The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2162 Amazing!

"I'm sorry, you can't move this injured person, please invite the family members!"

After being reminded by the assistant, the chief doctor came back to his senses and hurriedly said apologetically to Ye Rongrong.

Now it is not a question of whether the injured can be revived, but the responsibility of the hospital is involved.

Once word got out that the person operating on the wounded in the operating room was not a hospital doctor but a passer-by, the hospital's responsibility would be really great.

At that time, when the family makes a fuss and the media reports, not only will the hospital have to compensate the family, but the doctors and nurses who are on the operating table will also be punished.

Discharge from the hospital is possible.

Especially as the chief surgeon of this operation and the chief doctor of the emergency department, he shoulders even greater responsibilities.

If you hand over your own operating table to a stranger you don't know, you are committing a crime and you will be held accountable by the law, or you will go to jail if you fail.

Thinking of this, the head doctor was so frightened that cold sweat broke out on his back.

Fortunately, my assistant reminded me, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous.

"Get out of the way, don't hinder me from treating patients."

Ye Rongrong said to the chief surgeon.

"Don't be fooled!"

The chief surgeon said to Ye Rongrong.

"Let's go, you have no way to save him, why don't you let me save him? If you have the ability to save him, I will fight for work with you when I am full!"

Ye Rongrong said bluntly.

Immediately, the doctors on the operating table were choked by these words, and even blushed a little at Ye Rongrong's words.

Such a hand is actually not a difficult operation in a big hospital, but in my own hospital, it has become a major operation that cannot be done.

To say that he fell to the ground is due to his limited medical skills!

"Get out, or we'll call the police!"

A nurse shouted to Ye Rongrong.

The main reason is that Ye Rongrong is tall and burly,

It's too deterrent, otherwise these medical staff would have kicked Ye Glory out already.

At this moment!



The electrocardiogram and other instruments alarmed one after another!

"not good!"

The face of the chief surgeon changed.

The others couldn't care about Ye Rongrong anymore. All surrounded.

"Blood pressure has dropped to the lowest point!"

"The electrocardiogram has almost stopped fluctuating!"

The nurses and the stoppers shouted hastily.

"It's over, he can't hold on anymore!"

Seeing that Qian Guangqiang's life index was dropping sharply, the chief surgeon shook his head and did not take any action to treat him.

Because he knew that there was nothing he could do.

Everyone else sighed too.

The wounded man couldn't hold on for a minute or two.

Even if we invite the top domestic surgical experts to come here, he will not be able to save him.

"I don't have time to talk nonsense with you, this is my certificate!"

When Ye Rongrong saw this, his heart tightened. He took out his ID card from the Qiankun ring and put it in the hand of the chief surgeon, pushing away the medical staff who were blocking him: "Get aside!"


A doctor was pushed aside by Ye Rongrong, and immediately looked at Ye Rongrong angrily.

"Your head, don't hinder me, if you don't let me beat you!"

Ye Rongyao glared at him, ignored the medical staff, looked at Qian Guangqiang, took out a few silver needles from the Qiankun ring, Ye Rongyao pressed a few acupuncture points on Qian Guangqiang's chest with his hands pulse, I inserted the silver needle.

A doctor saw that Ye Rongrong inserted a silver needle into the wounded person as soon as he came up, and immediately became anxious and wanted to stop Ye Rongrong.

This man is simply messing around, the wounded man is bleeding so much, what's the use of inserting silver needles on the wounded man!

It is true that the silver needle technique of Chinese medicine is omnipotent.

He's messing around, he's fine, but people like himself are out of luck.

This bastard must not be allowed to mess around any longer!

But the doctor took a step before he was stopped.

The doctor looked back and said in surprise, "Director, you..."

Obviously the doctor didn't understand why the director held him back from stopping the bastard from messing around like this.

"Look at this!"

The chief surgeon handed over the certificate in his hand to his assistant doctor.

The deputy chief surgeon took the certificate suspiciously, glanced at it, his eyes widened suddenly, he looked at the chief surgeon in disbelief and said, "He..."


The chief surgeon put his finger on his lips, signaling the assistant doctor not to speak.

The deputy chief surgeon nodded and stopped talking, but looked nervously at Ye Rongrong.

I was really an asshole just now, actually... actually...

The deputy chief surgeon is nervous and scared!

I offended this "great god" just now, what should I do, he...he won't hold grudges against himself, will he?

Under the signal of the chief surgeon, the other medical staff became quiet, and no one stopped Ye Rongrong from treating the wounded.

Everyone is not stupid!

Although he didn't see the small notebook in the director's hand, from the changes in the director's and deputy director's expressions after reading the notebook, he knew that this person who suddenly broke into the operating room to treat the injured must not be simple.

Otherwise, the director and the deputy chief doctor will definitely prevent this person from treating the injured.

After all, this involves everyone's vital interests.

If it is bad, everyone will lose their jobs. If the director and deputy chief doctor are serious, they may be jailed.

Thinking of this, everyone turned their attention to Ye Rongrong.

Seeing a few long and thin silver needles inserted into the wounded man's chest, everyone couldn't help but feel heartbroken, this attack was too ruthless!

Can this really work?

But soon, a scene that surprised them appeared!

"Look...look...the blood pressure is up!"

"It really went up!"

"Electrocardiogram...the electrocardiogram has also started to fluctuate..."

"Oh my god... this heart rate has also come up!"

The doctors and nurses watched this scene in disbelief.

With just a few silver needles, the life characteristics of the injured person were restored.

This is too amazing, right?

Even the surgeons in the big hospital in the provincial capital don't have this medical skill!


Especially those female nurses and female doctors who are not yet married, their eyes are shining and their hair is straight.

This is actually the same as the female students in the school. The female students in the school like men with good academic performance. In the hospital, these female nurses and female doctors like doctors with excellent medical skills.

"Disinfectant cotton!"

Ye Rongrong said to the chief surgeon behind him.


The chief surgeon behind Ye Rongrong froze for a moment, and looked at Ye Rongrong suspiciously.

"I said disinfectant cotton, don't you understand?"

Ye Rongrong turned his head and said to the surgeon in dissatisfaction.

Although Ye Rongrong has restored Qian Guangqiang's vitality now, it is only temporary. If Qian Guangqiang's wound cannot be sewn up in time, he will continue to lose blood, and Qian Guangqiang will be killed in a few minutes. Fate.

So Ye Rongrong also had to speed up to sew up Qian Guangqiang's wound, but it still had to be disinfected before the sew was done, to prevent infection, which would be a serious problem.

Especially Qian Guangqiang's weak state of dying, almost dying, must not be infected again.

So Ye Rongrong is also very anxious!

"Disinfectant cotton, quickly bring the disinfectant cotton!"

The surgeon in charge came back to his senses and hurriedly said to the nurse beside him.

In the past, nurses handed me such things as sterilized cotton, hemostatic cotton, scissors, sewing needles, etc., but this cold academician asked him to hand him sterilized cotton, but he couldn't react.

However, I am not good at delivering these things, and I can't do them well either. The chief surgeon hastily arranged for the nurses around me to deliver these things to Ye Rongrong.

The nurse hurriedly took the hemostatic cotton from the tray next to it and handed it to Ye Rongrong.

Ye Rongrong took it, and used sterilized cotton to sterilize Qian Guangqiang's wound with tweezers. After throwing away the sterilized cotton, he picked up another piece and sterilized him again.

"A master!"

Seeing that Ye Rongrong's expression didn't change at all during the whole process, and his hands were steady and precise, the medical staff in the operating room couldn't help but marvel.

You know, with such a bloody look, most people will feel dizzy or vomit when they look at it, but even if they don't get dizzy or vomit, at the very least, their face will turn blue and their hands and feet will feel weak.

When people like myself first came to the operating table, they vomited several times and had nightmares for a long time.

Even now, every time I see the bloody wound, I still feel a little trembling in my heart, it's impossible to be as stable as Mount Tai.


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