"It's been a long time since I've been to this seaside city, the changes are really great!"

Looking at the scene outside the car window, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

Ten years really passed quickly, and Ye Rongrong felt that the city had changed too much when he recalled the days when he lived in this city more than ten years ago.

If he hadn't looked at the information on his phone's navigation, Ye Rongrong would have found it hard to believe that the vibrant modern city in front of him was Rongcheng, a seaside town he had stayed in more than ten years ago.

"Honey, have you been here before?"

On the co-pilot, Liu Qingqing leaned against the back of the chair, caressing Boyue's car window with her slender forearm, soft and refreshing sea breeze blowing in along the lowered car window, the feeling of the natural sea breeze passing by It feels very comfortable, much more comfortable than closing the windows and blowing the air conditioner.

"Yes, I worked here with my parents more than ten years ago, and I stayed in this city for less than five years."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

Since Ye Rongrong dropped out of school and stayed at home, he lived with his parents most of the time, except for a period of time when he went out to work with the villagers.

Ye Rongrong will also travel with his parents when they travel far away to work.

It's just that the parents went out to work to earn money to live, and Ye Rongrong followed him because he was idle.

Thinking about it now, Ye Rongrong blushed a little!

It's really young and indifferent!

But now life is better, and the family conditions are countless times better than when his parents were there. Now Ye Rongrong doesn't feel anxious about life tomorrow like his parents did before.

A man can prevent his wife and children from suffering with him, prevent his children from envious of other people's lives, and prevent his parents from worrying about him. This is the most basic pursuit of a man, but now he has already achieved it, and he has done better Most men do a lot better.

This made Ye Rongrong a little proud.

After a windy ride on Huanhai Road, the two played on the beach for a long time, then drove to the city to find a hotel to stay.

Originally, Ye Rongrong planned to go all the way west and drive to the western Tibetan plateau for a self-driving tour, but yesterday he received a call from Aunt Zhang, saying that his son was getting married.

So Ye Rongrong brought Liu Qingqing to Rongcheng to attend Aunt Zhang and Uncle Qian's son's wedding.

Aunt Zhang and Uncle Qian were fellow workers of Glory Ye’s parents when they came to Rongcheng to work. Good friend.

When Ye Glory got married and Ye Glory's parents passed away, both Aunt Zhang and Uncle Qian came over and included a lot of gift money.

In the countryside, everyone would keep accounts of this relationship. The list of relationships left by Ye Rongrong's parents clearly recorded the amount of gift money that Auntie and Uncle Qian had given Ye Rongrong when he got married.

This favor must be repaid.

However, Ye Rongrong's parents have passed away, and under normal circumstances, this kind of favor is limited. Ye Rongrong as a child can go or not.

But Ye Rongrong still chose to attend Aunt Zhang and Uncle Qian's son's wedding.

After all, when Ye Rongrong was young, the relationship between the two families was very good, and Aunt Zhang and Uncle Qian took good care of Ye Rongrong.

Whether it was Ye Rongrong's marriage or the death of Ye Rongrong's parents, Aunt Zhang and Uncle Qian both came, and Ye Rongrong naturally kept this affection in his heart.

This time, Ye Rongrong will not only attend Aunt Zhang and Uncle Qian's son's wedding, but also give a big gift.

"I'll take you to visit Aunt Zhang and Uncle Qian later!"

After getting settled in the hotel, Ye Rongrong said to Liu Qingqing.

Originally, Ye Rongrong planned to go tomorrow, but since he has nothing to do today, he should go today.

"it is good!"

Liu Qingqing naturally had no objection, and Liu Qingqing basically listened to Ye Rongrong in this kind of matter.

After the two went to a nearby pharmacy to buy tonics, they drove to Aunt Zhang's home in Rongcheng.

Ye Rongrong drove the Boyue into an old residential area in the small town.

This is a factory family complex built in the late 1970s and 1980s.

Ye Rongrong lived in this factory family complex with his father and mother for five years, and he still has a deep impression of this community.

The communities built in the 1970s and 1980s basically belong to the older communities in the city, and many of these communities in the city center have basically been demolished.

And this community is located in the suburbs, there is no development value for the time being, so it is naturally not in the eyes of developers, so even now, this community is still there, but it is very dilapidated, and the cement on the walls of many houses has fallen off and turned yellow. .

But at that time, it was very good to be able to live in such a community. Since the reform and opening up, the rigid system and inefficient work style of state-owned enterprises have caused the machinery factory to fall into a stalemate. In the end, the machinery factory could only be sold to a private owner. .

Aunt Zhang used to be a financial clerk in this factory, and Uncle Qian used to be a technician in this factory, but they both retired a few years ago.

Ye Rongrong parked his Geely Boyue in the open space downstairs of Aunt Zhang, and got out of the car.

Looking at this dilapidated community, Ye Rongrong felt that time passed so quickly. When Ye Rongrong lived here, the houses here were still very new, but now they are so dilapidated that they can barely be used as owners. up.

Strictly speaking, in Ye Rongrong's opinion, these houses are already dilapidated, and it is better not to live in them anymore.

However, the high price of rooms now discourages many working-class people, so they can only continue to live in this old dilapidated house.

After a moment of emotion, Ye Rongrong led Liu Qingqing up the old concrete stairs.

Aunt Zhang's home is on the fifth floor. Before Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing reached the door, they heard bursts of laughter coming from Mr. Zhang's house, which made Ye Rongrong a little surprised. Why are there so many people in Aunt Zhang's house? .

It seems that there are many guests in this aunt's house.

But since they have already arrived here, it is naturally impossible for Ye Rongrong to go back without entering Aunt Zhang's house.

Ye Rongrong tapped on the iron grille security door.

The noise inside the door suddenly stopped, and then Ye Rongrong heard the young woman's voice: "It seems that there are guests again, I will open the door."

Soon, the iron grille security door was opened, and a very elegant-looking young woman in her twenties looked at Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing suspiciously, and asked, "Who are you looking for?"

"Is this the home of Aunt Zhang and Uncle Qian?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the young woman suspiciously, and asked politely.

"Look for my parents, then come in!"

As soon as she heard that Ye Rongrong came to find her parents, the young woman stepped aside to let Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing enter the house.

"You are Qian Feifei?"

When Ye Rongrong heard the young woman call Uncle Qian and Aunt Zhang her parents, a crying little girl with braided hair appeared in Ye Rongrong's mind.

That was the daughter of Uncle Qian and Aunt Zhang, her name was Qian Feifei.

When Ye Rongrong lived here with her parents, this Qian Feifei was only eleven or twelve years old, but now she has become a slim and fashionable beauty.

This reminded Ye Rongrong of the phrase "" "The girl next door is just growing up!"

"you know me?"

Qian Feifei looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously and asked.

In Qian Feifei's impression, she didn't know the tall man in front of her at all, let alone the extremely beautiful woman beside him.

To be honest, Qian Feifei had never seen such a beautiful woman before, and even made herself, a woman, almost lose her sense of beauty.

"Of course, I'm your Brother Glory!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"Brother Glory?"

Qian Feifei was stunned for a moment, and said with some doubts: "You said you are that lazy Brother Glory?"

Qian Feifei still has some shallow memories of Brother Glory who lived next door to her house when she was a child.

What impressed me the most was that everyone said he was a lazy guy, and he was a teaching material for parents in the community to educate their children.

"You don't slap people in the face, and you don't expose people's shortcomings. Feifei, how can you look at your glory brother with the old eyes. You glory brother is still a character now no matter what."

Ye Rongrong looked at Qian Feifei with a smile and said.

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