Ye Rongyao hurriedly opened his eyes and saw that the light had been turned on, but it was also convenient. At first glance, Ye Rongyao saw that it was the eldest sister in the next bed who was crying in pain. √

"Miss, are you going to give birth?"

Liu Qingqing also woke up at this time and asked the elder sister who was crying in pain.

"Yeah, I feel like I'm going to give birth, bro, ring the bell for me!"

The eldest sister on the next bed said to Ye Rongrong.

Now, every ward in the hospital has a bell installed near the wall. If there is an urgent need to call the nurse, just press the bell and the nurse will come over quickly.

At this point, the nurses at Yangping County People's Hospital are still doing a good job. At least no one has complained about the phenomenon that the medical staff in the hospital will not arrive for half a day after the patient rings the emergency bell.

"it is good!"

Ye Rongrong glanced at the eldest sister next to the bed, determined that she was really about to give birth, and helped to ring the bell.

"Brother, thank you. I'll trouble you to call my man later and tell him that I'm going to give birth and ask him to come over quickly."

The eldest sister said to Ye Rongrong.

As a woman who has given birth to two children, the eldest sister is still very experienced and does not panic at all.

"Miss, you didn't, did you?"

Seeing the eldest sister next door, Liu Qingqing held the sheet tightly in her hands and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, before giving birth to a child, women always have to hurt for a while, and it's fine when the child is born!"

This eldest sister is really powerful. Although it hurts a lot, she still holds back and doesn't shout loudly.

Ye Rongyao had seen it before, a pregnant woman screamed in pain before giving birth, and that look was really scary.

The pain was so painful that she screamed for a caesarean section. In the end, her family had no choice but to give her a caesarean section.

Soon, a nurse came over.

"what happened?"

The nurse looked at the elder sister and asked.

"My stomach hurts a lot, I think I'm about to give birth," said the eldest sister.

"Let me see……"

The female nurse checked and confirmed that the eldest sister was really about to give birth.

"where is your family?"

The female nurse frowned.

This woman is about to give birth, why is there no one around to take care of her?

"Can't wait for them, I'm really going to give birth!"

The eldest sister was sweating all over her head.

"Wait, I'm going to call the nurse!"

The nurse said, and left the ward, and soon came with two women in nurse clothes.

In this area of ​​Yangping County, the nurses, doctors, and nurses in the obstetrics and gynecology department are basically women, not men.

After all, no man wants another man to see his wife's penis, not even a doctor.

"Husband, eldest sister will be okay?"

Seeing the eldest sister on the next bed sitting in a wheelchair and being pushed out of the ward, Liu Qingqing asked anxiously.

"It's okay, it's just about having a baby."

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

It seems that my wife is still very nervous about having children!

"Eldest sister is really brave. I see that she is really in pain, but she still endured the pain to comfort me."

Liu Qingqing said.

Just now, the aching forehead of the eldest sister in the hospital bed next door was sweating. Of course, Liu Qingqing could see it clearly.

"You will be brave too!"

Ye Rongyao held Liu Qingqing's hand and said.

"Husband, hurry up and call the eldest sister's husband!"

Liu Qingqing remembered that her man hadn't called her eldest sister's man.

"Who is it!"

Soon the phone was connected, and a middle-aged man's unhappy voice came from the phone.

After all, it's already two o'clock in the morning, and anyone who is woken up at this time will be unhappy.

"Are you Zhang Hong's husband?"

Ye Rongrong asked.

As for the name of the eldest sister, you only need to look at the sign at the bedside to know. When each patient checks in, the basic information such as the patient's name and age will be put on the sign at the bedside.

In this way, the nurse will not make the wrong person. When the doctor visits the ward every day,

The information of each patient can also be found correctly.

"I am, who are you?"

The middle-aged man asked suspiciously.

"Your wife is in the delivery room now, and she is about to give birth, come here quickly!" Ye Rongrong said.

"What? I'm going to give birth, I'll go right there!"

When the middle-aged man heard it, he immediately said.

The middle-aged man didn't think that his wife would give birth early. After all, he talked to his wife on the phone at noon, and she said that he hadn't yet, how could he give birth in the middle of the night in a blink of an eye.

"You hurry up!"

Ye Rongyao also hung up the phone.

"My eldest sister is really pitiful. She has given birth to a child, and there is no one to accompany her."

When Liu Qingqing saw that his man had hung up the phone, he said.

Looking at the eldest sister just now, Liu Qingqing felt that she was really too happy. At the very least, her man was always by her side.

In Liu Qingqing's view, the most important thing is that his man can accompany him by his side.

"Okay, wife, go to sleep!"

Ye Rongrong said to Liu Qingqing.

"I'll wait for the eldest sister to give birth to the child, I hope she can give birth to a boy this time!" said Liu Qingqing.

"You better go to sleep. She can't come out within an hour of giving birth."

Ye Rongyao shook his head and said.

"Didn't the eldest sister say that it is like a hen laying an egg, and it is born at once?"

Liu Qingqing looked at his man suspiciously and asked.

After all, at night, I heard from the eldest sister next door that this childbirth is like laying eggs, and it looks very fast.

"How can it be so simple, this hen needs to be brewed before laying eggs, don't you think?" Ye Rongrong said to his wife with a smile.

"The hen lays eggs for brewing?"

This is the first time Liu Qingqing has heard such a statement.

"Of course, otherwise the eggs won't come down." Ye Rongrong said.

"Is that brewing painful?" Liu Qingqing asked nervously.

"Don't think too much, just go to sleep!"

Ye Rongyao touched Liu Qingqing's head and said.


Liu Qingqing answered and went to sleep with his eyes closed. After all, he woke up in the middle of the night and could fall asleep soon.


Soon, Liu Qingqing fell asleep, but Ye Yaoyao couldn't sleep, so he sat on the bed and watched the news.

Ye Rongyao is most concerned about Wang Baoqiang's affairs. Unfortunately, after searching for a long time, he has not seen any useful news. He knows that poor Wang Baoqiang has not seen his child yet.

Ye Rongyao is very concerned about this Wang Baoqiang, because this Wang Baoqiang is somewhat similar to Ye Yaoyao's in a sense.

They are all grass roots. Through his own efforts, Wang Baoqiang has built his own world in the entertainment industry and married a beautiful wife.

In the same way, Ye Rongyao used to be very grass-roots, but luck is a little better than Wangbao, because God missed Ye Rongyao and gave such a "lazy system".

Let Ye Rongyao also become a successful person in the eyes of others, and has a beautiful wife like a fairy.

For Ye Rongrong, this life is already perfect.

Ye Rongyao also believed that Wang Baoqiang, like himself, felt that his life was perfect.

It's a pity that he has too little control over his own woman.

He even let his wife get involved with his agent.

The woman he loves the most and the agent he trusts the most is actually involved. This is really a big blow for anyone.

But there is one point, Ye Rongrong feels that he is better than Wangbao, that is, he will accompany his wife every day, and will not make her feel empty and lonely.

And Wang Baoqiang's biggest problem is that he found a male agent with ulterior motives, and let this male agent surround his beautiful wife every day.

This problem, in Ye Rongyao's opinion, is a matter of time.

Ye Rongyao only hoped that Wang Bao would be strong in the future, find an agent, not someone who is more handsome than himself, it is best to find a female agent.

Of course, you can't let your wife go out alone with other men, or let other men help take care of your wife.

Because a lot of times, it's all about my good friend and my wife.


"Where's my wife?"

A middle-aged man walked into the ward and asked.

"You are Big Sister Zhang's husband. Big Sister Zhang is in the delivery room!" Ye Rongrong said, looking at the middle-aged man.

After all, everyone in this ward is now asleep, and loud noises will wake them up.


The middle-aged man responded and left the ward.

Ye Rongyao estimated that he went to wait outside the delivery room.


When Ye Rongrong was in a daze, he felt that someone walked into the ward, opened his eyes, and watched the middle-aged man carry the child into the ward, while the eldest sister was pushed into the ward by the nurse in a wheelchair.

"Boy? Girl?"

Ye Rongrong asked in a low voice.

"It's a boy!"

The middle-aged man was overjoyed when he saw Ye Rongrong asking about this, and it could be seen that he was really happy.

It was true that one girl gave birth to two girls in a row. If this child was a girl, Ye Rongrong estimated that the middle-aged man would collapse.

The concept of inheriting the lineage in rural areas is very important.

This is also because Liu Qingqing will be worried that Ye Rongrong will be unhappy when he gives birth to a girl for the first time.


Ye Rongrong smiled and congratulated the middle-aged man.

"Haha, your daughter-in-law will give you a big fat boy too."

The middle-aged man said while holding the baby in his hands.

Now this middle-aged man is loving the baby in his arms.

"Next time, this time it's a girl!"

Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"That's a pity!" said the middle-aged man.

It seems that this middle-aged man is not a little patriarchal.

"It's not a pity, the first child is not a boy, there is a second child, there will always be a boy." Ye Rongrong said with a smile.

"That's it, that's how I am."

The middle-aged man said with hatred.


The next morning, Liu Qingqing got up and saw that the eldest sister next door had woken up and was feeding the baby.

"Miss, is that a boy?"

Liu Qingqing looked at Sister Zhang who was breastfeeding the baby and asked.

"Well, it's a boy, and it weighs seven pounds at birth."

Sister Zhang said happily.

For a woman who desperately wants a son, nothing makes her happier than having a boy.

"Can I take a look?"

Liu Qingqing got up from the bed, looked at the boy in Zhang Hong's arms and asked.

"You see!"

Zhang Hong picked up the baby and showed it to Liu Qingqing.

"He's so small!"

It was the first time that Liu Qingqing had seen a newborn baby and thought he was so small. (To be continued.) 8 More wonderful novels, welcome to visit everyone's school

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