The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 746 Accidents Caused by 1 Yuan

"Xiao Si, give each of them a dollar." Ye Rongrong said to Xiao Si.

In the past, when Ye Rongrong met someone who begged to him and felt that the other party was pitiful, he would give fifty cents or one piece.

Ye Rongyao wouldn't give a little more, after all, Ye Rongrong's own life was very poor at that time.

But now Ye Rongrong asked Xiaosi'er to give these beggars a dollar, not to pity these people.

After all, with Ye Rongrong's medical skills, you can see at a glance that these people look miserable, lacking arms and legs, it seems that no one is a perfect person, in fact, these are all fake.

These people are very healthy, and there are no missing arms or legs at all. The exposed broken arms and legs are all fake, and they are all very realistic fakes.

If it weren't for the trouble, Ye Rongyao would not even pay a dollar to these people for fear of sweeping away his wife's Yaxing who was shopping today.


According to Ye Rongyao's request, Xiaosi'er gave each of these people a dollar.

At this time, Xiao Si'er subdued his brother Glory, and when he was surrounded by these beggars just now, these people panicked.

Why wouldn't these people think of giving these beggars fifty cents or one dollar, either to send them away or to disgust them.

"One dollar, you send beggars.!"

A middle-aged beggar with a total disability who was lying on a skateboard said very upset.

"Yes, you can't send us a dollar."

"It's a waste of our time, just give a dollar, there's no way."

"One dollar, we really think we are beggars."


Seeing Xiao Si'er giving everyone a dollar each, these beggars immediately exploded their nests.

What a joke.

If it's for a dollar, do you still need to surround this group of people and not let them go?

After so much time, I have been begging for several dollars, and I am still waiting here eagerly for this dollar.

The reason why everyone surrounds this group of people is to see that the beautiful and somewhat excessive woman casually gave the old beggar 100 yuan just now.

In addition, the bag in this woman's hand is a top international brand, and the market price is more than 100,000 Huaxia coins.

If you want to know how to make this fake beggar well, you need to know the brands of these luxury goods and who are the rich.

You must know that if these rich people are overflowing with love, they will give a lot of money!

After all, in the eyes of these rich people, one hundred yuan of ordinary people is equal to one dollar of them.

So these people stared at Liu Qingqing and a group of people, trying to corrupt a little money on her.

Now take one dollar per person and send everyone away, how can these beggars be willing!

"Did I hear it wrong, aren't you beggars?"

Seeing that these fake beggars didn't leave even after taking the money, Ye Rongrong's expression turned cold immediately.


A fake beggar was stopped by Ye Rongrong, and these people are really beggars.

In fact, most of the time, the passers-by who pass by in front of him can give one dollar by himself, and he will steal the fun.

But now these people give themselves a dollar, they always feel dissatisfied and angry.

The reason seems to be psychological imbalance, why did you give the old woman one hundred yuan, and these people only gave one dollar after dawdling for so long.

It's not fair, I am now a disabled person with a broken foot, which is much more miserable than that old woman.

It's impossible to make way for people like yourself for a dollar.

"We are not beggars, we are disabled people."

A beggar with a quicker mind immediately said unconvinced.

"Yes, we are disabled people."

"Yes, we are the disabled. Do you still have humanity? We are so pitiful that we have no compassion at all."

"My leg was cut off by gangsters when I was brave for righteousness. I didn't let the state subsidize one dollar, and I begged to live on my own. Are you so cruel and give one dollar? You are the heart of a humble hero."

A middle-aged beggar with a broken foot shouted. For fear that the surrounding onlookers would not know that he was once a hero who fought for justice.

"It's true, this beggar with a broken foot is still a hero who is brave in doing justice. When his foot was chopped up by gangsters when he was brave in doing justice, he is really an amazing person. He would rather beg to support himself than take State subsidies."

An onlooker said with emotion. The masses have thought about it, and they will give him a few hundred dollars later.

You can't chill the hearts of heroes.

Immediately, the onlookers' eyes changed when they saw Ye Rongrong and the others, and they felt that they were insulting the hero by giving a dollar to this brave hero.

"Are you telling the truth about what this beggar with broken feet is saying? Is he really a beggar who is righteous and brave?"

In the crowd of onlookers, two middle-aged men were discussing in a low voice.

"You believe what this beggar says. Nine out of ten beggars are fake. I tell you, don't look at this person's broken leg, it's just a prosthesis."

"No, it's too similar, isn't it?"

"It's not like, it's not like you have deceived the kind-hearted people. I tell you that these beggars who pretend to be miserable, sing and talk about themselves are all liars."

"Are all liars?"

"Mom, this broken-leg uncle is a hero," a little girl said to her mother.

"Nana, don't believe the beggar's words, he is a hero and a liar at all," said the little girl's mother.

The little girl's mother often brings her children to play in Wanda Plaza. She has some understanding of these beggars. If these people were heroes, the sun would come out from the west.


As soon as the beggar with a broken foot said that he used to be a hero who did justice and bravery, this broken foot was chopped up by gangsters when he was brave in justice, and people immediately began to talk about it.

Some believed the beggar's words, thought he was good, and began to sympathize with him.

Some felt that what the beggar said was deceitful and unreliable.

But these have nothing to do with Ye Rongyao. Now Ye Rongrong is unhappy that he has already given money to these beggars, but they are still blocking the way and not letting him go. They really think that he is easy to bully.

"Oh, you said that your foot was broken when you acted bravely, didn't you?"

Ye Rongrong looked coldly at this middle-aged beggar with a broken leg and said.


The middle-aged beggar has long been involved in the play, and feels that his broken foot was broken by a gangster when he was brave enough to act in justice. Anyway, no one will really investigate this matter.

And what this story wants to say these days to make others believe, you must first make yourself believe it.

"Well, since you said that your leg was broken by the gangster when you were brave enough to do justice, I'll take it as if it was broken by the gangster."

Ye Rongrong said, and walked towards the middle-aged beggar with a broken leg.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing the tall and burly Ye Rongyao walking towards him, the middle-aged beggar with a broken foot couldn't help looking at Ye Rongrong with a nervous expression and asked.

It was because Ye Rongyao's height and physique put a lot of pressure on these beggars. If it was normal, everyone would not be afraid of him.

But not now. In broad daylight, people like myself have either broken hands or broken legs. Some have polio, and some are paralyzed.

It's just that none of them came from normal people, so where is the opponent of this tall man.

Unless everyone stops pretending, but in that case, they will have to change places to beg in the future, and no one here will believe in these beggars anymore.

But changing the place is not as simple as talking about it. Good places are basically occupied by a group of special beggars, and it is difficult for outsiders to get in.

Too biased place, and can't get money.

The final result will definitely be another fight for territory, another bloody storm.

Therefore, no one will easily give up the area of ​​Wanda Plaza. This place is very good, with a lot of traffic and many young people.

This young man is so deceitful, has strong sympathy, and earns so much money.

"Help you become a real hero."

Ye Rongrong picked up the middle-aged beggar with a broken foot.

"You...what are you doing?"

Being carried by Ye Rongrong, the middle-aged beggar was afraid.

I have met a violent man.

"What do you say?"

Ye Rongyao put the middle-aged man on the ground and stepped on the broken leg of the middle-aged beggar.


The middle-aged beggar immediately screamed in pain.

It really hurts.

This foot stepped on his little foot tied to his thigh, and the middle-aged beggar in pain was crying.

"Ah..., I still have feelings, yes, if I step on two more feet, your leg will probably be fine, how can a hero who is brave and brave can break his foot, I will treat you again, and take care of your foot will be fine. "

After Ye Rongyao finished speaking, he stepped on the middle-aged man's calf again.

"Ah..., it hurts... don't step on it, my foot is healed."

The middle-aged beggar said quickly. If you are stepped on like this again, your leg will really be broken.

He really became a "hero" who acted bravely for justice, but this middle-aged beggar didn't want to be this "hero".

"Don't beat people, is it interesting to bully the disabled?"

A young girl saw Ye Rongyao beat and kicked a beggar who had broken his leg because of his courageous actions, and immediately stood up righteously and pointed at Ye Rongrong.

"Yes, to bully these disabled people just because of their height. It's just unconscionable." Another girl with a strong sense of justice stood up and pointed at Ye Rongyao.


Soon, a dozen young men and women came out to criticize Ye Rongrong's behavior.

Basically, they were all young men and women in their twenties, and no one who was a little older came out to accuse Ye Rong of what was wrong.

Maybe it's because he's getting older, he has more scruples, and he doesn't have the courage of this young man.

"What do you know, idiot."

When Liu Qingqing saw someone accusing his man, he immediately ran over and scolded these young people.

Liu Qingqing does not allow anyone to scold his man in front of him.

"Wife, I'll take care of it, you still stand behind and bump it carefully."

Ye Rongrong said to Liu Qingqing.


Seeing what her man said, Liu Qingqing obediently retreated behind Xiao Si'er and Weng Tao, and stood with Pan Chengchen and the others.

After the second update is over, the otaku try to put out the third update. I hope everyone subscribes to the otaku book. This subscription is really bad.

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