The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 853 Typhoon Transit

Luoqiu Chinese Network

"Husband, let's play, I'll watch TV."

Liu Qingqing said.

Now that she is about to give birth, Liu Qingqing can't sit for a long time, and playing mahjong is also a physical labor.

"Pharaoh, are you coming?"

Ye Rongrong looked at Wang Bingzhen and asked.

"You are all young people, am I not suitable for an old man?"

Wang Bingzhen said.

"There is nothing inappropriate, three missing one, that's all."

Ye Guangyao said involuntarily.

Soon, four people played mahjong around the mahjong table.

In China, Mahjong, like poker, has a very wide audience, and people basically play it.

But now in Yangping County, if married women often go out to play mahjong, you have to be careful.

In Yangping County, many women's extramarital affairs start with playing mahjong.

There is such a thing here.

A man is on good terms with others. He always tells his wife that he is playing mahjong with his colleague. She has met his colleague. He looks honest and speaks sincerely.

His wife called and asked his colleague, saying yes, it's called, three are missing and one is missing.

When there are many times, the wife becomes suspicious, and as soon as she suspects, she investigates.

As a result, the problem came out. It turned out that the husband was a bee. When a woman finds her husband's colleague and tells her about it, the colleague will be embarrassed, saying long live the crime, isn't this covering up an extramarital affair.

Once or twice, the woman and her husband's colleagues got on well.

One day this woman was with her husband's colleague, and just in time, her man called. This "colleague" wanted to get dressed and leave.

The woman said, let's play for a while.

The man said, you don't know what to do, what should he do when he comes back?

The woman said, it doesn't matter, he said he was playing mahjong with you.

Playing mahjong is one of the reasons why a man is so good. Think about it, if you want to leave, it's immoral.

Of course, it's fine to use it as an excuse for cheating.

So one day when you call to ask your wife what she is doing, if she says she is playing mahjong, you should pay attention.



Suddenly there was a loud wind outside the house, as if a ghost was crying and a wolf howling.

The doors and windows were blown by the strong wind and kept "crackling".

"Typhoon is coming."

Hearing the wind outside, Ye Rongyao put the mahjong on and said.

"Let me see."

As soon as Fang Bolin put down the card, she immediately ran to the window to see the scene outside.

Looking outside the yard, through the light, Fang Bolin could only see the storm outside, especially the wind was very strong. A big tree not far from the yard was cut off by the wind, and the small tree was even worse. , was uprooted.

The things in the yard were also swept up and down by the wind. The wind was blowing violently outside the window, and there were sounds of broken sounds from time to time.

Even Fang Bolin saw that the tiles on the roof on the side were overturned and blown away by the wind.

"This typhoon is so scary."

Seeing the scene outside, Fang Bolin said a little in shock.

Fortunately, if you spend the night in Ye Rongrong's house, if you stay in Wang Lao's yard, you, Wang Lao and the nanny will definitely be frightened.

It turned out that after Wang Bingzhen settled here, he drove all the bodyguards back, leaving only a nanny who took care of his daily life.

"Fortunately, this typhoon is not very strong."

Ye Rongrong looked out the window. Although he felt a little distressed for the trees that were blown down by these typhoons, he was relieved. The wind force of this typhoon was not very strong, it did not reach level 12 or above, and its destructive power was limited.

Now Ye Rongyao was worried about the continuation of the typhoon. In general typhoons, the maximum wind force lasted for about one or two hours before weakening.

"Such a big typhoon, isn't it big?"

Fang Bolin asked unexpectedly.

"Of course it's not big. Last year's typhoons were bigger than this."

Pan Chengchen looked out the window and said.

Fortunately, this typhoon is not big. If the typhoon is big, the loss of Brother Ye's family will be huge.

"It looks like the typhoon made landfall elsewhere.


Wang Bingzhen looked out the window and said.

The most feared thing about this typhoon is that it will strike from the front. If it lands in that place, it will be unlucky.

Every year, there are not a few people who die unexpectedly due to typhoons.

"Okay, no matter what, let's continue playing mahjong."

Looking at the trees that were uprooted by the typhoon outside, Ye Rongyao felt a little distressed, but in this violent storm, Ye Rongyao had no choice but to watch helplessly, these trees were blown down by the wind.

So Ye Rongrong wanted to be out of sight and ignore this matter.


The few girls who watched the scene outside were a little scared, so they returned to the mahjong table to play mahjong.

This mahjong is a good thing. When I was excited, I forgot that there was still a typhoon outside.


"power cut."

Everyone just sat down at the mahjong table when suddenly the whole room went dark.

You don't need to look to know it's a power outage.

As long as there is a typhoon, there will be a power outage seven or eight times out of ten.

"Wife, don't move on the bed."

Ye Rongyao immediately said to Liu Qingqing.

Now the room is pitch black, and Liu Qingqing is the one Ye Yaoyao is most worried about.

"Husband, I know."

With her husband in the house, although the room suddenly turned dark, Liu Qingqing was not afraid at all, because Liu Qingqing knew that she was the safest where her husband was.

It's not like ten years ago, once the power goes out, it's very troublesome. You have to look for a flashlight or a candle or a match in the dark. Sometimes you can't find anything.

So more than ten years ago, every household in the village had several flashlights, which were basically placed in the bed or beside the bed.

It's different now, as soon as the phone is taken out, it can be used as a flashlight.

No, it was not even a minute after the power outage, and the bedroom was lit up. Everyone used the flashlight function of their mobile phones. The light from the flashlights of five or six mobile phones directly illuminated the bedroom very brightly.

"I'm looking for candles."

Ye Rongyao stood up, found a few candles prepared in advance from the drawer in the bedroom, and lit them with a lighter.

The bedroom is just over 20 square meters in size, and with three candles lit, the room is very bright.

"It's estimated that the wires are broken somewhere."

Ye Rongyao sat down on the mahjong table and said with a smile.

Ye Rongrong has been used to this kind of thing so much.

Don't be panicked by a sudden power outage.

"Boss, is there a typhoon here every year?"

Fang Bolin asked curiously.

Fang Bolin is from the north and has never experienced a typhoon in the south. This is the first time she has come into contact with a typhoon, and she is very curious.

Especially this typhoon can break such thick trees. If people are in the typhoon, they will be blown away by the wind.

"It happens every year, and there are more than one or two times a year, but the typhoons that have an impact on us are basically between July and October. At other times, those typhoons will not pass through us, and they will not affect us. Big."

Ye Rongrong said.

"Wouldn't it be very troublesome if there were three or five such typhoons in a year?"

Fang Bolin asked.

"It's quite troublesome, but fortunately, the place where the typhoon landed varies from year to year, and the size also varies from year to year, especially since it has little impact on us here. A typhoon as big as this one is also one of three , once every five years.”

Ye Rongrong explained.

If there are three or five typhoons like this every year, how can the farmers in Yangping County live?


While Ye Rongyao was speaking, Pan Chengchen played a card.



Ye Rongyao said as soon as the card in his hand fell down.

"Glory, why are you fooling around again?"

Wang Bing really looked at Ye Rongrong and said depressed.

This night, it's not that he has never cheated, basically Ye Ronghao has cheated.

"Yeah, boss, are you cheating? Why is it all your nonsense?"

Fang Bolin also said very depressed.

This night, I lost and never won.

What is this?

You must know that Fang Bolin is still very confident in her mahjong skills. Whether she is studying in college or after work, playing mahjong with others is more winning than losing less.

But today, I haven't won a set, I just kept losing.

"Yeah, Brother Ye, why are you the only one who won today?"

Pan Chengchen also said depressedly.

In the mahjong match at night, among the four, Ye Rongyao won alone, and everyone lost, and they lost very badly.

"Hehe, this is mainly because my gambling skills are too good."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

Ye Rongyao didn't mean to win, but just played mahjong casually.

But Ye Rongyao, who has "gambling skills", even if he doesn't think about it, he will clearly know which card to play in his mind.

This "gambling technique" had now become Ye Rongyao's instinct, and it was an easy task to win against rookie-level players like Pan Chengchen.

Without thinking.

"Don't play anymore, it doesn't make any sense to lose."

Wang Bing said really depressed.

Everyone likes playing mahjong, just like the feeling of winning. If you lose all the time, there is no point in it.

"Don't, you guys continue to play mahjong. Aunt Liu can play mahjong instead of me."

Ye Rongyao said immediately.

In fact, Ye Rongyao also felt that it was not interesting at all. His gambling skills, playing with Pan Chengchen and the others were really too bullying.

"I, I can't, I always lose in mahjong!"

Aunt Liu, who was watching Ye Rongrong and the others playing mahjong, said quickly.

Aunt Liu can play mahjong, but that technique is very stinky. Playing mahjong on the table is like giving money to people.

"It's okay, Aunt Liu, I've won so much, I'm not afraid of you losing."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile. Ye Rongyao had won a lot, but they were all poker cards, not real money.

Ye Rongyao didn't want to really ask Fang Bolin and the others for their money, so he wished Aunt Liu would export so many points in her hand.

"Aunt Liu, just sit down and play. Our level is not good. If your level is great, we won't dare to play with you."

Pan Chengchen said to Aunt Liu.

"All right."

Seeing what everyone said, Aunt Liu was moved. After watching mahjong for so long, Aunt Liu also felt a little itchy.


"Wife, what are you doing?"

Ye Rongyao went to bed, sat beside Liu Qingqing and asked. (~^~)Luoqiu Chinese Website

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