The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2258 Tiankeng

"Brother, the guests are almost all here. Can the wedding begin?"

A person in charge of the wedding scene walked up to Zhang Wansan and asked him.

The person in charge of the wedding was Zhang Wannian, Zhang Wannian’s cousin.

You must know that the people attending Zhang Wansan's wedding today are all big shots. Many of them are presidents and chairman of large companies and groups, and other big shots.

These people earn hundreds or tens of millions a minute. The wedding has been postponed for half an hour. Some big shots here can't sit still and are complaining.


Zhang Wansan said with certainty.

"But some bosses can't sit still. They all took time out of their busy schedules to attend your wedding. If it continues to be delayed, they will definitely have objections."

Zhang Wannian reminded.

I don't know which guest is so important that he made his eldest brother and sister-in-law wait for him at the door of the hotel for a full hour, which delayed the auspicious occasion of their wedding.

The most important thing is that the people in the big box at this wedding are all rich and distinguished people. It is very offensive to make them wait like this for so long.

"Those who have objections can leave, I won't keep them!"

Zhang Wansan said bluntly.

"Husband, why don't you call and urge me!"

Liu Xiaoqing suggested.

Now Liu Xiaoqing has come forward, from a young secretary to Zhang Wansan's wife.

"No, Mr. Ye is a man of his word. If he hasn't come yet, he must have encountered something on the way. We are not in a hurry, just wait."

Zhang Wansan shook his head.


Liu Xiaoqing nodded in agreement and waited at the door of the hotel with her husband.

Mr. Ye was able to come to his and Zhang Wansan's wedding, which was a very fortunate thing for him and his wife.

Although many of the guests in the box are prominent figures, the bosses of large groups and companies, in terms of identity and status, they are far inferior to Mr. Ye.

If they're not willing to wait, that's their loss.

In the luxurious wedding box.

"What's going on? Why hasn't the wedding started yet?"

"That's right, I have an important client to meet this afternoon."

"I'm going to Magnesium to attend an important meeting this afternoon. If I delay it like this, I'll almost miss the plane."

Some company bosses in the box were whispering dissatisfiedly.

If the Zhang family hadn't been the top family in China, many people would have left the table right now.

Of course, the complaints were complaints, but no one left the table. After all, the Zhang family was the top family in China, and Zhang Wansan was also one of the top figures in Huaxia Mall, so he couldn't afford to offend.

I'm not afraid of anything else, I'm just afraid that people will miss me.

Just as Zhang Wansan said, Ye Guangrong did encounter something on the road.

"Master driver, can you hurry up? I have to attend my friend's wedding!"

Sitting in the taxi, Ye Rongrong said to the taxi driver.

"Sir, I also want to hurry up, but the road is blocked here, and there is nothing I can do. I drive a taxi, and I am suffering a big loss because I am stuck on the road."

The taxi driver said with a worried look on his face.

"Uncle, what should we do now?"

Wang Meng looked at her watch. It was only a few minutes before the wedding of her uncle's friend started, but now she wasn't even halfway there, and the car was stuck here and couldn't get through.

"Let's get off!"

Ye Guangrong thought for a moment and said.

If he were alone, Ye Rongrong could quickly reach the Shangri-La Hotel where the wedding was held.

But now that he is taking Wang Meng with him to attend the wedding, Ye Rongrong can only go to the hotel in the normal way.

Ye Guangrong paid the fare and took Wang Meng to the shared bicycle nearby. In this situation, riding a bicycle is faster than taking a taxi.

With the improvement of people's living standards, most families now have one car of their own, and some families even have two or three cars. The growth rate of these vehicles is much faster than the expansion of roads, causing the city to It’s getting more and more congested.

I scanned the QR code, took out two bicycles, and rode them one by one.

"Wait a moment!"

Ye Guangrong stopped the car and said.

"What's wrong, uncle?"

Wang Meng looked at Ye Guangrong with some confusion and asked.

"Look there!"

Ye Guangrong pointed to the road not far away and spoke to Wang Meng.

"Oh my god?"

Wang Meng's mouth suddenly opened wide, and the scene before her really frightened Wang Meng.

I saw a large pit at the intersection of the road, a large pit with a diameter of more than ten meters.

Now Wang Meng finally understood why the traffic was jammed for so long. It turned out that there was a big hole at the intersection and the roads here were blocked.

Is it a sinkhole?

Wang Meng thought of a possibility.

Tiankeng is an existence that no scientists have really understood yet. It always appears suddenly without warning.

"wait for me here!"

Ye Guangrong said to Wang Meng, got off the bicycle and walked towards the sinkhole.

It is obvious that such a large pit collapsed suddenly. It can be seen from the fact that so many firefighters at the scene kept digging into the sinkhole. There were many vehicles and many people fell into the sinkhole.

These people are very dangerous. Ye Guangrong just used the "detection technique" to see that several people have died in the sinkhole. Naturally, Ye Guangrong can't just sit idly by and ignore them.

"Sir, please don't go there, it's dangerous!"

Before Ye Guangrong got close to the sinkhole, he was stopped by the police comrades guarding the edge.

"I'm a doctor, please let me go!"

Ye Guangrong took out his ID and said to the police.

The policeman opened his ID and took a look at it, and his eyes immediately went straight.

"You...are you Academician Ye?"

Because Ye Guangrong did not have a medical practice certificate, in fact, with Ye Guangrong's identity, he did not need this medical practice certificate. But in order to prove his identity, the only thing Ye Guangrong could produce was the academician's certificate.

"Yes, I can go there!"

Ye Guangrong nodded and said.

"Ok, Ok……"

The policeman said excitedly and respectfully to Ye Guangrong.

Academician Ye Guangrong is an extraordinary person. He has developed special drugs for cancer, AIDS, and leukemia, saving countless lives around the world.

His medical skills are also very powerful. There are many legends about Academician Ye's miraculous medical skills circulating in China.

Now that he could actually see the legendary Academician Ye with his own eyes, the policeman was really excited.

Ye Guangrong nodded, walked into the blockade, and walked to the edge of the sinkhole.

The sinkhole that suddenly appeared is very deep, estimated to be about twenty meters deep. Now the firefighters have set up a ladder to go down and are really ready to go down.

"Then...who is that? Stop!"

Just when Ye Guangrong was about to follow these firefighters down the sinkhole, a loud voice sounded in Ye Guangrong's ears. ...

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