The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 2308 My Uncle

Sitting in front of the piano, Jiang Mengmeng ignored the shock of the people in the audience. Her spirit had been poured into the piano music of "Death Waltz".

The exciting piano music floated around the golden hall, and no one spoke. As long as they heard the piano music, they sat there completely and listened to the "Death Waltz" piano music. Even those who don't understand music at all, this is Also listened quietly.

In the entire golden hall, except for the sound of the piano, everything seemed so silent.

At this moment, Jiang Mengmeng was completely immersed in the music, just like a drop of water melting into the sea. She felt that this "Death Waltz" was shocking. The charm of the music made Jiang Mengmeng feel like every time she played this "Death Waltz" Experience a sublimation yourself.

Jiang Mengmeng's face was neither sad nor happy, her eyes were slightly closed, but the movements of her hands did not stop at all, and the wonderful piano music continued to float in the golden hall.

Wait until the song is over.

People are still immersed in that huge emotional shock and cannot extricate themselves.

After a few more seconds, someone finally came to his senses and couldn't help but applaud.

In concerts, especially this kind of piano recital, applause is generally not allowed because applause may spoil the pianist's subsequent performance.

But such a superb performance level, and the ability to play the most difficult piano music in the world alone, made everyone present couldn't help but applaud Jiang Mengmeng.

The applause of more than a hundred people in the golden hall was not loud, but it was clear and crisp, showing the audience's deep admiration for Jiang Mengmeng's performance of "Death Waltz".

Seeing Jiang Mengmeng adjusting on the stage and not immediately playing the next song, the audience couldn't help but whisper.

"It's amazing. He actually played "Death Waltz" by himself. Even the top piano masters in the world would not dare to challenge this "Death Waltz" by himself."

"Yeah, I didn't expect that Jiang Mengmeng is so young and has surpassed countless piano masters. This "Death Waltz" can definitely establish her status as the most powerful piano master in the world."

"I didn't expect that she would have such profound attainments at such a young age. Even Beethoven, Haydn, Mozart and Schubert did not have such great achievements at this age."

"He is really a super talented pianist!"

A few minutes later, Jiang Mengmeng auditioned again, and the audience immediately fell silent.

When the first note of the second piece of music came out, many people showed shocked expressions. The second piece of music that Jiang Mengmeng played was Liszt's "Will-o'-the-Wisp".

Although not all of the top ten difficult piano pieces in the world are recognized, this one "Wild Fire" is among the recognized ones. This song "Wisp" ranks seventh among them and has difficult two-tone technology.

Two hours later,

When the concert came to an end, Jiang Mengmeng stood up from his stool, bowed slightly to everyone, and walked backstage.

"Miss Mengmeng, please wait a moment, we are reporters from the New York Daily News!"

"Miss Mengmeng, we are reporters from the International Music Channel. Can I interview you?"

"Our European Voices journalists..."

"I am International Entertainment News..."

As soon as Jiang Mengmeng arrived backstage, a large group of reporters gathered around her. Fortunately, there were security guards to maintain order.

"I only have five minutes for the interview. If you have any questions, please ask them quickly."

Jiang Mengmeng stopped and looked at the reporters.

Having been in the music scene for several years, Jiang Mengmeng knew that if she did not accept interviews from these reporters, they would stalk her.

So instead of letting them stalk you, it is better to accept their interview. After the interview is over, they will naturally disperse.

"Miss Mengmeng, first of all, I congratulate you on the success of this concert."

Said a female reporter from International Entertainment News.


Jiang Mengmeng nodded gratefully.

"Miss Mengmeng, that song "Death Waltz" is considered by people all over the world to be the most difficult piano piece in the world that cannot be played alone,

But today you managed to play this piano piece that was considered impossible by yourself. My question is, how did you do it? "

The female reporter from International Entertainment News asked curiously.

"Perhaps in the eyes of many people, this "Death Waltz" is too difficult and there is no way for one person to play it alone. I used to think so too, until one day, my uncle played this "Death Waltz" to me. , I realized that nothing is impossible in this world.”

"Your uncle?"

When Jiang Mengmeng said that her uncle could play "Death Waltz" alone, the reporters suddenly became excited.

"Excuse me, which master is your uncle in the music industry?"

one reporter asked hastily.

"My uncle is not in the music industry, but my uncle's musical attainments are definitely better than any current master in the music industry. My uncle taught me piano."

Jiang Mengmeng said.

"Then you must be better than your predecessor."

a reporter from China Entertainment Channel asked.

"No, at my level, in front of my uncle, it is a level that has not even graduated from elementary school. My pursuit in this life is to one day reach a level that my uncle considers qualified in terms of musical attainments."

Jiang Mengmeng said.

Because she learned piano from her uncle, Jiang Mengmeng truly understood that the gap between her and her uncle's piano playing was a gap that she would never be able to catch up with in her lifetime.

My uncle is also the person I admire the most in my life.

"Miss Mengmeng, in your uncle's opinion, your piano playing level is not up to par?"

"Miss Mengmeng, are you kidding?"

Many reporters did not believe Jiang Mengmeng's words.

If Jiang Mengmeng's piano playing level is not up to standard, then wouldn't the so-called pianists and piano masters today be below the passing mark?

This is simply impossible.

"I'm not kidding. Maybe one day, you will understand that there is a kind of existence in this world that can never be surpassed."

Jiang Mengmeng said.

"Miss Mengmeng, can you tell us where your uncle is now?"

The female reporter from International Entertainment News asked curiously.

"I'm sorry, I can't tell you. What I can tell you is that my uncle is a great man who has made great contributions to mankind."

Jiang Mengmeng said with admiration.

The five-minute interview ended. Jiang Mengmeng adjusted her makeup backstage, put on her sunglasses and went out through a back door.


Jiang Mengmeng excitedly rushed towards a burly middle-aged man who was waiting for her outside the back door, and hugged him tightly.

"Okay, okay, if you continue to hug me like this, your uncle and I will be suffocated."

Ye Guangrong smiled and patted Jiang Mengmeng's back.

"Uncle, I didn't expect you to come to my personal concert. "

Jiang Mengmeng said happily.

From Jiang Mengmeng's point of view, what makes her most happy today is that her uncle traveled thousands of miles to Italy to attend his solo concert.

"Of course, your aunt was originally going to come, but she didn't come because she was not in a stable mood due to some things at home."

Ye Guangrong said.

"I've also heard about what happened at aunt's house. In fact, uncle, I'm very, very happy that you can come."

Jiang Mengmeng said happily.

"Very good. You performed very well today and played very well. Now I officially announce that Jiang Mengmeng has graduated."

Ye Guangrong said with a smile.


Jiang Mengmeng felt particularly excited when her uncle praised her.

At this time, a tall man with a golden flowing head came over and politely said to Jiang Mengmeng in English: "Hello, Miss Mengmeng, my name is John William, I am from England, I am very happy to be here. See you, I’m your biggest fan.”


Jiang Mengmeng glanced at John William, nodded and said calmly.

"Miss Mengmeng, your performance just now was really great."

John William praised.


Jiang Mengmeng said politely.

"Miss Mengmeng, can I invite you to the bar in front for a drink?"

John William didn't seem to feel the coldness shown by Jiang Mengmeng at all, and he didn't seem to see the presence of a man beside her at all, and continued to look at Jiang Mengmeng with a smile.

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