The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2241 It’s different than expected

"It's fatal!"

At this time, the person in charge was almost desperate. The first phone was smashed, and he could explain it as a critical line. The second phone was smashed, and he could explain it as a mistake. But what about the third time?

The person in charge found that he was at a loss for words and didn’t know how to explain!

Even if I explain it, the person in charge feels like he won’t believe it.

Now the person in charge really, really regrets holding this event.

All this is based on trust in this phone with a bulletproof screen.

But this result was really a slap in the face.

"Give me money!"

"Give me money!"

"Give me money!"

People in the audience came to their senses and immediately cheered.

Of course, many people are talking about their own little Jiujiu.

These two underage girls can smash the screen of this mobile phone. Wouldn't it be easier for adults like me to smash the screen of this mobile phone and get nearly 6,000 yuan by then?

For something like this, you really can’t find another place even with a lantern!

Hearing the voices of people in the audience, the event manager wanted to cry, and couldn't help but curse in his heart: "Send it to your sister!"

At this moment, he burst into tears!

Damn you, why did you meet these two evil little girls?

That’s what I thought in my heart, but the person in charge of the event also knew that it would be impossible not to give money now.

Without giving money, it is impossible for the people in this audience to let people like themselves leave.

Gritting his teeth, the person in charge took the money from a staff member, handed it to Jiang Mengmeng, and said with a smile uglier than crying: "Congratulations, congratulations!"

"Uncle, can I smash it again?"

Jiang Mengmeng looked at the person in charge of the activity and asked.

After listening to Jiang Mengmeng's words, the activity leader couldn't help but trembled in his legs and his face changed drastically.

Still want to smash it!

You still want to smash it!

You are addicted to smashing!

The expressions of several employees also changed drastically!

"No more!"

"Can't smash it!"

"A person can only smash it once!"

“The rules of our activities are clearly written!”

Before the person in charge could speak, the staff below shouted.

After all, if they keep smashing it, the money in their pockets will be emptied.

Hearing this, Jiang Mengmeng said "Oh" with regret.

"Little girl, take the money and go to your parents quickly. It's not safe for a child to have so much money on him."

Cui Tiantian said to Dudu and Mengmeng.

Of course, part of them is concerned about the two little girls Dudu and Mengmeng. After all, it is very dangerous for such a young child to carry so much cash in a busy city.

After all, where there are many people, there are also many bad people of all kinds.

Of course, there is another important reason, which is to send away these two evil girls.

I don't know why, Cui Tiantian always feels a little uneasy when these two evil girls are around.

In fact, this uneasiness is not only felt by Cui Tiantian, but also by the event director and staff. They now want Dudu and Jiang Mengmeng to leave as soon as possible.


Jiang Mengmeng nodded and pulled Dudu down from the stage.

After all, these two girls have never had so much money on their backs. They suddenly had so much money on their hands, and they felt nervous!

Seeing Jiang Mengmeng and Dudu leave, the event director and staff couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Hurry up and change your phone, we are all waiting!"

"Hurry up, this event has just begun, so don't be afraid."

"We all came here for the big brand Samsung, so don't let us down."

"hurry up……"

"Don't be afraid. If you are afraid, just close the store!"

People in the audience saw that the person in charge had not asked anyone to replace the broken mobile phone, and they immediately shouted dissatisfied.

After all, the two little girls just smashed three mobile phones and took more than 17,000 yuan, which aroused everyone's enthusiasm.

Now that the activity provider wants to stop this activity, the people below will not agree.

"Store manager, what should I do?"

Cui Tiantian walked to the person in charge of the activity and asked in a low voice.

The person in charge of the activity gritted his teeth and said to Cui Tiantian: "Let the activity continue. Please wait for a while while I go to the bank nearby to withdraw some money."

Under the current circumstances, the person in charge of this activity also knows that this activity must continue, otherwise, the reputation of his store will be ruined.

As for the lost money, the person in charge of the event has figured it out. When the event is over, he will go to his superior agent to ask for it.

The specially made latest Samsung mobile phone given to me must be a defective product, otherwise it would not have been smashed by two little girls. If I have a video here, the Samsung company will definitely reimburse me.

After all, he held this publicity event at the request of his superior agency. He must explain himself for the money he lost.


Cui Tiantian nodded and arranged for the staff to replace the broken mobile phone.

"I come!"

"I regestrated!"

"Line up, line up..."

As the activity continued, people in the audience crowded towards the stage, fearing that they would lose such an opportunity to make a fortune later.

"Don't be anxious, everyone. Come one by one. No one will get a share. It's too crowded. It will be bad if something unexpected happens."

"This handsome guy, you start first!"

Cui Tiantian comforted the people in line and said to a burly young man who was first in line.


The burly young man responded, excitedly picked up the wooden hammer and smashed it against the mobile phone on the shelf.

This burly young man fantasized about smashing the phone screen with a hammer and getting the money he wanted.

As for this latest Samsung mobile phone, to be honest, I really don’t like this Hanguo mobile phone now that I am used to domestic mobile phones.


There was a loud noise and the shelf shook.


The burly young man looked nervously at the phone screen.

Not only was the burly young man looking at the phone screen nervously, but others were also staring nervously at the phone screen.

Both the staff and the people in the audience were feeling a little uneasy.

one second!

Two seconds!

Cui Tiantian reacted and shouted excitedly: "It's a pity that this handsome guy didn't smash the screen of our mobile phone. Now we invite our next experiencer."

It seemed that I was right in my estimation. It was not the phone screen that was the problem, but the two little girls just now who were too evil.

Now, as long as these people can't smash the phone screen, this event can continue happily.

"Why doesn't it break?"

The burly young man muttered to himself.

He was somewhat unable to accept this reality.

Two underage girls easily shattered the phone screen.

And he, a nine-foot tall man, can't break the screen of this mobile phone. How is this possible?

Not only this burly young man could not accept this fact, but also some of the people in the audience could not accept this fact.

How is it possible that such a tall and thick young man is not as strong as two underage little girls?

"Is this a trap?"

Someone became suspicious.

But everyone soon cleared up this doubt.

A person went up and smashed it, but the phone screen did not break!

Ten people hit it and the phone screen didn’t break!

Fifty people smashed it, but the phone screen didn’t break!

Soon the people in the audience became restless.

"What's going on?"

"how so?"

"Those two underage girls can smash the screen of this phone, why can't we smash it?"

"How many big men are not as strong as two underage girls?"

"Evil, really damn evil!"

"Is there any trick to smashing a cell phone?"

"There must be a trick. Those two little girls must have found the trick. Where is the trick?"

When they came out of the event, Dudu and Jiang Mengmeng were particularly excited.

"Sister, it was really fun just now, but it's a pity that I didn't let you smash it."

Dudu said excitedly.

"Fortunately, you smashed it twice, and I only smashed it once. You made twice as much money as me."

"Sister, I didn't expect it to be so easy to make money. Sister, let's take a look around to see if there is any way to make money like this."

Dudu happily suggested to Jiang Mengmeng.

"But my uncle warned us not to let others know that we know kung fu, especially our inner strength."

Jiang Mengmeng shook her head.

It turns out that the reason why Jiang Mengmeng and Dudu smashed the mobile phone screen made of bulletproof glass so easily was because they used their internal strength.

In recent years, Ye Guangrong has gained a lot of glory points by completing the "Lazy Man System" tasks. He also held several draws and won the first level of the "Nine Yin Manual".

This "Nine Yin Manual" is not suitable for men to practice, but only for women. Ye Guangrong taught this "Nine Yin Manual" to Dudu and Jiang Mengmeng.

Although the two girls have only scratched the surface, it is not difficult to break the mobile phone screen made of bulletproof glass material.

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