The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2164 Unbelievable Surgery

Ye Rongrong gently opened Qian Guangqiang's wound with his right hand, examined it carefully, and soon discovered the problem.

"That is……"

Others in the operating room also followed Ye Rongrong's gaze and noticed that there was a blade sticking out under Qian Guangqiang's right lung!

Obviously, the tip of the switchblade broke off in Qian Guangqiang's body, and it happened to be inserted under the right lung. If you don't pay attention, you won't find it at all!

This is a fatal oversight!

The key point is that the blade on the right lung is still inserted very deeply. Once it is pulled out, it is estimated that there will be heavy bleeding, and such a large hole in the lung is not so easy to sew.

The point is that the injured can't last much longer.

This is the end!

Although they had confidence in Ye Rongrong, seeing this scene, both the chief surgeon and the deputy chief surgeon were shocked!

Now it doesn't matter whether the blade is pulled out or not, no matter what the choice is, for the wounded, the outcome is the same.

The wounded is dead, and he will definitely not survive.

In this kind of injury, in this situation, only by suturing the wound on the right lung immediately after pulling out the blade can there be any hope of saving the injured person's life.

But is this possible?

Is there such a fast hand speed in this world?

Within three to five seconds after the blade is pulled out, the wound is immediately sewed up and sewed up.

This is no longer the surgical hand speed that humans should be able to master!

"Academician Ye, what should we do now?"

The chief surgeon frowned and asked Ye Rongrong.

"Pull out the blade, and the wound will be healed immediately."

After looking at the position and size of the blade on the right lung, Ye Rongrong said lightly.

"Are you... sure?"

The chief surgeon looked at Ye Rongrong in disbelief and asked.

After all, once the blade is pulled out from the right lung,

Immediately there will be blood splatter, and the bleeding must be stopped, disinfected and the wound sutured within three to five seconds.

How is it possible to complete such a complex action in such a short time.

The chief surgeon reckoned that if he performed the operation by himself, the process would take at least ten minutes, which is already the fastest.

And there must be no accidents during this process, and my hands must not tremble a little, otherwise it will injure my right lung and cause new trauma.

"So all actions must be fast, and the sterile cotton and sewing needles and sutures are all ready to be put here together, and I will pick them up myself."

Ye Rongrong confessed.

Most people can't do Ye Rongrong's hand speed and reaction speed, so Ye Rongrong can only complete these movements by himself.

In fact, Ye Rongrong also knows that although his hand speed and reaction speed are very fast, it is basically impossible to complete this series of actions in three to five seconds.

Ye Rongrong estimated that it would take ten seconds to complete these actions.

Of course, this matter is not difficult for Ye Rongrong, because Ye Rongrong has the ability of "stopping for ten seconds", which makes the impossible possible.

Although he couldn't believe that Ye Rongrong could complete such a difficult operation in three to five seconds, the chief surgeon still asked the nurse to prepare surgical tools such as sterile cotton and sewing needles according to Ye Rongrong's request.

Soon, all these preparations were completed.

"let's start!"

Ye Rongrong said to the medical staff around him.

"What do we need to do?"

asked the chief surgeon.

"No, just step back and don't hinder my operation."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

"it is good."

These medical staff were also afraid of affecting Ye Rongrong's operation, so they all took a few steps back.

Ye Rongrong thought for a while, and took the tray in his hand.

In the next second, Ye Rongrong made a move that stunned everyone!

Ye Rongrong actually threw all the things prepared for surgery on the tray into the air.

After all, under normal circumstances, even with Ye Rongrong's hand speed, it would take a second to return with a hemostatic cotton or a stitch.

After a few back and forth, five or six seconds passed.

Ye Rongrong can't afford to waste it!

So Ye Rongrong simply threw the things he needed in the air in front of his eyes, which would save a lot of time in picking up tools.

After all, with the current situation, this operation process can save every second.

After all, accidents may occur in any operation, and Ye Rongrong must give himself a few seconds to deal with sudden accidents.

Although the possibility of this possibility is very low, just in case, Ye Rongrong must leave this rich time for himself.

If Qian Guangqiang died on his operating table, how could he explain to Aunt Zhang and Uncle Qian!



"how so?"

"He... what is he going to do?"

The sudden scene shocked everyone in the operating room.

Due to the effect of gravity, the surgical tools that originally rose began to fall.

Everyone knew that Ye Rongrong had to complete such an impossible operation in three to five seconds.

Among other things, it takes more than three or five seconds to hold these surgical tools, so how can there be time for surgery.

But now he is throwing this surgical tool into the air, what kind of game is this!

These surgical tools fell from the sky, how to catch them, even if one or two can be caught, what about the others, did they all fall on the injured person?

That would cause more trouble.

Regardless of other people's reactions, Ye Rongrong saw that these surgical tools fell into the air in front of his eyes, within a short distance of his hands, and immediately said in his heart that time stood still.

Suddenly the air suddenly changed!

Everything around was frozen, including people's thoughts.

And those surgical tools seem to be fixed in the air, and they no longer move freely on the ground.

Start the operation.

Ye Rongrong casually picked up the tweezers in the air, quickly clamped a piece of sterile cotton with hemostatic function in the air, lowered his head, and pulled out the blade inserted into Qian Guangqiang's organ!

Because everything was still, although Ye Rongrong pulled out the blade on Qian Guangqiang's right lung, the blood did not flow out from the wound, which made it easier for Ye Rongrong to suture the wound.

After quickly disinfecting the wound with sterilized cotton, Ye Rongrong shook his right hand, and the sterilized cotton and tweezers were still on the plate beside him.

Ye Rongrong grabbed the suture needle with his left hand, followed by another suture needle with his right hand.

Without thinking too much, Ye Rongrong started to sew up the wound on Qian Guangqiang's right lung with both hands left and right.

One shot!

Five stitches!

Ten stitches!


When Ye Rongrong's mind counted down to "eight", Ye Rongrong completed the stitching of the wound on the right lung.

This was several seconds faster than Ye Rongrong expected.

Ye Rongrong picked up the tray and put all the surgical tools that were still in the air in this tray.

After finishing all this, the countdown in Ye Rongrong's mind happened to be "zero".

Time and space were revived instantly.

For a second, these medical staff were still feeling cold, thinking that this operation could not be successful, and the injured person would undoubtedly die.

I think Ye Rongrong is simply nonsense!

But in the next second, they saw a picture they couldn't believe!

The razor blade stuck in the injured man's right lung has been pulled out.

This is not the point, the point is that the wound has been sutured!

The surgical tools that were originally free-falling in the air also fell onto the tray.

This change is too fast!

Incredibly fast!

Everyone was stunned for a while and couldn't react.

They couldn't accept this fact for a while.

Ye Rongrong ignored the surprise of these people, but continued to use the sewing needle to sew Qian Guangqiang's chest wound.

After a long time, the medical staff in the operating room recovered from their ignorance and looked at each other.

"Did you see his movements clearly just now?"


"I didn't either, I just saw him reach for the tweezers in the air, and then the operation on the injured man's right lung was done, and it felt like..."

"Like a fragment!"

"Yes, it feels like fragments!"

"You feel the same way?"

"Yeah, I also feel this kind of fragmentation."

"It's really incredible!"

"How did he do that?"

The medical staff in the operating room were discussing in low voices, but they couldn't figure out why.

At this time, Ye Rongrong also completed the stitching on Qian Guangqiang's chest.

This thrilling operation was considered a success in the hands of Ye Rongrong!


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