The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2239 Broken again

"Little sister, you don't want a mobile phone, you want cash. Where are your parents, we will give the cash to your parents."

Cui Tiantian looked at Dudu and said.

After all, this beautiful little girl in front of her is only nine years old, and it is very unsafe to carry thousands of dollars in cash.

"My sister is by my side."

Dudu pointed to Jiang Mengmeng beside him and said.

"What about your family?"

Cui Tiantian looked at Jiang Mengmeng, but still felt that she was a little young, and it was still a little unsafe to carry so much cash with her.

"My father, mother, and aunt are eating upstairs."

Dudu pointed to the second floor of the food street not far away.

"Well, let the staff give the cash to this beautiful little girl."

Cui Tiantian looked at the restaurant not far away and nodded, and said to the staff next to him.

The restaurant is less than 200 meters away from the event site. This little girl should get the money and give it to her parents. There should be no problem. After all, there are many people in this Wanda Plaza, and those bad guys don’t dare to do it in broad daylight. too much thing.

Soon, a staff member brought 5,888 yuan in cash.

"Congratulations to this beautiful little girl for winning the prize, our event will absolutely follow the rules of the event, as long as anyone can smash the screen of the latest Samsung phone, we will give him the same latest Samsung phone, or you can ask for the equivalent in cash, We are now asking staff to put on new phones and our activities continue..."

Soon, a staff member brought a brand new Samsung phone and put it on the shelf.

"Our staff has changed to a brand new Samsung mobile phone. Our activities continue. Who is going to come up and participate in this activity of smashing mobile phones and getting mobile phones..."

As soon as Cui Tiantian finished speaking, Dudu looked up at him and said, "Uncle, can I still smash it?"

Dudu thinks this activity of smashing mobile phones and giving mobile phones is really interesting, and he can make money even if he is so young.

Dudu felt very happy, and wanted to earn more money and put it in his small vault.

"Our event is that a person has only one chance to smash it, but as the first person to smash the screen of our Samsung mobile phone today, I will make an exception and let you smash it again."

Cui Tiantian looked at Dudu and nodded.

Like many people, Cui Tiantian didn't believe that the little girl in front of him really smashed the big screen of Samsung's latest mobile phone with her strength.

What kind of strength can a nine-year-old girl have? She must be lucky. The Samsung phone was almost smashed by dozens of people in front, and it has reached the critical line. Just hammer the phone again. The screen shattered, she was just a coincidence.

Let this little girl smash it again, so as to keep the reputation of Samsung's latest mobile phone, otherwise, it is rumored that the screen of Samsung's latest mobile phone is made of bulletproof glass material by a nine-year-old girl. If it is broken, the reputation will stink. How can this latest mobile phone be sold?

Be aware that this phone is a nine-year-old with a sturdy screen that won't shatter.

"Thank you uncle!"

When Dudu heard that the host uncle agreed to smash the Samsung mobile phone screen again, he happily thanked him, picked up the wooden hammer and slammed the latest Samsung mobile phone on the shelf.


With a "bang" sound, there was a "kakaka" glass breaking sound in everyone's ears.

"my God!"

"This phone screen is broken again?"

"What's the matter, we can't smash this phone screen, how can such a small girl smash this phone screen?"

"Could this girl be Tuo?"

An audience member said suspiciously.

"Take care of your head, will you find a little girl so beautiful for me to look after?"

"That's right, unless this business has water in its head, it will find a little girl to smash her mobile phone to advertise."

"That is, if a little girl can easily smash the screen of this mobile phone,

Who would spend so much money on this Samsung phone? "

"I don't know where this little girl got so much strength?"

"This time it's really too slapped in the face. The face of the businessman is estimated to be hurt."


Compared with the people watching the fun, the event party was frightened and his face was very ugly.

In particular, the person in charge was almost unsteady, and his ankles were softened. He was depressed in his heart. Are you still a nine-year-old girl? Where did you get so much energy from?

Where did this monster come from?

This is to smash your own field!

"What's the matter?"

A staff member looked on stage in disbelief.

After all, everyone had tested these specially-made sample mobile phones sent over before. They were really made of bulletproof glass material. No matter how much you smashed them with a wooden hammer, you couldn’t leave any traces on the screen of the phone.

Of course, it is impossible to mass-produce such high-strength mobile phones, so the cost is too high. Mass-produced mobile phones are only made of high-strength tempered glass materials, and the screen strength is stronger than that of ordinary mobile phone screens, even if it falls on the ground. The top will not be broken, even if you beat it with your hands, it will not be easily broken.

Of course, if you hit it with a wooden hammer, it will definitely break.

But who would be willing to spend money on such an expensive mobile phone, take it back and play with it, and treat it like a baby.

But naturally you can't use any mass-produced mobile phone for activities, but the latest mobile phone with the special bulletproof glass material for special activities distributed by Samsung to various dealers, so that no one can smash it. .

"Yeah, this is a screen made of bulletproof glass. How can it be broken?"

"Did you take it wrong, and took the ordinary mobile phone."

"It's possible that..."

Several employees whispered.

Compared to those staff, the person in charge of this event had the most ugly face, and even he regretted not taking a look at the almanac when he went out.

Now it's good, this advertisement has not been released, and this signboard will be smashed!

The person in charge knew in his heart that it was no longer a matter of whether or not to send mobile phones and cash, it was already a matter of the brand image and quality of their Samsung mobile phones.

Samsung's latest mobile phone, which claims to be made of bullet-proof glass material, is advertised how strong it is. Even if it falls from a three-story building, it will not be broken when hit with a wooden hammer.

But now, a nine-year-old girl smashed the screen of the phone.

If this is spread, how will this advertisement be played in the future?

Isn't it a big joke?

To know this phone. Samsung spent more than a year to develop and prepare to challenge China's domestic mobile phones. How can mobile phones that compete for the Chinese mobile phone market sell in China?

"Hahaha, what kind of broken phone is this, a nine-year-old girl can smash it so easily."

"Yes, yes."

"The current Korean products are really bad. They cut corners and cut corners."

"Someone said just now that this little girl is a caregiver. It's just nonsense."

"That's right, I think those who smashed the phone on stage just now are the ones who really care. Such a small girl can smash the screen of this phone, and these adults can't smash it."

"Now that I think about how these people really care, the expressions and movements are so good, it feels like they are really smashing down."

"You think it's so easy to be a caregiver, and it also requires acting skills."

"This businessman is too shameless!"


Hearing the chatter of the onlookers, those who just came to the stage and smashed their phones were all depressed to death.

I'm really not a caregiver, I really tried my best to smash it.

But these words, they have words of suffering, say it, do they admit that they are not as strong as a nine-year-old girl?

You can't say such a shameful thing.

Some thin-skinned people have secretly left the event site, while a few thick-skinned people stayed at the scene without saying a word.

Only they knew in their hearts that they really tried their best just now.

"It's really useless, the strength is not as good as that of a nine-year-old girl."

A young woman complained to the young man beside her.

The young woman knew that her boyfriend was not a caregiver, but what made the young woman dissatisfied was that her boyfriend was not as strong as a nine-year-old girl.

A nine-year-old girl smashed two mobile phones so easily, but her boyfriend didn't smash the phone with the strength of breastfeeding.

Shame, really shameful.

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