readx; "It's basically a bad diagnosis."

Ma Xudong said. Ma Xudong understands Liu Haiyang's mood somewhat. After all, being tormented by such a wrong diagnosis is not something ordinary people can bear. Not only does he suffer financially, but he also suffers mentally.

"Errors, turned out to be wrong diagnoses."

Ding Haixia couldn't help crying. In the past three months, she and her man have broken their hearts because of their children's illness, how many crimes their children have suffered, and all the savings in the family have been spent. Yes, and even borrowed a lot of money.

But the final result was that the hospital misdiagnosed, and his daughter was cured without being ill.

How can Ding Haixia not cry.

For hospitals and doctors, a misdiagnosis is enough, but for my family, it is a disaster. The family has been frugal for ten years, all their savings are gone, and they still owe a lot of debt. I don't know how to pay it back.

"I understand your feelings. Anyway, it is the greatest blessing that the child is fine." Ma Xudong said comfortingly.

Ma Xudong knew that for people whose families were not wealthy, such an unwarranted disaster would probably wipe out the family's wealth.

"Thank you, Dean Ma."

Liu Haiyang came back to his senses and immediately said to President Ma. After all, if it weren't for President Ma, his daughter would still be subjected to such treatment, and sooner or later his family would not be able to afford those expensive treatment costs, and the family would eventually collapse.

"Don't thank me, what you really want to thank is Professor Ye."

Ma Xudong said. After all, the person who first saw that the little girl was sick was not himself, but Ye Rongrong, and Ma Xudong didn't want to receive this thank you.

"Professor Ye, which Professor Ye?"

Liu Haiyang and his wife did not understand the meaning of Dean Ye Ma's words.

Professor Ye?

The couple had never known any professors in their entire lives.

This Dean Ma, Professor Ma, can be said to be the only professor-level person the husband and wife have met in their entire lives.

As for "Professor Ye\

,"Liu Haiyang and his wife have never heard of it.

Now listening to the President Ma say that his husband and wife would like to thank Professor Ye, it makes Liu Haiyang and his wife a little confused.

"Is that your cousin Ye Rongrong?" Ma Xudong said with a smile.

"Ye Rongrong? Ye Rongrong is Professor Ye?"

Liu Haiyang and his wife were dumbfounded. How could Ye Rongrong be a professor? Isn't he a lazy country slob?

How in the mouth of the vice president of the First People's Hospital of the provincial capital. Ye Rongrong has become a professor? How could someone like him become a professor!

"Yes, Ye Rongrong is a professor at our School of Medicine at South Zhejiang University."

Ma Xudong said. Now Ma Xudong is clear that Ye Rongrong didn't tell his relatives and friends that he was a visiting professor at the School of Medicine of South Zhejiang University.

otherwise. His cousin, his niece, will not be misdiagnosed anymore. With Ye Rongrong's medical skills, you can see at a glance what the little girl's condition is.

"Is Ye Rongrong really a professor, or a professor at Zhejiang South University?"

Liu Haiyang asked with his mouth wide open. This is really surprising. How could Ye Rongrong become a professor at Zhejiang South University?

Anyway, if Liu Haiyang doesn't understand, he doesn't think so at all.

But the reality is that the impossible, it became possible.

"Okay, there's nothing serious about your daughter, just take two medicines and pay attention to her balanced diet in the future, Xiao Liu, take them to grab some medicine, and take them to eat in the cafeteria at noon."

Ma Xudong looked at the time. Later, when I still have patients to see, I will tell my student Liu Xiaohua to bring Liu Haiyang's family.

"President Ma, thank you."

Li Haiyang and Ding Haixia stood up and said thankfully.


March 3rd is really the day when the peach blossoms are in full bloom in Taoyuan Village. The reason why Taoyuan Village is called Taoyuan Village is because there are so many peach trees in the whole village. Every time the peach blossoms are in full bloom, the whole Taoyuan Village is basically a world of peach blossoms.

Especially in the peach blossom forest on the west side of the village, when you walk to the west of the village, a breeze blows. The peach blossoms are fluttering in the wind, and the charming fragrance blows over the face, making people intoxicated.

From a distance, you will feel that the peach blossom forest is like a pink ocean. The blossoming peach blossoms are like brocade of clouds, and the pink petals are set against the pale yellow stamens, which is extraordinarily delicate. Bunch and clump are covered on the branches, attracting countless bees and butterflies to dance in the flowers and be busy.

this time every year. It is also the time when there are the most foreigners in Taoyuan Village. There are several teachers of art and photography majors in the city who will bring their students to Taoyuan Village to collect scenery during this season.

After all, with the development of the economy, the environmental damage in the Wenzhou area has become more and more serious, and there are fewer and fewer villages like Taoyuan Village that still maintain their simple and natural appearance.

Especially in Taoyuan Village, there is such a large and beautiful peach forest. At this time of spring every year, the sight of peach blossoms in full bloom in the mountains and plains is really charming.

"Husband, shall we go to the west of the village to see peach blossoms?"

Liu Qingqing said to Ye Rongrong, who was lying on the armchair watching the sky.

If people who don't know Ye Rongyao see such a scene, they will think that Ye Rongrong is thinking about some profound questions and exploring the profound philosophy of life.

Anyone who knows Ye Rongyao knows that Ye Rongyao is looking at the sky and thinking about something, but is sleeping.

Liu Qingqing is very clear that his man is at home for several hours a day, in this half-sleep and half-awake state.

"Okay, this year we will go to the west of the village to see the peach blossoms, but next year we won't go to the west of the village to see the peach blossoms. The peach blossoms in our family will be more beautiful than the peach blossoms in the peach blossom forest in the west of the village."

Ye Rongrong said. After all, I have planted so many peach trees, and the peach trees I planted will be able to bloom and bear fruit next year. At that time, the beautiful scene will definitely not be worse than the peach blossom forest in the west of the village.

Speaking of the peach blossom forest in the west of the village, Ye Rongyao remembered that there were a few peach trees there that belonged to his own family.

When he was a child, Ye Rongyao ate the most mentioned fruit, even this peach. After all, there were many peach trees in the peach forest in the village, but they were all hundreds of years old. And it doesn't taste as good as those new breeds of peaches on the market.

I can't buy it in the market at all, I just keep it at my own home. If I can't finish eating it, it rots, so I feed it to the pigs. The pigs also like to eat peaches.

If it weren't for the fact that the village could collect a little entrance fee from the tourists who came to see the peach blossoms every year, the peach trees in the huge peach forest in the west of the village would have been cut down and planted with other fruit trees.

"Husband, let's go quickly. I heard from Aunt Liu that many people went to the west of the village to see peach blossoms today. The west of the village is very lively, and there are many hawkers setting up stalls there." Liu Qingqing said.

Huaxia's small business and hawkers are the most diligent. They keep abreast of the flow of people in each place in a large area nearby. As long as there is any activity in any place and the flow of people suddenly increases a lot, they can be seen.

"Okay, let's go."

Ye Rongrong was very happy to accompany his wife to see the peach blossoms.

In China, peach blossoms have always been in the circle of love. People often say that peach blossoms are lucky because peach blossoms can bring people opportunities for love. With the blessings of peach blossoms, I believe you will soon have your own love!

Many ancients liked to use peach blossoms to make poems. Cui Hu's "Tiducheng Nanzhuang" poem said: "Last year in this gate today, the peach blossoms on the faces of the people are red. The faces of the people don't know where to go, but the peach blossoms still smile in the spring breeze."

Among them, the poem "Peach Blossoms on the Face of People" has become the most popular poem about peach blossoms.

There is also a moving legend here. Legend has it that Cui Hu, a scholar in the Tang Dynasty, went out to the suburbs during the Qingming Festival and met a girl in a peach forest. At this time, the peach blossoms were blooming, and the girl's cheeks were reflected pink by the peach blossoms, which was particularly touching.

Cui Hu asked the girl for a bowl of water and left immediately, but the girl's face could not be forgotten for a long time. In the second year of Qingming, Cui Hu came to the peach forest again, but saw that the peach blossoms did not see the girl. It turned out that the girl passed away because she missed him and was depressed, and Cui Hu was heartbroken.

So I wrote the above verse. In just a few words, a feeling of melancholy and pity appeared on the paper, no wonder it has touched the hearts of countless people for thousands of years.

There is even a legend that an immortal felt this and brought the girl back to life, fulfilling this beautiful marriage, and the peach blossom is the testimony of this touching love.

In fact, the poems about peach blossoms first originated from the "Book of Songs", "The peach blossoms are young, and their flowers are shining. When the son returns, it is suitable for his family."

The poet uses the scorching peach blossoms to lift up his thoughts for his wandering husband. After reading it, he is deeply desolate and touching.

Peach blossoms not only represent love, but also connect peach blossoms with friendship. There is a poem by Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, "Li Bai was about to travel in a boat, but suddenly he heard the sound of stepping on the shore. The peach blossom pool is thousands of feet deep, and it is not as deep as Wang Lun to send me love. "

In the poem "Giving to Wang Lun", the author uses exaggerated contrast rhetoric to express his sincere friendship with his friends vividly and to the extreme. Although the peach blossom pool is not a peach blossom, the peach blossom is already a beautiful symbol in people's minds.

"April in the world is exhausted, and peach blossoms in mountain temples begin to bloom. Everlasting regret has nowhere to go for spring, and I don't know where to turn.

Poet Bai Juyi's "Peach Blossoms in Dalin Temple" depicts a fairyland in the world, and describes the joys and sorrows of the world. The temples and temples are very quiet, and the peach blossoms in full bloom seem to break the tranquility of the mountain temple.

Su Shi was a great writer and a painter at the same time. From the perspective of a poet, he appreciates the paintings and realizes that spring is truly extraordinary.

"There are three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, and the spring river warms the duck prophet. The wormwood is full of reeds and short buds, which is the time for the puffer fish." Spring is so beautiful, life is so beautiful, peach blossom is a symbol of spring, and life is beautiful symbolize...


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