The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2298 Chen Jie is late

"Don't sit here. Go sit next to Mr. Li and the others. I don't like strange women sitting next to me."

Ye Guangrong waved his hand and said.

Suddenly these young women felt a little embarrassed. It was obvious that this distinguished guest did not like them, and could even be said to dislike them.

"Glory, let them serve you and eat."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit awkward, Li Qingyong said hurriedly.

"No need, I can eat by myself."

Ye Guangrong shook his head and said.

Some of these young women were even about the same age as his own daughter. Ye Guangrong was really uncomfortable with having them sit next to him and serve him.

Thinking about how his daughter would sit next to an old man like this one day, serving him food, and being taken advantage of by him, Ye Guangrong would feel particularly uncomfortable.

It seems that she must not let her daughter develop into the entertainment industry in the future.

Ye Guangrong's words were a bit embarrassing, but Li Qingyong didn't say much. Since Ye Guangrong didn't like these little stars, Li Qingyong stopped forcing them. .

Li Qingyong pointed to the others and said to these little stars: "Just sit next to them."

Several little stars blinked and chose various people to sit down with each other. Some of them were even old acquaintances.

It's obvious that these little stars don't come out to accompany guests just once or twice.

The dinner is started.

Everyone was laughing and eating.

Li Qingyong stood up, picked up the wine glass and said: "Everyone, I would like to toast Honor a glass of wine first. I am really happy that I can meet Honor here more than ten years later. I will drink this glass of wine first."

After saying that, he drank a glass of wine.

"Thank you Brother Li for your hospitality, I'll do it too!"

Ye Guangrong nodded to Li Qingyong and drank the wine in one gulp.

As the wine started, the atmosphere at the wine table came out. Under the leadership of Li Qingyong, everyone also toasted to Ye Guangrong, adding to the atmosphere at the wine table.

"Boss Ye, let's have a drink!"

"Boss Ye, my name is Lisa. I want to toast you. Please take good care of me in the future!"

"My name is Zhang Na, Boss Ye. I also want to toast you a glass of wine. I hope you can support me in the future!"

These female celebrities have a very good drinking capacity and can drink a glass of liquor in one gulp.

Of course, Ye Guangrong has a better drinking capacity and basically accepts everyone who comes.

Anyway, it was difficult for Ye Guangrong to get drunk.

"Boss Ye, you have a good capacity for drinking."

Li Xiangyang gave Ye Guangrong a thumbs up and said.

Just like this, everyone drank a glass of white wine. Although the glass was not big, Ye Guangrong drank at least half a catty of white wine after such a round, but Ye Guangrong's face did not change at all, which made Li Xiangyang admire him very much.

This man drinks liquor like he drinks boiled water. This is a skill.

In the business world, if you don't know how to drink, your business won't be big or you won't be able to do well. Everyone has been drinking wine since they were little bosses.


Ye Guangrong said with a smile.

"Boss Ye, I'm curious about what kind of business you are in?"

Jiang Zhengting looked at Ye Guangrong curiously and asked.

China's business circle is very big, but very small, but there are not many famous top businessmen, just a few people.

Although my group of people are not top businessmen, they are not far behind. Most of the famous big bosses in China's business circle are known to everyone. Even if they don't know each other, they have heard of them.

But in front of me, no one had ever heard of Ye Guangrong, who was several years younger than me. If it hadn't been for Li Qingyong's introduction, I would have never known that there was such a number one figure in the Chinese business circle.

This is what makes Jiang Zhengting and the others strange. If this Ye Guangrong is a small boss, it stands to reason that Li Qingyong, a big boss with a net worth of tens of billions, cannot be so respectful to him.

Everyone was not blind, so they could naturally see that Li Qingyong was here to please Ye Guangrong.

Could it be that this is a certain invisible rich man in China?

There are several invisible wealthy people in China.

It's just that they hide their identities very well, and no one outside knows about them.

Jiang Zhengting and the others knew several invisible tycoons, so they suspected that Ye Guangrong was also an invisible tycoon.

In fact, Jiang Zhengting and the others' guess was very correct. Ye Guangrong is now one of the invisible rich people in China. Now Ye Guangrong himself doesn't even know how much money he has in the bank.

"I...just think of me as a freelancer!"

Ye Guangrong thought for a while and said.


Li Zhengyang looked at Ye Guangrong doubtfully.

The so-called freelancers, to put it bluntly, are people who do not have a fixed occupation. Such people may not be poor, and they may not become rich.

For such a freelancer, why should Li Qingyong treat him with such respect?

"Freelancers are great, Boss Ye, I am also a freelancer!"

The little star named Nana said to Ye Guangrong.

"Then what do you do?"

Ye Guangrong looked at her and asked with a smile.

"My job is very flexible. Sometimes I work as a model, sometimes I work as a guest star on the set, and I usually work as a live broadcaster at home."

Nana said.

"Isn't that very hard?"

Ye Guangrong asked.

"I have no choice. No one praises me. I can only rely on my own efforts and develop on multiple fronts. Maybe one day I will become famous. Many popular female stars in the entertainment industry have come this way."

Nana said with a longing look on her face.

Many young girls enter the entertainment industry with the hope of becoming big stars. However, when they enter the entertainment industry, they realize that this industry is not easy to mix at all. If you want to become famous, you have to pay a lot of things.

Just like today's escort, it is a kind of sacrifice.

The key is that this kind of opportunity to accompany big businessmen for drinks is also very difficult for small stars like them to get, and they have to pay a certain price to get it.

Li Qingyong frowned and looked at the empty chair next to Ye Rongrong. Now everyone was accompanied by a female star, except Ye Rongrong.

You must know that the important guest at today’s banquet is Ye Guangrong!

Thinking of this, Li Qingyong waved to his secretary Li Jia behind him.

"Just a few little stars? Didn't you hire a good-looking big star?"

Li Qingyong asked in a low voice, somewhat unhappy in Li Jia's ears.

"Boss, yes, I invited Chen Jie. She should be arriving soon. I'll go out and take a look."

Li Jia said hurriedly.

After all, if he messed up this matter, he would have to pack up and leave.

"You go outside and urge me!"

Li Qingyong explained.

In Li Qingyong's opinion, the reputation of these female celebrities who are coming in now is too small. Ye Rongrong has never heard of them, so he doesn't like them.

Li Jia left the box and walked to the lobby on the first floor. As he walked, he called Chen Jie.

"What's going on? Didn't I tell you not to be late? Don't you want to be the female lead anymore?"

The call on the mobile phone was connected, and Li Jia said angrily.

At the agreed time, Chen Jie was even half an hour late, which made Li Jia very angry.

"Secretary Li is really sorry. The car encountered a traffic accident on the way and was checked by the traffic police. But now that we are out, my car has arrived outside the hotel."

Chen Jie explained hurriedly.

Because she was accompanying someone drinking, it was not a glorious thing. Chen Jie did not notify her assistant, but drove out alone. As a result, she had not driven for a long time and her driving skills were a bit rusty. I hit someone else's car on the road.

The key is that the other party is a young man and does not know Chen Jie, a somewhat outdated female star. Moreover, Chen Jie did not dare to reveal her identity as a star when she got into a traffic accident.

I had an affair with the other party, but the other party still didn't agree, so the traffic police had to come and deal with it. This ended up being delayed for an hour. Originally, Chen Jie came out early.

"Hurry up, I'll wait for you in the hall."

Li Jia hung up the phone and waited for Chen Jie at the door of the hotel lobby.

Not long after, Li Jia saw a woman in sexy clothes and sunglasses on her face.

In this outfit, others might not recognize her as Chen Jie, but Li Jia recognized her at a glance.

Because he wears sunglasses when going out at night, this kind of person is basically a star.

Chen Jie naturally saw Li Jia and hurried over to him to apologize: "Secretary Li, I'm sorry, I'm late..."

"Don't say these useless things. Everyone is waiting for you. You know what to do when you go in, right?"

Li Jia interrupted Chen Jie and said.

"I know, just take good care of the guests."

Chen Jie nodded and said.

"Then let's go in!"

After seeing that Chen Jie understood what she was doing, Li Jia took Chen Jie to the box.

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