escape. "

Erwazi said proudly while holding up the tongs in his hand.

As the fire tongs that are basically available in every household in rural areas, rural people have discovered many uses of fire tongs.

In addition to adding firewood to the stove, the fire tongs can be used to pinch the tail of snails, and can also be used to catch loach.

"Loach and eel can't run, so they were caught so stupidly?"

Liu Qingqing asked curiously.

You should know that whether it is loach or eel, don't look at them usually motionless, but they are very vigilant. Once they feel danger, they will swim far away in a blink of an eye.

"Hehe, of course this loach will not foolishly wait to be caught. This loach trap is a technical job. It must be fast, accurate, and ruthless."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Although Ye Rongrong's life in the countryside was poor when he was young, his lifestyle was still rich and colorful.

This "grabbing loach" is one of the very interesting activities.

Every summer and autumn, children like to "catch loach".

Loach is delicious, nutritious, high in protein and low in fat, and can lower fat and blood pressure. It is not only a delicacy, but also a popular food. It is known as "turtle dove in the sky, loach in the ground" and "ginseng in water". .

When Ye Rongrong was young, the aquaculture industry was not very developed at that time, and there were no professional loach farmers, and all loach grew naturally.

At that time, if everyone wanted to eat loach, they had to catch it from the fields.

Generally, there are four ways to catch loach.

The first is the "dry extraction method", which has the lowest technical content.

It is to drain the field water and use tools such as hoes to dig up the soil so that the loach has nowhere to hide.

This method is especially effective when digging dry fields in winter.

The second is "kicking loach", which has a high technical content. In clear water fields, one digs into the soil with one's feet and kicks hard in the direction where the field water can be seen. Quickly cross over.

The reason why the technical content is high, the kung fu is on the fork, to achieve "fast, accurate and ruthless".

The third is "touching loach", which has the highest technical content, and even serious rural children may not necessarily master it.

Even in the deep water fields, no matter it is sunny or rainy, no matter whether the water is clear or muddy, you just need to touch the water with your hands to see if there are bubbles on the water surface, and you will know whether there are loaches in the soil. Get it out of the deep soil.

The last one is "photographing loach", which is the method used by Erwazi now, and this is also the main way Ye Rongrong used to catch loach when he was a child.

At night in summer and autumn, due to the sultry weather, the loach will come out of the soil to cool off and sleep. At this time, take a flashlight to shine on the loach and clamp it with tongs.

This job is not technically demanding.

There are two ways of "photographing loach": "photographing by dry road" and "photographing by waterway".

The "dry road photo method" is to walk on the ridge of the field without entering the paddy field, and the "water road photo method" means to walk into the paddy field to take photos. Do not move too much, so as not to disturb the loaches that have not reached the water.

When Ye Rongrong was young, he basically used the dry road method so as not to stain his clothes and pants.

When night fell, Ye Rongrong and a few children would take buckets, torches and flashlights to the fields, walk along the ridge road beside the fields, and shine the flashlights on the paddy fields nearby.

Because the loach is like a fish, its eyes are highly myopic. As long as it does not move too much, it will not disturb them. Once there is a loach near the field, use the tongs to quickly clamp the loach.

This blow must be fast, hard and accurate, because once the loach is not clamped, it will run away quickly, and it is basically impossible to catch it again.

"That's sure to be fun."

Liu Qingqing immediately said with interest.


Ye Rongrong froze for a moment, then shook his head involuntarily.

In fact, "photographing loach" is really not very fun.

You must know that summer and autumn are the hottest time of the year, and it is also the season with the most mosquitoes. If you come out of your home at night and go to the field to "photograph loaches", you will not only have to endure the heat, but also deal with the bites of many mosquitoes in the field. It's really not that fun.

In fact, at that time, children were so keen on "taking care of loach". At that time, because the family was poor at that time, being able to fish and catch birds was a good way to make up for the lack of meat dishes at home.

Just imagine that on a dark and windy night, you hold a bright light and walk on the field where frogs and insects are singing. When you fork one big loach after another, the feeling of harvest is like the spring breeze blowing and warming your whole body. Pleasure and carefree.

When you are lucky, you can also see the yellow scorpion, which is not only bigger than loach, but also very delicious, and it is especially nourishing for yang.

"Husband, I also want to catch loach!"

Liu Qingqing immediately became interested, looked up at Ye Rongrong and said.

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