The Local Lazy Man System

Chapter 865 Kitten


Just when Ye Rongyao watched the big python disappear into the deep forest, he was about to leave.

Suddenly, Ye Rongyao heard a cat meowing from the side.

Ye Guangyao turned his head to look, and saw a golden-colored kitten meowing at him not far from him. Although the weather was a little dark now, Ye Guangyao could still clearly see that this golden-colored little kitten was meowing at him. The cat, with blood stains on his body, is injured.

Why are there cats here?

Ye Rongrong was a little puzzled.

Moreover, a person as big as himself is here, in the mountains and forests, such small animals are very timid, and they hide as far as they go.

Where, like this cat, is still near him and does not leave.

As if he wasn't worried about hurting it.

However, if we talk about animals that are easy to get close to people, in addition to dogs, it is cats.

Urban people keep cats as pets, while in rural areas, many people keep cats, mainly to prevent mice.

In the countryside, there is another saying that dogs are very homesick and cannot be beaten away, but cats are different. They dislike the poor and love the rich. If they don’t eat well at home, they will run away.

Many lynxes near Taoyuan Village are domestic cats that run away from the villagers' homes. After staying in the mountains for a long time, they become lynx.

So when spring comes, the village often hears the cry of a lynx from the mountains at night. It sounds like a baby crying. It is as terrifying as it is.


Seeing that Ye Rongyao was leaving, this kind of kitten followed Ye Rongyao closely and barked at him.

"Why do you keep calling me?"

Ye Rongrong looked at the kitten with some doubts, and it could be seen that this kind of kitten wanted to follow him on purpose.


The kitten looked back at his legs, and then called to Ye Rongrong again.

Ye Rongrong followed the kitten's line of sight and saw that there was blood on the kitten's hind feet. It seemed that the kitten's hind feet were injured.

"You want me to heal your wound?"

Ye Rongrong asked suspiciously.


The kitten barked, Ye Rongyao understood that the kitten wanted to heal its wound by himself.

It seems that I gave it to the python just now, and was seen by this very spiritual kitten.

The purpose of calling it to myself is to treat its wounds by myself.

This really comes from a very smart kitten.

"it is good."

Ye Rongyao took out the dog skin plaster from his Qiankun ring and squatted down.

Seeing Ye Rongyao holding the dog skin plaster in his hand, the kitten knew that Ye Rongyao had healed its wound.

So he didn't dodge, but stood quietly and let Ye Rongyao treat it.


Soon Ye Rongrong put the dog skin plaster on the kitten's wound.

Ye Rongyao's dog skin plaster is particularly effective for bruises, not only for humans, but also for animals.

"Okay, you can go, I'm going back too!"

After giving the kitten good medicine, Ye Rongyao looked at the sky, and it was almost completely dark.

It's time to go back. If you don't go back, your wife will be worried.


As soon as Ye Rongyao was going to leave, the kitten bit Ye Rongyao's trousers and didn't let him go.

Halo, this is corrupting myself.

"Are you going back with me?"

Ye Rongyao looked at the kitten and asked.


The kitten yelped and nodded.

It seems that this kitten can hear people's words perfectly.

"All right!"

Ye Rongrong saw that this kitten was well-behaved and cute, and was so spiritual that he thought of raising it.


Perhaps understanding that Ye Rongyao was going to take it away, the kitten barked excitedly.

Ye Yaoyao gently touched the kitten's golden cat with his hand. The kitten felt very comfortable, and rubbed Ye Yaoyao's hand with his head, looking very obedient.

Seeing that the cat was very obedient, Ye Rongrong picked up the kitten and quickly went to the village down the mountain.

Going up is easy, going down is hard.

But for Ye Rongyao, there is no problem with even flying, not to mention going down the mountain, directly using Lingbo Microstep, and arriving at his home in ten minutes.

As for flying, Ye Rongrong felt that if it was not necessary, try not to fly in the sky as much as possible, it was really superhuman.

There are so many satellites around in the sky, monitoring the surface of the earth, and it is troublesome to be suddenly monitored by these satellites.


"Husband, you're back, I'm worried to death."

As soon as Ye Rongyao returned to the yard, he saw Liu Qingqing watching anxiously at the door of the yard.

"It's not that you don't know, your man's ability, who can hurt your man!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"People are just worried. Hey, husband, what's in your arms?"

At this time, Liu Qingqing finally noticed the kitten in Ye Rongrong's arms.

"This should be a lynx. I met him in the mountains, and he wanted to follow me back, so I brought it back."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"What a beautiful cat, and a bit like a little tiger."

Liu Qingqing carefully looked at the golden kitten in front of him and said.

This cat's hair is all golden, which is rarely seen in Taoyuan Village. Liu Qingqing fell in love with this cat at first sight.

"Husband, can I hug it?"

First of all, when it comes to dogs, women prefer cats, because cats are small and can be carried around at any time, and cats are also very sticky to their owners.


"Okay, your mistress holds the kitten, but be nice."

Ye Rongrong explained.

After all, this lynx is very wild, and when it is unhappy, it will hurt people.

The kitten understands that the woman in front of her is her future owner, and she still hugs Liu Qingqing obediently without struggling.

"The cat is hurt."

Holding the kitten, Liu Qingqing naturally noticed the dog skin plaster on the kitten's feet and the bloodstains there.

"Yeah, this kitten is very smart. When it gets hurt, it comes to me and asks me to heal it." Ye Rongrong said.

"So smart?"

Liu Qingqing asked in surprise.

Knowing how to find a human to save himself, this kitten is also amazing.

"Yes, so I brought it home." Ye Rongrong said.

"Sister Qingqing, what's so smart?"

Walking out of the yard at this time, Pan Chengchen asked curiously.

"This cat, this cat knows how to ask people for help!"

Liu Qingqing pointed to the kitten in his arms and said.

"What a beautiful kitty!"

Pan Chengchen looked at the kitten in Liu Qingqing's arms and couldn't help exclaiming.

Such a beautiful kitten is really rare in the village.

Most of the cats in the village are black cats and white cats, because the villagers think that these two kinds of cats are not only good at catching mice.

More importantly, in rural superstitions, these black cats and white cats can exorcise evil spirits, and keeping one at home will prevent all evil from entering.

"It's very beautiful. Husband, did you name it?"

Liu Qingqing looked up at Ye Rongyao and asked.

"Not yet, when you come back and let you name it?"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile. If he wanted to choose his own name, Ye Rongyao really couldn't choose a good name, most of which were very earthy names such as Xiaohua, Wangcai, and Xiaojin.

"It looks like a little tiger, or it's called a tiger head."

Liu Qingqing thought about it and said.

"it is good."

Ye Rongyao had no opinion on the name.

"Sister-in-law Qingqing, let me hug the tiger's head."

Pan Chengchen also hugged the golden kitten.

"it is good."

Liu Qingqing hands the kitten to Pan Chengchen.

"Wife, is the meal ready? I'm hungry."

Ye Rongyao touched his stomach and said.

"Okay, eat and go to the rebirth of a bad girl: the cultivation of a good wife

. "

Liu Qingqing happily took Ye Rongyao's arm and said.


"Chenchen, how are you recruiting?"

After dinner, Ye Rongrong asked Pan Chengchen.

"It's almost there, basically all of them have been recruited, and a few more should be recruited soon."

Pan Chengchen reports to Ye Rongronghui.

After all, this charitable foundation has a big reputation, and many people are willing to come, and Pan Chengchen's recruits are basically young people, and many are college students who have just graduated from school.

Nowadays, skilled workers, manual workers, and people with work experience are difficult to recruit, but college students who are like a blank sheet of paper are still very easy to recruit.

It's only been two days, and Pan Chengchen has almost recruited all the people.

The idea of ​​recruiting fresh graduates was put forward by Fang Bolin, who said that such young people who have just walked out of the campus and have not been worn out by the complex society with their ideals and kind hearts are the most suitable for this kind of charity work.

And this kind of person is also easy to manage, and if they are trained well, they are completely people of the Foundation.

"Very good. The day after tomorrow, Linlin will be back. I will go to the foundation to see and meet everyone. You can pack a big box at the Kaiyuan Hotel the night after tomorrow, and I will invite everyone to dinner."

Ye Rongrong thought for a while and said.

After all, he is also the chairman of the foundation, so he must meet the employees who work for him, so that they can understand who is their boss.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements tomorrow."

Pan Chengchen nodded in response.

"What's the matter, is there something difficult?"

Seeing that Pan Chengchen frowned, Ye Rongrong couldn't help but ask.

"Boss, now the charitable foundation doesn't have its own bank account. The funds used now are all paid by me, but I don't have that much money!"

Pan Chengchen said embarrassingly.

It turns out that this charitable foundation has not been fully established yet. It does not have an independent bank account belonging to the charitable foundation, nor does it have a dedicated financial department. The funds currently used are the 200,000 cash that Ye Rong gave last time, but the office supplies were purchased. And office equipment, basically spend almost the same.

The money used in the past few days is still from Pan Chengchen's own pocket, but Pan Chengchen doesn't have much money himself, so how can he survive for a few days.

After all, there are about twenty people who want to eat and drink.

"This is my mistake. What's your bank account number? I'll transfer 200,000 yuan to your bank account first."

Ye Guangyao said embarrassedly.

The last time I said that I wanted to buy office supplies and equipment, Ye Rongyao gave Fang Bolin 200,000 in cash, but he didn't care about it, but he forgot that the foundation has just started, and there are many places to spend money. Where can 200,000 be enough? .

"Boss, the finance department should be established quickly!" Pan Chengchen said.

Without this financial department, no one will manage the money, and there will be no land to receive the money. It is very troublesome. You can't ask the boss for money every time!


The QQ group 415~224~848 of the local lazy crowd 4 of the system, welcome everyone to come. (To be continued.)

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