The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2185 poor young man

The roads on the western Tibetan plateau are not full of forks like roads in other provinces, and one may go to the wrong place if one is not careful.

The road here has been driving for an hour or two without encountering a fork. This has saved Ye Rongyao a lot of mental energy. Driving along this road is very easy. The only thing that makes people uncomfortable is the altitude sickness, which is a word lack of oxygen. , Liu Qingqing had difficulty breathing.

Fortunately, before Ye Rongrong came to the western Tibetan plateau, he had already made preparations and refined a lot of pills to deal with some situations on the western Tibetan plateau.

In the past few days, Liu Qingqing took this refined pill every day, and the altitude sickness basically disappeared.

Now Ye Rongrong and the others are driving to the Jokhang Temple.

The Jokhang Temple has a history of 1,350 years. It is said that the site of the Jokhang Temple was originally a lake. Songtsan Gampo once promised Princess Chizun by the lake to build a Buddhist temple where the ring fell. Falling into the lake, the surface of the lake was immediately covered with light nets, and a nine-level white pagoda appeared in the light nets.

Thus, a mighty project of building a temple with thousands of white goats on its back began.

The Jokhang Temple has been built for more than three years. Because in Tibetan, "goat" is called "re" and "earth" is called "sa". "Zulakang", also known as "Juekang", is called "Zulakang Zulakang", which means it was built by goats carrying soil.

The name "Dazhao" is said to be related to the "Dharma Conference of Chuanzhao" which began in the 15th century.

Apart from those sincere pilgrims along the way, most of them are poor young men and women, most of whom are young women.

With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people like to travel during holidays, and a word called "poor travel" was born among them!

As the name suggests, it means going out to play without bringing enough money.

Many travel bloggers also disclosed their poor travel routes and the required funds online, so many people followed suit and took a poor travel.

Especially college students, they have plenty of time, but not enough funds!

These young people were carried a big luggage bag with the words "ask for a ride" written on it, and they started this poor tour on the West Tibet Road.

Of course, there are more notes, you can sleep with you, you can travel with you, you can accompany...

Ye Rongrong heard from a friend a few years ago that he was driving on the West Tibet Road. Along the way, he often met young women who were begging for a ride. Most of these women were young female college students.

Many female college students regard poor travel to Tibet as their graduation gift and adult gift.

The friend smiled and said that he was basically like a beauty pageant along the way, only when he saw a girl with a pretty face and a good figure, he would give her a ride.

Of course, this girl knows the rules very well, and will basically satisfy Ye Rongrong's friend's request.

Even Ye Rongrong, a friend, joked that he basically had to play with a young girl every day. After returning from a trip to Tibet, he lost a few pounds, and his feet were so soft that he couldn't even step on the gas pedal.

"Honey, that girl just now is really shameless!"

Liu Qingqing looked back with some contempt at the young woman in her early twenties who had been left behind by the car, and said to Ye Rongrong who was driving.

It turned out that the young woman was standing in the middle of the road blocking Ye Rongrong's car, wanting to take a ride along the way.

Originally, her own car was also empty, but Liu Qingqing didn't mind taking one or two people along the way, so that there would be a few more people to chat with along the way.

What Liu Qingqing didn't like was that this young woman...unbuttoned the shirt she was wearing, revealing her upper body to stop the car.

Liu Qingqing is not stupid, she understands the plan of this young woman, she must want to hook up with her husband, so she directly asked Ye Rongrong to drive past the young woman.

"Hehehe, there is no way, the drivers on this road are basically men, and if this young woman doesn't untie a few buttons, few people will take them with her.


Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"These are the legendary poor girls?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong and asked.

"It's just those silly girls who come to the western Tibetan plateau to travel poorly after reading a few chicken soup books for the soul. In their opinion, it is not a problem to travel without money. It is enough to have a free heart, especially more and more young girls. Literary and artistic youths all believe that there is always one body and soul on the road, and they willfully take a trip as soon as they say it."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"But they don't have to humiliate themselves like this. We saw a lot of pilgrims along the way, and they also walked along the way. Can't they walk forward well?"

Liu Qingqing said.

I don't understand why these young women should humiliate themselves like this since they chose to travel poorly.

"This is the plateau in western Tibet. We feel that the altitude sickness is uncomfortable when we drive, let alone these spoiled female college students?"

"In the first one or two days, they can still keep walking, maybe how many people can persist until the end, not to mention these girls who have never suffered, how many of them can bear such a sudden suffering? Come on, it's natural to want to hitch a ride."

"But others are not related to you, so why should they take you? If there is one more person, the car will consume more fuel. Under normal circumstances, if you don't pay something, others will not let you get in the car. of."

"The young woman unbuttoned her clothes just now. What does that mean? It means that as long as you are willing to take her into the car, she can pay the price with her body."

Ye Rongrong shook his head and said.

There is never a free lunch in this world.

It is simply unrealistic to imagine that the drivers passing by on this road are all good people.

Some "veteran drivers" are aware of this, and specially select those beautiful girls to offer you a ride. These "veteran drivers" will find a place where no one is around and sleep with her.

But there are still some naive female college students who don't believe this fact, thinking that if they don't want to, can he force it?

To be honest, you have no ability to stop what these old drivers want to do after getting in the car. He will drive the car to no-man's land, inform you that the car can't go after turning off the engine, implying that if you don't do something, the car will will permanently shut down

Do you know that in recent years, some young girls have disappeared or been killed after getting in a stranger's car?

What's more, on this sparsely populated Sichuan-Tibet line, no one knows how many people died. Every year, some people go missing on this Sichuan-Tibet line, and the bodies are never found.

But even so, there are still some naive girls, especially some female college students with a high level of education, they just like the kind of spiritual articles, and when they get excited, they become idiots and want to have a poor trip to the western Tibetan plateau Spiritual journey.

Those female college students who only have beauty but no brains think that a trip to western Tibet is a standard for a young man, and it can also cleanse the soul, which is simply nonsense.

"None of them are good things!"

Liu Qingqing couldn't help scolding.


Ye Rongrong smiled and did not speak.

For many men, especially the "veteran drivers" who run the Sichuan-Tibet line and the Qinghai-Tibet line, most of these people are not well-educated and their families are not rich. They basically run transportation on this route. I can't live a married life with my wife for a long time.

How could they not eat meat with free home delivery?

What's more, based on their conditions, that is, they can sleep with this female college student for free on these two routes. If they are in other places, how can they have their share!

"Husband, did I scold you wrong?"

Seeing Ye Rongrong just smiled and said nothing, Liu Qingqing looked at him with some dissatisfaction and said.

"Yes, you are quite right."

Ye Rongrong nodded and said.

In fact, how to say this matter, in fact, most of the drivers are good, and they will not take advantage of these poor young travellers, but they also have their scruples.

It would be really terrible if it happened that he was pretending to be a poor traveler on this road to seek wealth and kill himself.

After all, in this sparsely populated place, such murders are no longer uncommon.

Ordinary people would not dare to let strangers get into their cars on this road, and most of those who dared to let young women get into their cars had a purpose, and it was for the young woman's idea.

"Husband, why do you think so many girls abuse themselves like this along the way?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Ye Rongrong curiously and asked.

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