When Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing walked into the Jokhang Temple, the first thing they entered was a patio-like courtyard with several rows of butter lamps on the east side of the courtyard.

Even though it is daytime, these butter lamps are all lit. Buddhists especially pay attention to the eternal light. Naturally, there are special people to add butter to these lamps.

Behind this is the main entrance of the main hall of the Jokhang Temple. The earliest buildings of the Jokhang Temple all started from here, and then slowly expanded.

Unlike those devout believers, Ye Rongrong and Liu Qingqing were tourists, looking around at the surrounding scenery.

But like many temples, although there are many people in this Jokhang Temple, it is very quiet. Everyone in this temple is suppressed by the solemn atmosphere and dare not speak loudly, for fear that their voice will disturb the gods and Buddhas. .

Tibetan Buddhism has a history of more than 1,300 years here. Speaking of it, its development and evolution are complicated and tortuous, with numerous sects and clans, and its teachings are cumbersome and tortuous.

Entering the Western Tibet Plateau, the environment and atmosphere here are all deeply imprinted with the imprint of Buddha.

At the most superficial level, compared with the famous temples and ancient temples I have been to, the temples here are really not very eye-catching. The halls are not majestic enough, and the temples are not big enough. close.

In areas of Tibetan Buddhism, there are many monasteries, just like churches in the south. As long as there are believers, there will be corresponding facilities for worship and prayer.

In addition to giving up their families and jobs to go on a pilgrimage to the holy place in their hearts to fulfill their long-cherished wishes, believers can turn around and worship Buddha in the nearest temple at any time.

The temples here charge a fee for tourists, but it is free for those pilgrims.

At this point, few tourists will complain.

During the pilgrimage on the vast western Tibetan Plateau, there are many worn-out shoes, gloves, sheepskin aprons, wooden hand guards, and countless pilgrims who died on the way.

The fallen person will be carried forward by his companions with one of his teeth, and it will be embedded in a pillar of the Jokhang Temple after reaching the finish line, representing his completion of the pilgrimage.

That pillar looked no different from other pillars in the dark hall, only when the light slid across its body, could it be seen that it was covered with bone nails.

Such a devout believer, for the sake of his inner belief, can ignore the high mountains and rivers, ignore all kinds of difficulties and dangers, leave the house and face the holy land, measure the distance of faith with the body step by step, and finally exchange for the lightness of the soul...

This kind of perseverance, this kind of courage, this kind of persistence, this kind of patience, this kind of piety, no matter what kind it is, is worthy of respect.

The believers here are devout, and the temples here, in Ye Rongrong's view, are also what the temples look like in everyone's mind.

You must know that in temples in other parts of China, it is common for a stick of high incense to cost hundreds of thousands of yuan. You can't buy a dime or a dollar, and you can't buy a stick of incense. The monks in the temple will look down on you .

In many places in China, the temples have been completely commercialized, and even the monks inside are no longer the real monks with the six senses of purity.

But it's different here, Ye Rongrong often sees believers offering a few cents to the Buddha.

If you don't even have a dime, these believers can make up for it from the offering box in a grand manner,

Absolutely no one will say anything, and there is no shame.

Even if there is no money to offer, believers bring homemade ghee from home and add it to the ghee lamp in front of the Buddha.

"Husband, let's go in and worship Buddha!"

At the entrance of the main hall, Liu Qingqing whispered to Ye Rongrong.

During this trip to the west of Tibet, Liu Qingqing wanted to come to ask for a son, so naturally she would enter the temple and worship the Buddha.


Ye Rongrong nodded, and brought Liu Qingqing into the hall.

Now that you are here, you will naturally offer incense to these gods and Buddhas.

Due to the friction of believers for many years, the stone floor at the entrance is as bright as a mirror, and there are huge Buddha statues on the left and right sides of the main hall.

On the left is Padmasambhava, the founder of the Red Sect. He was originally a Buddhist scholar in India. He entered Tibet in the eighth century.

The future Buddha is also called Maitreya Buddha, also known as Donglai Buddha, "Qiangba" in Tibetan, and is the Buddha who dominates the future world in Buddhism.

Maitreya Buddha is a Buddha widely believed in and popular among Chinese people. "Maitreya" is the abbreviation of the transliteration of Indian Sanskrit, meaning "cishi".

It is said that Maitreya Buddha always has a compassionate heart. His layman's name is Ajita, which means "invincible". According to Buddhist scriptures, Maitreya was born in a Brahmin family in the ancient Indian state of Paranai. He is the same as Sakyamuni Buddha. A powerful presence at the same time.

Liu Qingqing took Ye Rongrong's hand, as long as it was a Buddha or a Bodhisattva, Liu Qingqing would bow down devoutly, and whispered in her mouth.

Although the voice was very low, Ye Rongrong could still hear that Liu Qingqing was asking the Buddha to bless her to conceive and give birth to a big fat boy.

After coming out of this main hall, the two continued to go around to the right, passing through the Yaksha Hall and the Dragon King Hall on both sides. Behind hundreds of lighted butter lamps is the famous "Juekang" Buddha Hall.

It is not only the main body of the Jokhang Temple, but also the place where the Buddhist essence of the Jokhang Temple is located. The Buddhist hall is in the form of a closed courtyard, with a four-story building and a Dajing hall in the center.

From the Great Sutra Hall, you can see the beautifully shaped statue of Avalokitesvara with thousands of hands and eyes. There are two Buddha statues on both sides, the left one is Padmasambhava, and the right one is the statue of Jamba Buddha.

The Sutra Hall is surrounded by small Buddhist halls. Except for the Sakyamuni Buddhist Hall in the center, the rooms are not large but the layout is simple.

The Sakyamuni Buddha Hall is the core of the Jokhang Temple, which is the ultimate yearning for pilgrims.

According to records, the Sakyamuni statue enshrined in this hall is like the Buddha statue brought by Princess Wencheng from the Tang Dynasty.

Because this Buddha statue is the full-length statue of Sakyamuni when he was twelve years old, it has a supreme status in the hearts of Tibetan Buddhist believers.

Legend has it that when Sakyamuni was about to pass away under the bodhi tree, his disciples begged the Buddha to leave a real image so that he could guide all beings from generation to generation.

The Buddha nodded in agreement, and the disciples then created three life-size statues of the Buddha at different ages of eight, twelve and thirty.

Among them, the eight-year-old and twelve-year-old statues were molded after asking Sakyamuni's nurse to describe the appearance of the Buddha in his youth.

After Sakyamuni personally blessed the three Buddha statues, he passed away under the bodhi tree. When Princess Nibhara Chizun entered Tibet, the dowry gift given by King Nibhara to Tubo Tsampo was a statue of an eight-year-old Buddha.

During the Zhenguan period of Princess Wencheng of the Tang Dynasty, what was brought to Tubo was a statue of a 12-year-old Buddha.

After worshiping this Sakyamuni Buddha, today's goal will be achieved.

"Honey, are you hungry?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Liu Qingqing and said.

This journey to pray to Buddha is also physical work, and this stomach is also very hungry! ...

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